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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Bal: Yeah I just figured most people forgot that incident (and she was also exaggerating at that point, in order to be left alone.)

Woah Iso's brain just got fixed didn't it

@Lightning: Go back a few pages.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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These fragments are beginning to make no sense.

Makeouts. Achievement Unlocked!

Touching Wings. Achievement Unlocked!

Also, working out for a week does not change your figure from fat to super muscular no matter what TV commercials say. Percy's kind of a comic relief character though, so I'll let it slide.

Ugh feather fetish.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I'm a little busy so I'll be mostly lurking for a couple of hours.

@ Cynthia

The makeout session did not get rid of any fragments. It got rid of a discomfort zone, and added a few skills.

The HM only got rid of a few of them(27/30 are left ... rough estimate). I honestly had no idea Snowy was going to have her touch Iso, or he'd still have all of them. If she whacks him a few more times, he'll probably be cured XD


And this is for my own sense of amusement.


Edited by Phoenix
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So, what are other characters doing? I know Esphyr is bathing in the lake. What about others?

Tessa is now following around the cat, and probably going to wind up accidentally getting into mischief somewhere. I haven't quite decided.

Edited by Balcerzak
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I do so love the miracle of the double edged low post count I've missed. On one side, less catch up. On the other, not much happened.

What should I have my characters do? Cess is just with the group around the HM, Pary is in book land.

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Lev's not much for hurting women. You saw how long that peggie battle lasted. He could have stopped them a lot sooner, but he wanted to talk them down first.

Poor Iso. Not only is the HM a flying woman instead of a Johnny Depp type hoodie wearing archsage, but she's also too busy to help him out. Poor, poor Iso ;_; XD

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I hope something interesting/useful actually happened in the RP, real life seems to be becoming more entertaining nowadays.

People keep insisting that the places we go not get attacked anymore, so no action, thus not much happening.

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I don't mind getting attacked, so long as the rp's timeline doesn't look like this:

Day 1 Attacked!!

Day 2 Attacked!!

Day 3 Attacked!!

Day 4 Attacked!!

Day 5 Attacked!!

Day 6 Attacked!!

Day 7 Attacked!!

Day 8 Attacked!!

Day 9 Attacked!!

Day 10 Attacked!!

Day 11 Attacked!!

Day 12 Attacked!!

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