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I don't have a lesbian fetish.

I have a threesome fetish.

I was wondering why Esphyr is such a third wheel.

Anyway, I have a me and one other woman whom I'm extremely fond of fetish. I think this is called default mode :/

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@ Kai


... ... ....

*shoots Kai again*

That's my job dammit. *shoots Feenix*

*then shoots Kai several dozen times* ^_^

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@ Snowy

Just so you Katie knows, Iso's appearance has changed significantly:

Hair color:

Blood Red-->Dark Red

Eye color:

Crimson-->Burgandy-->Crimson(when pissed)

Hair length:


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Part of the reason. Also because her ability means she needs to keep them balanced... and it's also why she even HAS Arcanium and high MAG.

"I guess I should start at the beginning. From the day it was founded, TISME has regularly scouted the citizens of the city where it's headquarters were located for potential candidates; people who show high aptitude with magic. Thirteen years ago, in the middle of the summer, I passed their scouting. Yes, Daiman. I'm a mage.

At the time, I was just a child, spending her days playing happily with her friends. Tag, army, kill the demon king, you know... Kid stuff. The only odd thing was that I took too playing the caster role well; namely, the role of the healer. With my little branch in hand shouting out bogus words every time one of my friends was 'hurt'; that was how I played. Every day... Until TISME came.

They said I was skilled in magic. To be specific, even at a young age, I could elect a response from a thunder tome as well as a staff. Plus, as I played, they began to see that I had some kill whacking around my playmates with the staff; wielding it defensively like a sword. At that moment, some interest was riled within them I think. The church has always had its troubadours, but the mages can barely put someone on a horse let alone someone who can wield a blade! I was their answer. I, and about ten other children; painstakingly searched for over the years. At age five, I started to learn at TISME, to become one of the first eleven mage knights.

For three years, it went well... Until I turned eight. My parents, proud of their daughter's progress, took me too a local restaurant for a special meal; and that's where I met him. I was so young.. Too stupid to realize what that turning feeling in my stomach was... Too stupid to realize that a man talking to you while your parents get the food is a bad thing... Not wise enough to realize what had just happened yet.

The following day at class, it happened for the first time. I was 'sparring', more of stick-fighting with one of the other students, and he scored a hit on me... and I hit him back. I hit him back with a weapon none of us should have even had. I hit him back with a weapon I didn't even know I had. Class was canceled. Not just for the day, or the week, but the entire month. I remember so many adults talking about things I didn't know about right over my head, pretending I wasn't there. He survived, but no staff could heal his wounds in time.

A month later, class resumed, me separate from everyone else. There were only six of us the second time... and no one would spar with me... Until my room-mate decided she wanted... something of mine. A doll. A child's doll. TISME has had very few deaths in it's halls, despite all the magic. Teachers are usually very careful, but there was no teacher in our dorm. I was going to be ejected; and I was honestly sad. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood in the room. Three minutes later, the headmaster, along with two other circle sevens, were in this room. They must have sensed the power of my sword and known what had happened. But I didn't want to leave. I liked TISME. I... I had a chance here. A slum girl, growing up to be one of the first of a new order of knights? I wasn't going to give up! Terrified, confused, and bewildered, I raised my sword... and the headmaster sent the others from the room. A few moments later, I was returned to my family, unconscious, beaten, and defeated."

And no. It's the right thread. This is what she said about her history.

Edited by Snowy_One
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@ Snowy

Never mind ... my browser wasn't displaying Kai's post for some reason. Now it is. Picky browser :/


In other news:

Lev is one or two posts away from freaking out. Keep your eyes on the Irina.

Iso is officially a lover and a fighter and doesn't afraid of anything.

Edited by Phoenix
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@ Snowy

Never mind ... my browser wasn't displaying Kai's post for some reason. Now it is. Picky browser :/

No. Sirius arrived and deleted it.

@ Kiryn: If i feel like it i might. Will it ensure a hilarious reaction?

Edited by Kai
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