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WRT Pary's recruitment I was going to have Morgan swoop in and be "we need another staff user, join the team", but with the mushroom plot revealed that's just impossible. This is not easy.

If we want to assign alignment tropes to all the characters that's fine, but some are questionable (most characters have debatable alignments frankly). Reika's probably Chaotic Evil rather than Chaotic Neutral (she likes to burn shit and kill people for fun). Morgan is one of those characters who is hard to classify under the D&D alignment system, Lawful Neutral can fit, but so can others like Neutral Evil.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I think I saw a chart like this before :3

Isotov: Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral

Irina: Chaotic Good?

Viveka: Lawful Neutral

Ivanko: Chaotic Neutral

Ixion: Neutral Evil

Levski: Neutral Good

Ivan: Neutral Neutral

Stephanie: Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral

Shanice: Chaotic Evil

Daneka: Lawful Evil

Shamus: Chaotic Neutral

Miranda: Chaotic Neutral


She's psychotic, but she doesn't kill people unless she feels she has an opening.

Fix'd Edited by Phoenix
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Nope. It's fine.

Edit: I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure what you planned on. You could have her follow, or have her report to everyone else.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Reika is borderline that's true. I guess her stabbings haven't been *entirely* random violence, so CN can work.

Rundown- PC character alignment opinions

Esphyr- CG

Katie- LN

Damian- LG

Aiya- LG

Morgan- Let's go with LN

Charlotte- LG

Eric- LG

Derek- NG?

Dani- NG?

Viveka- LN

Irina- NG?

Isotov- N?

Tessa- NG

Kelas- CG

Arrin- NG

Cess- NG?

Pary- CN

Alferis- CG

Chase- CG

Conrad- NG

Helios- I really can't tell, CG?

Heinz- N

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Nope. It's fine.

Edit: I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure what you planned on. You could have her follow, or have her report to everyone else.

Yeah, I hadn't yet decided just how far I wanted to pursue things at the time, but needed to get something down on paper and actually submit it, because I didn't do anything yesterday, and new chapter seemed like a fine time to do so.

This works, I think I have an idea now, but still got some work to do.

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Here's my take on alignments

Esphyr- CG

Katie- LN. closer to LG than LE

Damian- LG

Aiya- LG

Morgan- LN, sliiightly closer to LG than LE

Charlotte- LG

Eric- LG

Derek- NG?

Dani- NG?

Viveka- LN, closer to LG than LE

Irina- NG

Isotov- N, closer to NG than NE

Tessa- NG

Kelas- CG

Arrin- NG

Cess- NG?

Pary- CN, so far seems closer to CE than CG...

Alferos- CG

Chase- CG at most times

Conrad- NG

Helios- NG?

Heinz- N

Reika- CN, borderline CE

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Changed Eric's Woobie to Iron, and, uh, added Shock and Awe to Dani and Knight in Sour Armor to Derek.

Eric and Derek are LG, but Dani's more CG.

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You will have to physically restrain her.Threats are no good,and neither is reason,at this point.Even if Chase's arrow had hit her in a lung,or something,she still would try to kill Pary if she was still alive(no,that is not permission to kill her)

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In case it hasn't been realized now, Chase wasn't going to go through with any of those threats he made when using a dagger... and probably won't ever. Bow threats are serious.

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@Kai: He's a Cosmic Plaything. What did you expect?

@Snowy: Update the skills? :D?

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