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@ Kiryn

Your welcome :)

@ Snowy

Morgan=Lulu (I would know)♥

Tessa=Yuna (only a little bit cause she's not madly infatuated with Arrin yet)

Viveka=Lucille (closest match)

Helenos=Dona (*sigh*)

HM=Rikku (Still love them both)♥

@ Lightning

Do you have anything planned with Conrad or should I just handle all of that?

@ RP

*wonders why it's raining CCs* o_O'

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Snow and Sazh FTW, followed by Lightning and Vanille, IMO, so far. Hope's mom was epic, as well.

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Uh, the characters are much more interesting in FF4. FF5 has complexity in the Class system, FF6 is the holy grail of RPGs. FF7 is ok, and FF9 is excellent. FFT is the pinnacle of the series.

FF1 is great, FF2 is below average and FF3 is also great.

I hate the rest. I'm not sure about 12. The damn thing doesn't want to play for some reason. FF13 I never played, but it just doesn't interest me.

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V is my personal fav. Hated III the most. Rydia, Terra, and Yuna all rock in my book. I have a thing for magical women. >.>

Anyways, went out shopping and started to reminisce about one of my older characters. A ninja who fought unarmed and worked hard to overcome her opponents with as little power as possible. When she actually decided to go full force and draw her sword... well... It never got to the point where she had to. I remember one fight with her where her opponent was a axe wielder with a axe as big as her body who wore plate armor and was still somehow as agile as the ninja. There were lots of OPed cries.

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@ Lightning

Conrad needs CCs. I'm controlling him based on what I've seen of his character in your posts but I don't have enough to go on for more complex scenarios.

@ Magical women

What kind of magic are we talking here?

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She was in a rush so Katie wasn't important(and she doesn't know about the KatiexHarold connection anyway)(Cess, Charlotte, and Aiya weren't all that important either). HM she thought was leaving at the time she wrote the note(remember this note was written before the HM started changing back into Fightmaster, and Viveka was outside at the time). She wrote the note in the stables while Lucille and Jasmine kept an eye out. She'd have mentioned the HM if she thought she was staying with the group, and besides, they need something to chat about once he gets there anyway XD

Edited by Phoenix
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Morgan is similar to Lulu now that I think about it. Lulu is a little nicer and her boobs are a bit more gratuitous I imagine.

X is my favorite FF, though haven't played 13. I probably won't get a PS3 unless another KH game comes out, though missing GoW3 makes me sad.

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X is my favorite FF, though haven't played 13.

Ditto, and I STILL HAVE THIS GAME. It's sitting right over there by my old PS2 (slim) and I can play it at any time :)

Is it not totally f*cked up that my PS2 has outlived 10 Xbox 360s? :/


Also Lulu isn't really nicer, only sympathetic once people hit rock bottom or she sees no one else around to comfort them. I'm guessing Morgan will develop this quality from spending time with Tessa sooner or later.

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Alf reminds me of Spider-Man and Reika reminds me of Black Mage.

Me too! I didn't want to say anything, and I don't really have a connection here. He just reminds me of spiderman. Is it the hand axe? I don't know. I don't see what they have in common other than social awkwardness but somehow he was the first to come to mind :/

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Kratos kills everyone. Mix in with loads of violence and sex and you have GoW3. In short, imagine 2 with prettier graphics.

Well yeah that's more or less what I expected. Excessive amounts of violence+ mythology is always a win for me.

My copy of FFX is currently loaned out to a friend in exchange for Tales of the Abyss.

I would say Viveka should have just mentioned important people in the note, though she included some more minor characters as well.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I would say Viveka should have just mentioned important people in the note, though she included some more minor characters as well.

I was trying to show Viv's gossipy/bitchy side. She will sometimes use people like Conrad as a crying shoulder, or a gossip ear. She's basically putting her feelings into the report as a way of venting. Conrad's just plain used to it by now.

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We'll make those goers goners! The goers are goin down! :P

Epic realization! :o

Levski: Anima

Morgan: Ice

If Levski and Morgan were to gain a C support, Levski would gain 1 DEF (augmenting his greatest defensive strength)

Morgan would gain 1 RES (augmenting her greatest defensive strength)

Those two increase each other's strengths! :o

I think it's absolutely awesome when things in the rp can be reflected in stats and stuff like this^.

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