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I tend to avoid double-teaming, but retconning at this point is inadvisable.

Vantage lets you avoid counters on the player phase (attack twice before the enemy gets to attack once if you double), so not useless. Stillness is though.

Now I need to go fix Viveka's post. She doubled that skeleton so she's full health.

Viveka 12/12 note it.

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Not to be contrary here, but doesn't having two passengers impair Irina's fighting ability?

And this is probably a character/player seperation thing due to Lev being an NPC, but if he can't fight due to suitcases, Irina fighting with Isotov and Katie behind her at all times...is questionable.

Don't like Damian fighting on top on Ulfy either. Riders should fight on their mounts, other people should fight unmounted except in special circumstances IMO.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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1. Tessa told Irina to fly lower.

2. They could be surrounding them on the ground, waiting for them to land.

3. They could be aiming to shoot Katie.

You're acting like this has no thought behind it at all.

RE 1:

That was flavor, due to the fact that otherwise flying units are hideously disadvantaged due to never being able to healed ever, and only lasted momentarily. I'm sure they're well back at whatever customary cruising altitude is by now.

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I tend to avoid double-teaming, but retconning at this point is inadvisable.

Vantage lets you avoid counters on the player phase (attack twice before the enemy gets to attack once if you double), so not useless. Stillness is though.

As retribution,Ulfhrahn should land on,and kill,a chunk of skeletons.

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1. Tessa told Irina to fly lower.

2. They could be surrounding them on the ground, waiting for them to land.

3. They could be aiming to shoot Katie.

You're acting like this has no thought behind it at all.

1. Fly lower. Healed, fly higher. EDIT: Bal summed it up nicely XD

2. They never landed

3. They'll miss:

If you stat attack Katie, you have to attack Iso instead(Katie can't be targeted in stat battles ♥).

If you plot attack Katie, Iso shoots the arrow down. It won't work.

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3. They'll miss:

If you stat attack Katie, you have to attack Iso instead(Katie can't be targeted in stat battles ♥).

If you plot attack Katie, Iso shoots the arrow down. It won't work.

This strikes me as "Katie cannot ever be attacked because it is inconvenient for me to deal with". Iso blocking every attack aimed at her is godmodding (unless he's foregoing attacking anything else) and the first point is illogical. Ninian can't defend herself either, but that doesn't stop the enemy from trying to hack her in two every chance they get.

Not saying Katie should be auto-targeted or anything, but if she's on the battlefield, she can be harmed.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Yeah I have to agree with Cynthia here, if she's here, she should get attacked. It's completely unrealistic to assume otherwise.

Although come to think of it, I haven't seen her stats anywhere.

Screw that.

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This strikes me as "Katie cannot ever be attacked because it is inconvenient for me to deal with". Iso blocking every attack aimed at her is godmodding (unless he's foregoing attacking anything else) and the first point is illogical. Ninian can't defend herself either, but that doesn't stop the enemy from trying to hack her in two every chance they get.

Not saying Katie should be auto-targeted or anything, but if she's on the battlefield, she can be harmed.

It's not god modding to shoot down an incoming attack. Iso wouldn't battle post while protecting her anyway so that's out. You've also got to consider that she's sitting right behind him, and they're both airborne.

If Katie was stat'd it would make sense, but lo and behold she isn't. Plot battles have always been more lenient than stat battles so I'm just using that to my advantage. It's not god modding because Iso can't protect her and stat fight. He'd be doing the same thing he did before (Morgan vs Iso event with the fire bubble) and wouldn't be able to do anything else at the time.

POST NOTE: Nothing wrong with attacking Katie. It's been done before. I'm just saying that protecting her isn't a god mod.

Edited by Phoenix
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So, I did some tracking...

Sword Skele (Esph

Sword Skele (Reika

Sword Skele (Aiya

Sword Skele (Damian

Sword Skele (Viv

Sword Skele (Irina

Sword Skele (Iso

Arch Skele (Kelas)

Sword Skele (Arrin)

Lance Skele (4/9 Alf) (Char)

Sword Skele (Aiya)

Sword Skele (Damian)

Lance Skele (Cess)

Arch Skele (Morgan)

[sword] Lance Skele (Esphyr)

All Sword Skeletons are dead

7 Lance Skeletons remain

3 Archer Skeltons remain.

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Wow, psych, that math sucks and Chase wouldn't have been KO'd, but I was conveniently going to plot KO him around now so... good job?

^Add Lance skeleton: Conrad.

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Yeah I have to agree with Cynthia here, if she's here, she should get attacked. It's completely unrealistic to assume otherwise.

Although come to think of it, I haven't seen her stats anywhere.

Screw that.

She's not going to take 7 damage or w/e, but just because she's unstatted doesn't mean she can't be wounded. We can easily assume she has something like 9HP/1 Def, which means one hit hurts her pretty badly, a very strong hit or 2 weaker ones knocks her unconscious.

@airborne Never answered my point about Irina's impairment and I still disapprove of non-mounted classes using them in combat generally.

If Isotov can block anything thrown at Katie, why can't Morgan block attacks at Tessa, Arrin at Kelas etc etc.? Statted/unstatted makes no difference in character.

Again, you're breaking logic because Katie being hurt is inconvenient for you. Too bad, logic wins. She's not invulnerable just because she doesn't have a listed Hp/Def total.

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She's not going to take 7 damage or w/e, but just because she's unstatted doesn't mean she can't be wounded. We can easily assume she has something like 9HP/1 Def, which means one hit hurts her pretty badly, a very strong hit or 2 weaker ones knocks her unconscious.

@airborne Never answered my point about Irina's impairment and I still disapprove of non-mounted classes using them in combat generally.

If Isotov can block anything thrown at Katie, why can't Morgan block attacks at Tessa, Arrin at Kelas etc etc.? Statted/unstatted makes no difference in character.

Again, you're breaking logic because Katie being hurt is inconvenient for you. Too bad, logic wins. She's not invulnerable just because she doesn't have a listed Hp/Def total.

You're going after Katie again(disgard your angry anti Katie emotions, they're making you jump the gun again). I never said she couldn't be hurt. I merely said that Iso would protect her. If they kept firing arrows he wouldn't be able to block them all. I pointed out the mounted aspect because anything aimed at her has a high chance of causing injury to both Irina and Iso outside of stat combat, which really doesn't mesh well.

It's not unreasonable for him to be able to block an attack. Him doing it consistently was never the goal here. If Katie gets hurt, it's up to Snowy, not me. The first time Iso blocked Morgan's Midnight attack. Are a few arrows that unreasonable? It's not like if they threw a truck at her he could stop it. Even if he tried it would explode and injure them all anyway.

As for Morgan doing the same thing, in plot combat, if she had a technique that worked like that I really don't see the problem with it.

BTW it's not inconvenient. Iso wouldn't be in character if he just let something happen to her stat combat or plot combat.

@ Ether

Guard is a waste of a skill on a mage, and isn't even allowed on mages anyway IIRC.

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Wait Bal.

Didn't Esphyr use the Crimson sword before Tessa healed her?

She should've died from that, since she had 1 HP.

Something's wrong.

Esphyr was only using Arcanium active.

Edit: beaten to the punch.

Edited by Balcerzak
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The problem is that Isotov is in combat at the time. He can't be watching to see if anything's trying hit Katie while also taking attacks himself and killing things. I let it slide when Morgan attacked Katie because Isotov wasn't doing anything else (although being able to completely nullify Morgan's attacks is somewhat godmoddish in and of itself), but it's ridiculous for him to popping up invincibility bubbles while fighting stuff.

It's not just because this is about Katie either, if Kelas was diving in front of Arrin everytime he was about to get hit I would dislike that too.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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