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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Pheeny And what mistakes would those be? This is much more simple, and a lot eviler too.

See details below


@ Psych: Learn from the master. Never reveal your plan because the Rp'ers will direct their character into foiling it

A simple night watch will screw this up and don't think our characters would be OOC for doing so.

@ Psychout

You're not running ruining anymore plots PERIOD

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@Night watch

They can just warp into the tent. They can warp anywhere!


Everyone is in bad shape. I can kidnap Esphyr, Katie, Irina, or Arrin, but Damian's more likely to get angrier over Aiya than Esphyr, and more angry than Iso, Kelas, or Lev and Iso.

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@Night watch

They can just warp into the tent. They can warp anywhere!


Everyone is in bad shape. I can kidnap Esphyr, Katie, Irina, or Arrin, but Damian's more likely to get angrier over Aiya than Esphyr, and more angry than Iso, Kelas, or Lev and Iso.

What tent? A night watch doesn't necessarily mean standing a hundred feet away from a tent and watching for wolves. Sometimes a night watch is simply being awake while everyone else sleeps. You warp in, you get shot, then you warp out, no prisoners.

Irina's fine. Her arm is in good enough condition for fighting.

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Snowy, can I please kill Psych? Over and over, until he stays dead?

Regarding the night watch: Kelas will stay awake all night on guard with her bow out for as many days as she can. This will probably be longer than it takes for you to get bored. (She'll then pass out and have to be carried, but that's not the point.)

Regarding ON FIRE: Seriously, man, it's a terrible idea, and we're not going to your islands now, I'm sorry, it's just not gonna happen.

Also I love how nearly nothing's happened all day...

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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@ Feenix: Are there any FE10 characters with headbands?









The bandits



Ranulf (kinda)


some others

Snowy, can I please kill Psych? Over and over, until he stays dead?

Regarding the night watch: Kelas will stay awake all night on guard with her bow out for as many days as she can. This will probably be longer than it takes for you to get bored. (She'll then pass out and have to be carried, but that's not the point.)

Regarding ON FIRE: Seriously, man, it's a terrible idea, and we're not going to your islands now, I'm sorry, it's just not gonna happen.

Also I love how nearly nothing's happened all day...

Hello, Kiryn ^_^

I already threatened to kill Psych. You get seconds.

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You know at my mother's house, the computer isn't quite set up, so I might not be able to do this for a bit. Snowy can take over, or failing that, Phoenix or Cynthia.

I'll eat the remains for you guys.

Edited by Dark Sage
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When did I say something about fire? And they can warp around the watch. They might not even run into Kelas.


Irina's arm doesn't matter. There are three of them, and one of her. They'll gag her, and tie her arms, then warp out with her.

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Also three mages versus one lance wielder. Half-spirit half-schmirit, they're not gonna get Irina instantly, she'll fight 'em off long enough for everyone to wake up.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Well considering he probably requires multiple killings in order to stay dead, I think we can work out some sort of deal.

Quoted FTW

I'll get the gas canisters ...

You know at my mother's house, the computer isn't quite set up, so I might not be able to do this for a bit. Snowy can take over, or failing that, Phoenix or Cynthia.

I'll eat the remains for you guys.

Why does everyone trust me with their characters? I was surprised by Damian and Aiya, then I got hit with HM and Katie and nearly had the male equivalent of a hot flash. I know I'm the God of NPCs ... but the God of PCs too?

@ Irina vs idiot girls

B, M, and V warp into the room, Irina hears them and wakes up! B rushes to grab Irina, but she chokes her, and then snaps her neck! The other two rush in at the same time! Iso having been awakened by the racket blasts the other two. THE END :)

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You're backup for me. I know you're overworked with these guys, so I prefer Cynthia as the main fallback if Snowy can't do it.

Mmmmmm.... Psychout stew.

And no, I'm not a cannibal.

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Yeah, physical strength is kind of an issue. Squishy wizards and all (no i dont care what species they may or may not be)

Look, if we keep getting these bad plans, I'm just gonna start dropping Tanair on them now.

@CC trust: I think people tend to entrust their characters to people they interact with a lot. You have a lot of characters, therefore interact a lot with the most people.

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@CC trust: I think people tend to entrust their characters to people they interact with a lot. You have a lot of characters, therefore interact a lot with the most people.

My original goal for having many NPCs was to A. Manipulate the plot steadily, and B. to have more fun by having many more interactions than what should be possible. I wasn't anticipating the build up of trust. That is interesting <.<

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Later, Kiryn ^_^

It was nice plotting Psych's destruction with you! :3

Oh crap! I almost forgot! I must speak with Kiryn and Cynthia about something <.< >.>

*sneaks off to do so*

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Gave me time to post without interruption.


Regarding Victor. I would prefer it if anyone planning to interact with that wyvern read the information on him in the character thread FIRST.

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As Phoenix predicted,kidnapping Aiya is a no.

Several reasons why,logically.

-Physically,she is one of the strongest in the group.They need to get a hold of her to shadow-warp-whateverthefucktheydo,and squishy mages vs. a 6 1/2 Foot Zweihander...if they need to get close to her,a weapon like that is proven to be more than capable of beheading three people in one swing.

-Damian will be with her.This is a guarantee,and 90% chance of Esphyr being present as well.




Need I give any more reasons?

EDIT:I don't have a Tvtropes account,and I'm not making one just to do this,but Gae-Borg's possession is not an ass-pull,as I did everything I could to tell you something like it was gonna happen without spoiling it,AND DAMIAN WAS NOWHERE NEAR DEATH,HE WAS JUST UNCONSCIOUS!The soullessness and deathly appearance was an aftereffect of the Gae-Borg's possession,he was just KO'd before it.

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