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Does that count as a support?

One sparring match is not a support, more interaction needed. I bet Nady would agree with me.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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^And he was talking about mark, Helios's guard dude who came out of nowhere... seriously, when did he even join us? Did I miss something or did he just pop out of nowhere?

He rejoined the group right after Isotov set fire to the inn. Somewhere between blazing inn and the town gates.

One sparring match is not a support, more interaction needed. I bet Nady would agree with me.

You heard the lady! Nady agrees!

Seriously though, Mark's activity in the group isn't that much better then Isotov (I actually think worse) despite the fact that he's been around since chapter 1. And this is the first time I've seen Mark interact with Irina properly.

Hence I think it was a "no support"

@Snowy: Are we restricting Supports to one support per chapter as Snike(?) suggested, or can we do as many as we want?

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I... I think there is no harm in building multiple supports. Especially if we are requiring approval from others. If it's obvious they're just support-hogging, we can just refuse to give them a bonus.

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Have I talked with Cynthia eough? We've had, like, 3 pretty good conversations, whereas Isotov and Irina had 1 short conversation and they have a support. I still think that one shouldn't even be a legitimate support, but...

I just need a friend, guys ;_;

Edited by Lightning
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Hmm, well, Kamilla doesn't really have a good opinion of "wanted outlaws." Moreso then usual due to her being raised in a strict "We are holy and good, non-believers are evil and bad" environment. And I honestly can't say I can see Kamilla getting along with Chase when he does stupid things like cry out to his captors "I'm a criminal don't kill me" XD

Edit, should have editted the last post, sorry >_<

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Have I talked with Cynthia eough? We've had, like, 3 pretty good conversations, whereas Isotov and Irina had 1 short conversation and they have a support. I still think that one shouldn't even be a legitimate support, but...

I just need a friend, guys ;_;

I lol'd

@ Nady

Like I say time and time again. If you want the supports taken away, just say so. If not, stop complaining about how it shouldn't have happened. You have the POWER :facepalm:

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Umm, birdbrain? If you hadn't noticed it was Cynthia who said it wasn't a support first, and Kai himself who asked if it was a legitimate support :/

Read before you try acting smart :P

Edit: I also have the power to complain and that's much more fun :)

Edited by Nadesico
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@ Nady

Do not insult me, I will set you ablaze ... though you'd probably enjoy it <_<

@ Anti Support Squad

I'm done defending this support thing. This whole issue is making me want to just forgo the supporting options for Iso and have him focus soley on leveling. Working him into the group has always been a bit of a hassle, but the support issue is just making it worse.


Iso and Irina were actually supposed to start off with a C support, but I didn't think it would make 100% sense since they haven't seen each other in ten years.

Iso and Katie's support may or may not have come too early, but as some of you might have guessed, Iso actually hated most in the group by default. Working from neutral to friends is one thing, but Iso is working from hatred to friendship. Either it should take twice as long to support, or half as long working into a "getting to know you" support type. I chose half, but that was just my opinion.

Lastly, if you all agree, then Iso's supports are slated, and you can all finally stop talking about it ... hopefully >_<

Edited by Phoenix
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I don't mind Iso/Irina having a C, since Damian/Aiya had a B and aren't even related. Pre-existing supports are fine, since the characters already have a pretty strong relationship (also you've had a lot of Isotov/Irina interactions). Iso/Katie just caused incosistencies in existing relationships.

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Hmm you set me aflame? Should I be "Flaming Nadesico, or Nadesico Flaming Phoenix?

You're done? Owww :/ Probably a good thing too, since Snowy and yourself were the only ones defending it, Lacuna said she didn't care, but everyone else seemed to be a "no" :P

I still don't agree with an auto-support between anyone, using everyones beloved FE as reference, there are plenty of siblings in that game so much to the point were some speculate incest. Yet I don't think any of them start with a default support, (Maybe RD, but that was a carryover of PoR) But Ethers was done ages ago, and I didn't complain at the time, too late now.

In terms of supports as a whole though, what Cynthia said.

I'm not really sure what the verdict wsa on the Iso/Katie, but the current discussion on supports was more about Irina/Mark :/


-Have we solved how we're going to get Eric to join?

-Are we going to be at the capitol soon, personally I feel it'd be more realistic if it took a few days (one day from the border to the capitol ehhhh) I personally think maybe a night at some small town/village, then finishing chapter 4 with a 2~3 day time skip. (Chapter 5 starts with everyone arriving at the captiol) Would be a good idea here :/

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The LoAF is safely sealed away so long as the emblem is intact.

From now on, your mental image of The Lord of Azure Flame, ruler of all demons, will be replaced with a loaf of bread, baking in the oven.

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-Have we solved how we're going to get Eric to join?

-Are we going to be at the capitol soon, personally I feel it'd be more realistic if it took a few days (one day from the border to the capitol ehhhh) I personally think maybe a night at some small town/village, then finishing chapter 4 with a 2~3 day time skip. (Chapter 5 starts with everyone arriving at the captiol) Would be a good idea here :/

1) No. I'm sort of working on it, but it might just be another "We can't afford to have you running around after watching us own the hero, for fear of who you might tell," sort of thing. All of this is depending on his answers of course, but he disappeared for a bit. (I honestly cannot complain, I do this disappearing act every night myself.)

2) I was a bit surprised at the lack of distance myself when it first came up, but I found the post that stuck in memory, like I mentioned earlier.

The capitol was not terribly far away in the first place. All that they would need would be a light lunch. Once they were there, she could restock and pack better, but this would be more than enough for now.

It's possible I misinterpretted, and the place of restock is an intermediary town.

Edited by Balcerzak
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@ Nady

You should be "Humble" :D

Irina and Mark were just sparring and talking.

How about this? I'll have Iso and Katie talk/write more, and then legitimize the C Support? Will that squash the disagreement? :unsure:

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I thought you were over it?

Anyway in regards to Iso/Katie, I think we're all done arguing over it really :/ It would be great if you put perhaps another (non-count support conversation) in, sometime in the next chapter (earliest last few pages of this chapter) to even things out, but for the sake of keeping supports decent, I'd think any more then 1 support per chapter is pushing it.

One might argue, that their character joined late in the RP, but that doesn't really count for anything, both in terms of FE and in terms of logic.

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@Rein+Anyone else interested in supports

If you want to start forming a support with someone, it's best that you contact the individual you want to form a support with "BEFORE" you even get started on building a support with them.

If they agree, it'll be alot easier to grab their characters attention and that way their more likely to respond and build an in-game relation with your character.

Once you've had a few conversations with eachother in the game, you can probably progress to the initiate Support phase. This is NOT a C Support, it's just an indicator to all the RP'ers that you both plan to form a support with eachother. Keep in mind this counts as a support level, Support Level D, which yields no bonuses, and can be cancelled.

It should take at least 5 chapters for you to create an S support with anyone, since you shouldn't be increasing the same support twice in one chapter, regardless of how much closer your characters have gotten. Pretty much 1 Support level per chapter.

(Debatable) You can however create two supports in one chapter as long as they are with different people, controlled by different RP'ers. This is mainly for the sake of social networking within the group.

Once it has been a chapter since your character has attained Support D, you can then progress to Support C, if you have had a few conversations with that character after attaining Support D. To prevent people complaining about lacking interaction, you should try to start a conversation, or respond to your partners actions in a visual way (Not, Kamilla thought Isotov was an idiot, (but) Kamilla sighed "You're an idiot" she stated bluntly).


It would also be a good idea to create connections with non-popular characters, if you tried supporting Isotov or Irina, then you may have to wait awhile. Whereas characters like Helios and Morgan which don't seem to be openly working on supports would make supporting eachother more plausible then the former two.

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I have PM'd Cynthia about starting up a support, but we need to have interacted enough to be eligible for a support conversation. Which is what I meant by "building supports".

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Sorry, went to see Iron Man 2. Also, I won't be back on tomorrow until 10 PM Atlantic time, as I'm going in for orientation for a job. So, uh, yeah... Feel free to force Eric into the group. He wouldn't mind as much as, say, Kamilla.

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