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That's what sucks about having smart characters. They know more than you do, but you can't convey that without knowing what they know so they come across as dumb :/

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Rein when will Chase snap?

Later in the plot when he's a temporary enemy.

Know now that Helios is going to be his main target... but that might change with time. Hint hint.

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@ Chase

You'd think Lev would be his first target given recent events :/ XD

@ VivekaxDerek

I don't get it. Why does everything the guy says and does earn him points? Example? Well taking lessons from Ivanko is ... do I even need to go any further? This is comically ridiculous XD

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>.> Great. Am I getting to be a Relationship Sue thing?

Uh, does aiming to take out the Brute count as a challenge?

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... Won't they have left the party by the? I'm not planning for it to happen until Chase and Morgan have about a B support. And there is logic behind that.

Also... Does anybody strongly think Chase and Morgan don't deserve a C support by now? There's totally been enough interactions by now (I mean, Isotov has 3 supports now. 3. And Chase has none. Wtf.)

Edited by Lightning
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>.> Great. Am I getting to be a Relationship Sue thing?

Uh, does aiming to take out the Brute count as a challenge?

No, just a good match.

Killing Jace is a pretty big challenge. Taking out your former employer probably counts for something too.

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Actually Chase has no supports because he doesn't befriend anyone but the one person who takes the longest to open up. Iso's been handling things a bit differently. Helios has the same type of problem.

@ Sue

No worries, I can always manipulate a few things to drive the sue right out of this. For instance, did you guys know that Viveka doesn't mind dating the men in the group? It won't be all that useful for support building, but it's perfect for conflicts.

I'd say going on a date with her is about as good as Morgan taking someone's side in an argument. Not that big a deal unless it gets consistent.

@ Killing Jace

Sure ...

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We sacrifice Pary and Helios to sate them, then someone Casts Sanctuary on Ixion run like hell.

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Answering concerns... one... at... a... time....

@Phoenix&Tropes: Kick Chick got removed because as far as has been demonstrated, Viveka's main form of fighting is not kicking, which is the definition of the trope.

@Where the hell have I been: Being dragged round a country music-themed amusement park, holding people's bags and being rained on. Misery.

@Why are people talking about seducing me: Ahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa not going to work

@Beach episode: NO.


@Nomad tongue: It's a conlang, yes.

@What the hell are my characters doing: One's still passed out, working on the other one...

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Viveka hasn't fought anybody. Til she does, she just threatens them with the obvious. Once I make an account I'm just going to put that back on if no one else does so I don't see the point in taking it off :/

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So I have to kidnap Katie? ;_;

I dun wanna. :sob:

You don't want the beach episode cause you really do think Phoenix will sprite it huh? And totally think about you pervertedly.....

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I agree with Kiryn. Viveka is not Chun Li, she primarily uses a lance.

Irina and her forehead would like to say hi.

Anyway, if she kicked people from atop her pegasus in stat combat instead of stabbing them, she would come across as retarded. Lance? Or Kicks? Lance? Or Kicks? Which will kill them faster? Oh I know! Kicks! :3

I don't like replacing lance attacks for kicks just to earn a trope. If I were to do that, then you'd all have to acknowledge her legs as lethal weapons which I know you won't, so it's not even worth the effort.

... and like I said, I'm just going to put it back myself once I figure out how >_>'

*doesn't like Chun Li all that much*

@ Pscyh

Shut up, I don't have the time and I don't want to sprite chicks in bikinis anyway.

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It's just not applicable, man... the trope definition is "a woman who fights primarily with kicks." You've already got a trope on about her legs there.

...What the hell does Arrin do now. I'm guessing he didn't get near enough to notice that Kelas is down... ~mutter mutter write write~

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Arrin got dragged to the church by Tessa I believe.

If you put it there, I'll probably take it down. You're looking for a different trope I think.

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It's applicable, you're just relying on lance to kick ratio which shouldn't matter since she's only used her lance in one stat battle(do you really want her kicking from a pegasus?), and against Iso(to get a guaranteed knock down(she was mounted, remember?) and Lev(trying to impale him through the head for a guaranteed kill).

When her legs are applicable, that's when she uses them. She can't be a tactical woman and a kick chick if she uses her legs for every single problem. There's primary(kicks when applicable) and secondary(lance when applicable) attack styles ... and yes I'll argue this to no end.

@ Cynthia

... and then I'll just ... put it back up and we can see how long it takes for you to get tired of taking it down?

Which do you think I'm looking for exactly?

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