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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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That makes Mark technically illegal too, so if you brought him back he'd have to magically injure himself in a way that only makes him able to use one or the other...


^ So they can actually fight, maybe? Their str cap sucks anyways. ALSO:

... If someone's horse dies or isn't available, does that change their stats or no?

Edited by Lightning
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Must all my posts be interrupted my Chase?

Somewhere in Elysima

Helios: I like pie

Chase: *Spawns* You dont know that, you lost your memory.

Helios: <_<

Edited by Kai
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All you need to know is: The bridle is broken. The horse will be shaking its head a lot and not obeying much, especially if he hangs on the reins a lot. If Helios knows tack (and you don't bother to educate yourself) just have him say the bit's missing, and who the hell did that.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Vic's not used to magic users getting this close(He thinks she's an archsage, and therefore extremely dangerous). He wants to bite her(eat her whole) but he's positive that it's a trap designed to injure him.

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*Wonders what "anatomically improbable for her to do" means exactly*

Damian and Esphyr talking about their relationship troubles in front of everyone strikes me as awkward.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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That's the beauty of the phrase. The most common interpretation is "go screw yourself" but...

(If it's not obvious, Kelas is a bit loopy right now; when she wakes up after some proper rest, she's going to remember what she's been doing and have a "I did what?" with regards to letting people pick up/carry her, telling Tessa to tell Morgan things, and the like.)

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Damian is just playing,ATM.Esphyr keeps making comments in public,so he's gonna roll with it.

And yes,technically he just said she isn't a fling because she won't put out,deal with it.

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