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For reference the only auto support in Radiant Dawn is Sothe and Micaiah, who aren't siblings by blood but kind of act like it. Of course actual siblings like Makalov/Marcia and Ike/Mist don't have any auto support, so FE seems to lack consistency in this regard as well.

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Sorry, went to see Iron Man 2.


@ Nady

Well I contacted Snowy originally, but the problem was that we didn't have a formula back then that was completely solid. Plus I looked at the Iso Katie support convo as a demonstrator that we could work with. A template maybe? Anyway, that aside ... :unsure:

@ Cynthia

Let's not forget Raven and Prissy from FE7. They're a big parrallel to Iso and Irina ;_;

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IMO, it probably would have made logical sense for the sibling pairs to at least have some level of support, but this probably was avoided for balance reasons. So whether wewant to do the same is up to us.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Cynthia

That's what's so great about rps.

@ Kai

You're being a little too literal for my taste :lol:

Revan=Iso (Hasn't seen sister in years, and loves her dearly)

Prissy=Irina (Hasn't seen brother in years, and loves him dearly)

Iso is as straight as a man can get

Irina is more interested in men she hasn't seen too much of EDIT: No incest -_-

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I find it debatable whether being sexually attacted to Lucius as a male is even homosexuality anyway.

He doesn't have the hips I like <_<

But seriously, don't talk about Lucius like that. <.< >.> You'll embarrass certain people who mistook him for a woman in the past ....

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I find it debatable whether being sexually attacted to Lucius as a male is even homosexuality anyway.


Okay, Ether, I'm making Eric your problem now. I hope you don't mind.

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I am curious if anyone is interested in developing any supports with either of my characters. I do have a few people in mind for supports, and I will be contacting them soon via PM.

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That's the current list of characters (according to Lacuna's chart).

For me though;

Damian/Aiya are a straight out "no" because I just don't find Ether online enough when I am.

Isotov/Irina seem to have enough supports going their way, and I could never support birdbrains intelligence anyway :P

Don't really like Kelas/Arrin in terms of character :P Nyahaha *laughs at Lacuna for some reason* Don't ask

Don't like Katie, she's a Mute :P

Leaving me with Esphyr, Morgan, Tessa, Helios, Mark, Eric, Chase.

Of which, Mark & Eric I know nothing of :/ And Helios is an annoying nooble noble XD

*Shrugs* Doubt anyone wants to support me anyway XD

So I'm open to a support with Esphyr, don't know if I want one yet though XD

Edited by Nadesico
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From what I've gathered, Iso, and Irina are only compatible with certain people, though that can easily change given the crap this group goes through ....

(Gravity)-Doesn't like the idea of being separated from a character for too long a time.

(Interest)-Very interested in supporting with a character, and more than willing to "chase after" them.

(Slight interest)-Would like to support with a character but won't make the first move.

(Needs more understanding)-Not particularly for or against getting to know someone.

(Disinterest)-Annoyed by a character. Prefers distance.

(Loathing)-Completely against the idea of even being near a character.

Irina Compatibility:

Damian (Needs more understanding)

Aiya (Interest)

Esphyr (Interest)

Katie (Slight interest)

Morgan (Slight interest)

Kelas (Needs more understanding)

Arrin (Needs more understanding)

Chase (Needs more understanding)

Isotov (Gravity)

Tessa (Needs more understanding)

Helios (Needs more understanding)

Mark (Interest)

Eric (Needs more understanding)

Kamilla (Disinterest)

Reika (Disinterest)

Iso Compatibility:

Damian (Needs more understanding)

Aiya (Disinterest)

Esphyr (Needs more understanding)

Katie (Interest)

Morgan (Disinterest)

Kelas (Interest)

Arrin (Needs more understanding)

Chase (Slight Interest)

Irina (Gravity)

Tessa (Needs more understanding)

Helios (Loathing)

Mark (Needs more understanding)

Eric (Needs more understanding)

Kamilla (Loathing)

Reika (Needs more understanding)

Maybe I should toss this on my profile and update it?

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Woo! I got the bottom in each one :D

Not sure if Irina/Reika is accurate though, can't ever recall them making contact :/ But then again it doesn't really matter.

*Contacts Helios to start the anti-Isotov coalition* Comrade!

To be honest though, I expected Isotov to have default (disinterest) with the entire group. (With a few exception of course)

What did Aiya do to Iso though?

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You like being on the bottom? What's wrong with you? >_<

Irina was in the battle against Reika. She didn't meet her, but she knows of her from being in the group while they spoke about her. The fact that she was an enemy is reason enough to have a slight disinterest.

Iso's a bit sensitive towards the group. Aiya once snapped at Iso for his fire antics, and Damian warned Iso that Aiya might try to physically harm him(Punch to the face). Iso's interest in Aiya should naturally fall a wee bit.

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That's kind of an interesting idea, but I'm not sure if I prefer just dumping things in the open. It is interesting to see other people's thoughts on their character's opinions, though...

Edit, the first: Added strikethroughs (decided my gut feeling on support inclinations and my willingness to engage on the Character chart were somewhat contradictory) and the following reply.

Don't like Katie, she's a Mute :P

*Shrugs* Doubt anyone wants to support me anyway XD

Call her dumb, she really likes that. ;)

You may be surprised.

Edited by Balcerzak
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I'm gonna make a list too, seems like a good idea:

Damian - Unlikely

Aiya - Unlikely

Esphyr- Doesn't know much

Katie - Has trouble understanding

Morgan - Highly interested

Kelas- Interest

Arrin- Possibly

Isotov- Slight interest

Irina- Possibly, but not very likely

Tessa- It's an interesting possibility...

Helios- Never even close.

Mark- Has no clue who he is

Eric- Doesn't know enough

Kamilla- Maybe?

Reika- Never met

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Helios wont supports until i feel like it

Mark on the other hand can support but is limited to some characters

I'll get up a list as soon as possible

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Why would i want a support from him? :facepalm:

Helios is that type of person that shoves people away from him

EDIT: That last post came out wrong

He wont support anyone

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You're the only one missing out by having no supports, then... Supports are useful and they give your character/s more personality, but whatever. Not my problem when we face really strong enemies. Even if Helios would support people though, Chase wouldn't want to.

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