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I said almost, because I might make her a partial Stepford Smiler. It's not that I don't want to use her, it's that right now, she's more of an NPC, and that's bugging me. I WILL try to work on that, but she might die.

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Uh, no.

(FE 4 Pairing thoughts)

Cess would be redestined for either Morgan or Rita.


Could we maybe TS the minor group? They aren't doing much, and Snike, Sage, and I are all online.


I had ideas on what would happen if we do pair.

The child gets +1 in the highest two stats of the same gendered parent as them, and any civilian (not tier 2) skills both parents have.

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@ Kiryn


*duct tapes Kiryn's mouth*


@ Killing PCs

This is why I love Mass Effect 2. Characters don't survive because I say so, they survive because I got everybody to be best buddies and stuff.

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I said predestined. Not determined. It's like in FE4, where Aideen is predestined for Claude, Azel, or Midir. They pair quickest, and get items from her.

I still have a problem saying that Cess is most likely to get Morgan. And Chase got an item from her already, the Crimson Bow. Yeah, Chase would probably be more likely.

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Alf is with the Jerodians Kai.

And Lightning, please don't force your pairing through. Morgan doesn't seem romantically interested in Chase and from what I've seen, wouldn't be interested in anyone.

You also forget, Ayra got the Hero Sword from Lex and that requires them not to be lovers. She can still pair off with other people after that talk.

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Alf is with the Jerodians Kai.

My people are not descendants of Jarod's similarly named brother, thank you very much.

Edit: OK, we can assume it's Reika, Kai.

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@ Lightning

You're too focused on ChasexMorgan

It's causing Chase to suffer in all other areas(development, relevance, context, and even intelligence), and don't even get me started on Conrad >_>' (His most interesting moments were when I was CCing him >_>' )

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@ Rein: Thats cause he gets shut down all the time. That is why i ended up sick and tired of trying over and over again and now i am going to leave him without any support. Hell i would go as far to saying that Helios is more developed then Chase.

@ Snike: Yeah i got that down. Except i dont know whose pants Irina was trying to get into.

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@Development: I'm used to having characters develop slowly. Sorry.

Relevance: ... Elaborate.

Context: I'm working on it, okay?

Intelligence: As in?

@Conrad: I forget about him a lot... anyone wanna take over for him unless I think it's necessary?

@Kai: ... No. Just no.

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@Sage: Jerdon, not Jerodia. I was poking fun at the spelling.

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I know. But I was saying, that all the girls have most likely or predestined pairings.












Iso (FE4 Incest FTW)

















Katie would be Iso too. They aren't by priority though.

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There is none. I just felt like posting it. Too bad since Chase wont get much fleshing out if he is going to keep on Leeching on Morgan for the rest of his life. Hell you can even respond to some of my posts and that will improve Chase's character.

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Proves the point obviously. Since you're so focused on ChasexMorgan, you neglect your other character Conrad. That's not good roleplaying and it's jarring, considering how Conrad happens to be the general of Elysimia and wields the Crimson Axe.

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It's more of my timeframe than anything else. For the last three weeks mine's been extremely restricted, and it's difficult for me to do much in the short perod of time available to me. Next week I'll be a lot more productive and stuff, but until then it's hard.

@psych: I think it seems like a bad idea to even make a list in the first place is what I mean...

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