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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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It would work, but it's not letting me have the player have access to Falaflame, Swanchika, or ThorHammer. And what would Blaggi, Dain, and Hezul be?

I'd also give Kelas minor Thor, and Irina minor Fala.

Plus we can't use dark....so Midnight is now a Light tome. :awesome:

You're doing something wrong, then...

Make Dranau require major Blaggi, Earthshaker require major Dain, and Proima be mjor Hezul, then. The others can be enemy weapons.

Edited by Lightning
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Fine Cynthia. You're right. You and Kamilla are always right and I'm just a stupid idiot who just so happened to get the first post. Take charge if you want.

They're psych's characters, so it's his responsibility to move them.

Innuendo can be funny and and all, but a lot of these relationships seem to be devolving into talking about sex a lot, in perhaps a little too much detail.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Snike was okay with it, if they win in stated combat, I'm not effecting Alf and Sage since they aren't even fighting him, and I'm okay with it. I'll let Charlotte go if you don't like it. It's down to you basically.

How does Shanice know where the group is all the time then? They have the same thing.

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... These forums are supposed to be PG13 guys.

Exactly. That's why I kept it simple. Iso didn't even mention the whipped crea*shot*

@ Ether

Let's go with knife save so Lev can look like a badass. He hasn't been badassing much lately.

@ Snowy

Cuddles isn't even here anymore >_>'

@ Cynthia

The IsoxKatie sex talk has only recently started(and at least he's touching on his past at all), and to top it off, it's as undetailed as it could get without words like "canoodling" which would be totally out of character to use in private conversations. I think it's best to just skip over posts that people aren't interested in rather than trying to ban them.

@ Psych

Shanice knows where the group is because he's TAILING THEM AT ALL TIMES.

The mages DO NOT have that.

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It's still very uncomfortable and this is supposed to at least pretend to act family friendly. Imagine if psych's parents walked in and found out the group he was playing with were pretending to have oral sex or talking about it.

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Seth is Helios' kid

Eirika is Esphyr X Damian's son

You'll have to import the king class from FE6 then.Because,obviously,Damian becomes the emperor of Halton when this is over for a reason that is never really discussed anywhere.

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You're going to make Chase suck, I just know it.

Chase is going Ranger. He will replace Gerik


Prepromote parents will have crap starting stats but beast Growths. Some will end up better then their kids

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Snike was okay with it, if they win in stated combat, I'm not effecting Alf and Sage since they aren't even fighting him, and I'm okay with it. I'll let Charlotte go if you don't like it. It's down to you basically.

How does Shanice know where the group is all the time then? They have the same thing.

I just think the whole plan makes no sense. What gets accomplished by kidnapping those characters? They're bad bait (IE the group has fairly little incentive to save them overall). Also, someone escaping to go warn the group of the kindapping is a bad idea. The non-kidnapped person is alone, traveling on foot, and by now quite a ways away.

It was explained earlier that demons can trail the CW wielders because they leave "mana trails" of some sort. These are half-spirits tracking a group with no CWs.

I'm starting to join in the consesus that the mage girls should just never be seen again.

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People are a bit too...restrictive with these things methinks.Mentioning Oral sex and whatnot is fine,if he were to start discribing what he was doing to her in detail,we'd have a problem.But Psych hangs around FFtF a lot anyway,and a hell of a lot worse goes on over there.PG-13 means that we can't do anything explicit,but passing mentions of things with a sexual nature are fine.

@Kai:Atleast give him a halberdier class with Ephraim's battle sprite or something...

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It's still very uncomfortable and this is supposed to at least pretend to act family friendly. Imagine if psych's parents walked in and found out the group he was playing with were pretending to have oral sex or talking about it.

Psych's parents?

Well we do have spoiler tags, but everyone opens them anyway so what's the point?

I'm sick of being second guessed, pushed about, armtwisted, and whatnot. You wanna control the RP? Go ahead.

I think she just wants you to crack the whip once in a while and plan things more thoroughly. Not sure. Haven't been particularly in the know regarding the plot.

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I'm sick of being second guessed, pushed about, armtwisted, and whatnot. You wanna control the RP? Go ahead.

... Just chill for aa second and think it over. Like it says in some Sherlock Holmes book, "making guesses before you have all the data clouds one's judgement". Gther her opinion first before jumping to conclusions.

@Kai:... Fine. But he better have Zephyrtwine and it better be as good as the other CWs.

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Um....I've watched Elfin Lied. And I'm older than Lightning so......

It'll work out fine, trust me. Besides, Helenos would have some sort of watching device for the whole group. Maybe a crystal ball?

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Do you really have to mention things like oral sex and handjobs though? I'm ok with talking about sex in general, but talking about specific acts is really pushing the taste line as far as I'm concerned.

@Snowy I've been complaining about every thing I find illogical in this RP since Day 1 and lots of other people do the same. That's a pretty big part of Chat.

@psych I still don't see the reasoning behind this, compared to attacking the people with the CWs. And Crystal Ball!Helenos comes off as an Ass Pull.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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It just seems to be an overall very conservative viewpoint.I can understand where people could get kinda ticked off by it,but everyone needs to make compromises if we want to try to keep some peace.If you'll notice,I censored Damian and Aiya's first time to the point of just saying that it happened.I could have done a lot more for that,but I didn't,because I knew people would be opposed to it.

But outright banning any passing mention of Oral sex/whatever?I mean,if you know what they are talking about in the first place,then no harm is done.If you don't,well,then if any harm comes of it later,you can only blame yourself for taking it further.It just seems limiting and excessive,IMO.

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