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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Do you really have to mention things like oral sex and handjobs though? I'm ok with talking about sex in general, but talking about specific acts is really pushing the taste line as far as I'm concerned.

I wouldn't mention hand jobs :P

But in all seriousness, I don't see the problem as long as actual detail is avoided(the phrase "oral sex" is no worse than the phrase "sex", it's just another type). If anyone was under the impression that it would be explained anymore than that, they're wrong. If it bothers people that much, I'll happily start censoring things, but I don't want to pull a Disney just so everything comes across as elementary school sexual code words.

@ Sage

There IS a limit on sexual stuff. You already saw it, and it apparently wasn't enough.

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I'm not really offended by it, but I'm kind of worried about the impression this might give newcomers. If I read an RP and it started mentioning oral sex and handjobs, I'm going to get the impression that this might be some kind of cybersex thing.

I haven't seen anything in this department so blatant that I've wanted it removed instantly, but some of you guys are toeing the line here IMO. Just keep in mind who might read this.

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I said that I'd let my characters be captured if they were defeated in stat combat. I never said that I was OK with the circumstances. It's simply not plausible.

@Snowy: No offense, but there are times for railroading. This is not one of them.

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That's not really my problem with it (btw I don't think anyone cares if you just have charaters go shit or bullshit). It just feels...out of place. The books I've read don't go into it, and the various RPGs (even the M rated ones) don't have these topics of conversation either.

And yes, I think the Damian/Aiya sex scene was handled well. We got the point.

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@ Cynthia

I meant censoring it like this

Oral Sex<---So that people will know that there's nothing for them in there. People can get the general idea this way.

Even though it's not a usual topic in rps, there's still no point in avoiding it altogether just because someone might read it.

(Black doesn't censor it for some reason. The text is kind of greenish so good eyes can spot it anyway >_>' )

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Actually Sage is concerned about my use of the phrase "oral sex" in the rp. Ether merely brought up the night Damian and Aiya spent together. As for Snowy? Ehhhh ...


Leaving in about ten minutes. Will be back three hours later.

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That's not really my problem with it (btw I don't think anyone cares if you just have charaters go shit or bullshit). It just feels...out of place. The books I've read don't go into it, and the various RPGs (even the M rated ones) don't have these topics of conversation either.

Actually, it really depends on the books, Cynthia. If I remember right, just as an example, Temple of the Winds from the Sword For Truth series was a lot more explicit than anything we've seen in the RP so far. And it's not like it was blatantly pornographic either.

I mean, I also think Clan of the Cave Bears, would count for this too, and I know I'm missing a few others.

Edit: American Gods. A major plot point is

that one of the character's wife (or girlfriend) died in a car accident going down on another man.

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Oh Hai Kanami!

So did I do ok with Reika? Some say I don't make her psychotic enough but when I did, I'm worried how she's going to work well with the rest of the group, or how her support with Alf will be developed.

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It feels odd that Bal seems neutral on this subject.

@ Sage

Reika used to not get worked up at insults. Now she's so emotionally invested that she comes across the same way Alf does.

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Stupid boys :/ When will you grow up and be sensible men?..... Right, never, don't know why I bothered asking.

Don't know the context in which you used the phrase, depending on how it was used, I suppose the argument could swing either way.

Though I still find it rather pathetic how some of you are desperately jumping infront of it it and standing firmly for it. It's like the RP would lose purpose without sex Which is surely a case for Ether, just not sure about the rest of you

@Psychs mage girls.

Have them return, and kill them off, otherwise they'll come out later and cause non-sensical trouble again. Better to get them out of the way ASAP:P


Don't ask me questions on how you're doing without links or quotes, I'm not going to bother reading a few dozen pages :/

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Well yes, it does depend on the books you're reading. I guess I just find conversations about sex boring relative to what else could be happening.

Anyway, there are other things in the RP that bother me more than sex talk, so I'll leave it be.

@Kanami Context here is Iso said a lesson his teacher taught him was oral sex. Yet another way to avoid talking about anything substantial

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I don't stand by what I'm doing because without it the rp is meaningless(it's not). I stand by what I do because I don't automatically cater to one or two opinions opposite my own no matter who they are. I've insta-compromised enough, I think.

@ Cynthia

Should he have kept talking about Adrian being zapped?


About the dozens of attempts on his life?

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It feels odd that Bal seems neutral on this subject.

I'm not sure what to make of this. What did you expect from me, I'm curious?

@Psychs mage girls.

Have them return, and kill them off, otherwise they'll come out later and cause non-sensical trouble again. Better to get them out of the way ASAP:P

Indeed. NPCs are not protected by "cannot be killed" status like PCs are. Celeste was an awesome enemy NPC, but when she was javelined, she died. Heart too, for that matter.

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XD I'm supposing that actually made sense in the RP, since it sounds like it came out of nowhere to me XD And I can't actually imagine the Iso I knew saying that XD

Cynthia's point about new players is valid, people who browse the thread aren't going to go back and start reading from chapter 1. And such references might make it seem like this is some weird cybersex RP and that the actual detailed stuff happened before. Again, I don't know the entire story behind it since I can't be bothered reading the RP, but I don't really think that sex needs be brought into the picture at all. Since I find it really hard to believe that it's necessary for anything other then Aiya/Damian support development. A restriction sounds rather silly, but some probably need it :/ The desperate cyber boys on here who make love to their own characters and that idiot that faps to grandma bluehead


Zombie Pedophile Miranda?

Nope, haven't found a new RP, not sure I want to, Rp'ing is losing light in my eyes. Pretty much only logged on Serenes for the chat since the other forums are rather quiet today.

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OK, so, uh, did we time skip mid-discussion?

If you mean the smaller group, then yeah we kinda all went to bed.

NPC protection: Eh, it's debatable. You aren't allowed to just chop off Shanice's head whenever you want for instance. Though I think with enougb consent we can kill off NPCs.

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