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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Does anyone actually have anything they want to do tonight? (In the RP) I'm guessing Helios is finding a cure to his stupidity illness. But everyone else seems to be a bit "meh" on what to do next.

I was just thinking staying up, holding the sick one's hand, changing his forehead cloth every once in a while, and dozing off in the middle of said duties probably. Dunno. I should get around to writing a reply to what's already there, though.

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I'm well aware of that, what do you expect me to do? I'm outside the inn, and last I checked I didn't have a security system installed which would alert me if anything got taken.

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Chapter opening states seven buildings and what they are, none of which are shops...

Then i guess it wasnt a shop. He might have been a bit delusional and thought it was a shop while it was just an abandoned library

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Unrelated: Because of some approval and a lack of disapproval for the Useful Notes thing, I'm going to go ahead and start the thread.

You're just plotting a hostile takeover of the entire Creative forum aren't you? Admit it! I've seen through your nefarious agenda! :angry:

Feel free.

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I'm curious to as to why it's always the books that are sapping at their owners strength, and driving them crazy.

Helios is the ill guy, reasons are unexplained, but he seems to reference his CW alot when the illness pops up

Isotovs Proxima, is.... well uncontrollable

Arrins Daranau is now laughing at people

Morgans Midnight/Moonlight (something like that I think) is..... well, still relatively normal.

Okay, maybe the Crimson sword is whacko as well, but I kind of pin the craziness on Esphyr and not the sword, looking at the posts so far.

@Kai, if you can find people who'll participate if it's created go ahead. Even if Reika comes back I doubt I'll use it.

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I'm well aware of that, what do you expect me to do? I'm outside the inn, and last I checked I didn't have a security system installed which would alert me if anything got taken.

... I guess I sorta expected a more angry reaction for some reason.

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Pfft, if I got angry now, it wouldn't let me get you back twice as badly later when I screw over your character :P

Anyway in more pleasant news

@Lacuna: Forgot about good old Rayton and his inner demon.

@Ether, As always, convinient isn't it? Should get someone to stab Damian with his own weapon sooner or later.

@Kai, Your assumption is false, the weapon will not keep their owner alive (maybe if it's the cause of health deterioration, it won't go to the point of killing) but I really doubt a weapon which drains on your life is going to work to keep you alive.

Also that goes against killing off Rayton, and possibly Reika later on.

^Anyone got a spell canceller? I'll pay top dollar for one right about now.

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The Gae-Borg's curse is in reference to the legends it is involved in,so don't blame me.Besides,we need to have some Crimson wielders who aren't angsty or whatever,and not being tormented by his weapon seems a good place for Damian to start,besides,he is the most familiar with his CW out of anyone in the group.

Basically,wounds inflicted by the Gae-Borg will heal more slowly than normal,and healing staves will have barely any effect at all on the wound itself(HP will still be healed,but if the character survives the encounter because they are non generic or whatever,the wound will likely trouble them for the rest of their days)

A deep enough penetration(with killing intent,this is important) can cause limbs to cease functioning,and if they are not amputated,the infection spreads.

Once the Gae-Borg has penetrated someone,any attempts to forcibly remove it are a horrid idea.If anyone but Damian removes it,it will act as though a thousand barbs have dug into the surrounding flesh.

Due to it's primary role as a throwing weapon(Yes,it is ranged,as most true spears are,and that is it's deadliest form,which will be used in non-stat battles,since stats don't really take it into account),it can be recalled by Damian by restating it's name,AKA it returns to him.

Of course,none of this really affects the battles themselves aside from the fact that you can't really disarm Damian,and as for removing it,if Damian is unable,anyone should notice an abnormal amount of resistance to trying to remove the spear.

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@ Nady

You're on a roll today :facepalm:

@ Kai

Not interested in PVP at the moment, and no I don't hate you.

@ Lacuna

... ... ... umm ... ... sup? B)

@ Ether

Romances between two characters that are controlled by the same person are boring and typical. That aside, I wish Damian and Aiya all the happiness they can afford on soldiers' wages :D

@ Snowy

C-capital ... nao! Must get away from ... blasted inn! Hate inn! Hate INN!! >_<

@ Anyone else

Impatience consumes me2523.gif

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Hmm, I'm not sure if that's right :/ Unless Damian's secretly the Demon Lord

I can understand the logic behind Damian being most attuned to his weapon, but usage of the CW does drain on his life (Hp) so it's not possible to say, he knows how to "fully control it" unless you veto that somehow. Plus, I find full control unlikely anyway, any understanding from the weapons would come from Damian/his father, since there is no precedent of demon weapons as far as we know, and most of the weapons seem to have grown up undetected. (Conrad and Damian, probably being the only exceptions). So research would be mainly what the maker could figure out and what Damian has learned through experience.

Could just be me, but I occassionaly get the feeling you're sue'ing Damian that much :/

The organ failure, and effecting for "the rest of their days" seems a bit unfair though:/ At the very least if Reika ever fights the Gae-bolg she's not going to accept such side effects :P

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Should have editted XD

@Lacuna, probably passed, everyone can just do what they're doing for the rest of the night.

Helios continues studying,

Iso continues standing around

Kelas/Tessa watch over Arrin etcetc.

@Bal, I meant to react to the fever, not that you took forever to post :P

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Katie is wherever Snowy is. Last I checked she was getting slapped around by Esphyr, so she's either in her room with Esphyr (unlikely) or wandering around the inn somewhere.

*Notes how OoC is now longer (by 5 pages?) then all chapters combined.

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Hmm, I'm not sure if that's right :/ Unless Damian's secretly the Demon Lord

I can understand the logic behind Damian being most attuned to his weapon, but usage of the CW does drain on his life (Hp) so it's not possible to say, he knows how to "fully control it" unless you veto that somehow. Plus, I find full control unlikely anyway, any understanding from the weapons would come from Damian/his father, since there is no precedent of demon weapons as far as we know, and most of the weapons seem to have grown up undetected. (Conrad and Damian, probably being the only exceptions). So research would be mainly what the maker could figure out and what Damian has learned through experience.

Could just be me, but I occassionaly get the feeling you're sue'ing Damian that much :/

The organ failure, and effecting for "the rest of their days" seems a bit unfair though:/ At the very least if Reika ever fights the Gae-bolg she's not going to accept such side effects :P

Well,it is in reference to the legend,as I said:

The Gáe Bulg had to be made ready for use on a stream and cast from the fork of the toes. It entered a man's body with a single wound, like a javelin, then opened into thirty barbs. Only by cutting away the flesh could it be taken from that man's body.[1] ”

In other versions of the legend, the spear had seven heads, each with seven barbs. In the Táin Bó Cuailnge, Cúchulainn received the spear after training with the great warrior master Scáthach in Alba. She taught him and his foster-brother, Ferdiad, everything the same, except she only taught the Gáe Bulg feat to Cuchulainn. He later used it in single combat against Ferdiad. They were fighting in a ford, and Ferdiad had the upper hand; Cúchulainn's charioteer, Láeg, floated the Gáe Bulg down the stream to his master, who cast it into Ferdiad's body, piercing the warrior's armor and "coursing through the highways and byways of his body so that every single joint filled with barbs." Needless to say, Ferdiad died soon after. On a separate occasion, Cúchulainn also killed his own son, Connla, with the spear. In both instances, it was used a last resort, as once thrown it proved invariably fatal.

If anything,I toned it down,as not every hit is a OHKO.Also,it will not cause Organs to fail if it is treated quickly enough,just that an arm may need to amputated or something.

As for a wound that afflicts them for the rest of their days,it is just a wound that never really fully heals.There are plenty of cases of warriors being unable to fight because of a prior wound that they just couldn't get over.Gae-Bolg's curse just increases the likelyhood.

And by no means does this happen all the time,just more often than usual,except for the forced removal.

EDIT:Yeah,he can't fully control it,but he has more control than any other wielder.

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@Bal, I meant to react to the fever, not that you took forever to post :P

Well, fevers are just a symptom that the body's immune system is doing its job. They're not dangerous in-and-of themselves unless they get to extreme temperatures. Treating it really is just to make the person comfortable. He didn't start actually displaying anything particularly wrong until after I went to sleep, so...

</lame attempt at justification>

Sure, I probably should have jumped on it earlier. This is fair.

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@Ether, I don't have a problem with it, just going to have to plot seal your gae-bolg when Reika fights you.... XD

I starting to regret voting Cynthia as second XD If we'd made it someone else, we might have been able skip to tomorrow without waiting for Snowy XD

I'm not sure how much longer I can restrain myself,

*lights a match and slowly approaches the inn*

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