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Reinforcements as soon as I finish typing flavor. GOGO healing.

@Ether: Not my fault we crossed the border absurdly fast. Or that the mercs attacked. Blame Murphy.

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There is a time and a place.Have something hold up Alex until we get people back.At this point,we have 2 people dragged off,and atleast 2 more down,with a group split.

Have Alex show up as the "Sorry,you can`t have a nice day after you get them back",guy,or whatever.

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There is a time and a place.Have something hold up Alex until we get people back.At this point,we have 2 people dragged off,and atleast 2 more down,with a group split.

Have Alex show up as the "Sorry,you can`t have a nice day after you get them back",guy,or whatever.

I'm sorry Ether, but if it's 2 people, out of the 20+ in the party, I'm not going to wait. Blame the speed of plot, but the attack's going to happen. You guys invaded Septimus, technically, so they have no reason not to attack. Just FYI, there's only 17 enemies.

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At the very least,allow enough time for Bal to make a "Tessa healed people" post.That way we atleast have the non-kidnapped people back.

Also,entering a country is not considered invading.

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At the very least,allow enough time for Bal to make a "Tessa healed people" post. That way we atleast have the non-kidnapped people back.

Also,entering a country is not considered invading.

1: RTFT: I said HP to full. That would imply mass healing. And realistically, KO'ed shouldn't get back up. But, uh, I'll leave a mod to rule on the raise part.

2: Let's see... Soldiers of 2 of the big 3 crossing the border, without the knowledge of the Septimians. Now, think about the inn incident. Same scenario, hence it is considered in the RP as invasion. Unless you're going to hand wave it. Plus, they're attacking Septimians.

Edited by Snike
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Officers of the big three are allowed in the other nations due to non-agression pacts.If you want to handwave those,then a Halton regiment is going to show up any time now.

They didn't attack Septimian officials,or Septimian citizens.They were attacked by,and defended against,mercenaries.since Charlotte isn't with the group,Alex has no reason to attack.

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They knew Damian had reappeared,and were ordered to escort him to the capitol.They catch up with him here,and see he's being attacked,bam.

It makes a lot more sense than "They are in Septimus,they must be invading"

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Ummm, no? Conrad's father never had the axe. Not according to established, non-contradicted canon...

I did in fact contradict that, because it should be Conrad's father was given the axe.

Also hi. Can't be on long but looks like everything's going crazy... again.

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They knew Damian had reappeared,and were ordered to escort him to the capitol.They catch up with him here,and see he's being attacked,bam.

It makes a lot more sense than "They are in Septimus,they must be invading"

A whole regiment? If that happens then im spawning Elysmian Paladins to destroy the Halton reinforcements. WAR!

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Mod ruling: It's already at the limit of believability and coincidence that the regiment will come to the aid. If you're going to do that, full heal for everyone.

Alex's troupe,or the potential Halton interception?

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Actually it's canon. Damian contradicted what Lightning had already put into the backstory. It's supposed to be the other way around.

@ Fluff

*shakes head*

Snowy that was silly.

@ Irina

She's kicking ass today. 2 OHKOs and a near OHKO.

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