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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Hey guys, does anyone know what AS stands for?

Edited by Snike
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@Kai: That's one way to do it.

The other is my preferred solution. *Apollo Shot fro LA2*

@Kiryn: That works too.

Edited by Lightning
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Those don't let you warp, man.

Applied properly (which is, to say, wrong), though, they do let you...

~regenerates from stab wound~

~drops Kai anyway~

*Alchemy circle appears on ground*

*Trampoline Forms*

*Jump ups and slits Kiryn's throat*

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Items to be stolen would be awesome. For both Heinz and Reika, that would be great and help their utility. Knives aren't that great.

Whistle, bit of advise on the fight. Don't mimic Psych's battles and have the characters focus. If possible try to resolve any engagements first, then decide who should attack. Not everyone needs to attack, and it's a huge bummer to have a character KO'ed before turn 2 because you decided to have several characters gang up on them.

Also, if Morgan can make it out without dropping off, that would be wonderful.

Whaat? Knives/daggers are awesome! *Stabs Sage* That said, Heinz will probably steal and sell stuff anything that seems valuable that he can grab. He took a short sword (which works as a dagger) from the armory awhile back, and if he takes another weapon, he'd probably just sell it off right away for more gold.

I wasn't trying to mimic Psych -____- but having the mercenaries know nothing about who to attack at all would be ridiculous, given that Heinz sent them a scroll with pretty much everything he learned about the Crimson Weapons and their wielders. There were only four characters that were specifically targeted, and if anyone who wasn't fighting had wanted to help them, that would have been fine. The Gather skill didn't even come into effect until after the CW characters were KO'ed (way after they were KO'ed, but that's my fault for posting slowly), so there were no characters being ganged up on when they were still alive.

There are some things which I do realize I should have been quicker about in that stat battle (Take away unconscious CW wielder faster)

Also, when the heck was Esphyr downed? As far as I recall, only Morgan and Reika were ever KO'ed out of the CWs.

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I could tell you where I got all these Stones, but then I'd have to kill you and everyone in the thread.

...Well, it'd net me another Stone... hm.

Re dragging off: There aren't any mans left to anyway, dun worry bout it.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Found where Esphyr was KO'ed. There was a merc and a peg knight trying to take away Reika, but Helios downed one before Esphyr killed it and Arrin and Kelas finished all the other one. Those were the last two remaining mercenaries, so Esphyr is safe. *shrugs at double killing*

Edit: Clarified things slightly.

Edited by the_whistler
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I could tell you where I got all these Stones, but then I'd have to kill you and everyone in the thread.

...Well, it'd net me another Stone... hm.

So your not a Mary Sue like the others....... You are a terrible person. I would like to join your fanclub

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Raid time!

Nerm I dislike missing more stat-combat, but can't do anything about it. If someone wants to CC Esphyr till raid over, great. If not, I will be fine.

Edited by Snowy_One
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@ Kiryn

I don't have a soul. I'd be a worthless stone. Best to just kill everybody else ... except Cynthia ... we need her number crunching skillz >_>'

If I had a stone it'd electrocute anyone who tried to take it. So yeah.

Also, I never saw FMA but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about it.

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Fun fact:

I was too lazy to come up with proper stats for Synt, since I didn't think he was going to be attacked anyway b/c of his skills, so I borrowed them from a post Phoenix did awhile back. Thus, Synt has the exact same stats as Travis the Hero :lol:

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I'm baaaack~

And caught up on Chat, which was useless.

My characters (Minus Rita) can just take 10 exp or something for missing the fight.

Reading missed RP right now.

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K, so, uh, can I just go and assume we're ready for the fight? If so, start the battle now. Player Phase.

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