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What Ether said.

HP 5








She can either attack with swords, give +2 to stat to someone for 1 player phase and 1 enemy, or let that person skip the 5 post limit.

Male pegasus would be cool. No to the skirt though. >_>

Edited by psychout50
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Also,those caps are way too high.Dancers are either mediocre attackers or can't attack at all.

Something like this would probably be better:









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The STR should at least be 3. Myrmidons have 3.

And that's too dodgy. Like literally, nothing can hit them. Not even 6 skill classes with a 6 rolled.

Give them normal Luck, and give 1 point to both DEF and RES.

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A Myrm would naturally be stronger than a dancer, thus higher caps. As for evasion, that's exactly what they need. It's just a cap, not the actual stats(max evasion for that layout is actually 9 btw meaning a roll of 6 plus at least three skill is a guaranteed hit, OR a roll of at least 3 and a skill of 6. Either way.).

*will laugh when Psych sees Daneka's layout and wets himself*

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And Dancers always have low Str,so they should stay that way.

Also,while 9 Evd is really good,any class with a 4 cap or higher can hit them,it's just difficult.Althogh normal lck is fine,I guess,more Def or Str doesn't work,so how about:









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Because I'm bored ...

Most common Phoenix Character expressions(can only do ten emoticons at a time so only doing my guys):

Isotov: :unsure:

Irina: :mellow:

Viveka: ^_^

Levski: XD

Ivan: :sob:

Stephanie: :facepalm:

Ivanko: :lol:

Ixion: <_<

Jasmine: :)

Shanice: >_<

Sprites progress:

Miranda: 45%

HM: 5% (<--- working with a low quality base is agonizingly frustrating and discouraging)

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Chase: -_-

Conrad: <_<

For Dancer caps, I think

HP: 3

Str: 2

Mag: 2

Skl: 5

Spd: 6

Luk: 4

Def: 3

Res: 4

... would work best. I mean, dancers aren't supposed to fight, they're supposed to encourage.


Attack (weakly, mind you)

1 other character gets +2 to a stat for 2 phases

1 other character has restriction changed to every 3 posts for 2 phases

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They're ready to TS, but they're getting closer together so I want to keep them somewhat synchronized time wise. Once the main group goes to bed, the smaller group can TS to morning.

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They need HP more than Skill. And I'm liking giving them Arcanium or Charisma or Daunt or something like that. Let's go with Ether's caps near the top of the page. The 2nd ones. Not the 1st ones.

Edited by psychout50
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I don't think HP matters to dancers much because they shouldn't be fighting much unless it's a finishing blow. Skill matters so they have a chnce to land said finishing blow. Meh, I guess Ether's caps work except the magic rwally has no point in being 3 because arcanum uses half mag rounded down.

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Actually if you took off the armor and any other insignias that proved Alex was a General, you might be able to get away with it (providing Alex kept her mouth shut and no one said anything stupid). Taking her into a Septimian town might raise a few eyebrows, but it's unlikely a civilian would care. A fair bit of the group is still recovering though, so it looks like they're staying put.

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Totally gotta make a wind mage just because you don't want anyone to Helios is already outclassed in wind magic by a certain wind spirit anyways :awesome:

Also, Chase collapsing was more because he doesn't sleep enough than having rode a horse too much or anything else.

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