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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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I don't mind this limbo situation if we're heading slowly to the capitol, but were stuck at an inn, I'm tempted to make Kamilla run off and catch up with Eric <_< Or fire But the "setting inn's on fire is getting old now.

Just out of humor I find alot of character feats impossible, If we go back to our last inn where Proxima burned a man beyond ashes, he doesn't have that much power :/ Clearly demonstrated in battle where he can't incinerate an enemy in one hit :/ That there, is overestimating ones characters!

*Contemplates throwing rocks at Isotov to see if he'll burn down the inn*

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@ Character feats

Let me explain that in as detailed a way as I possibly can.

Stat Combat Versus Cinematic Combat:

In stat combat, we roll dice to determine how much damage we do, and add that to strength for the total amount. Basically no matter what we roll, high or low, we're adding strength to a random number between one and six.

In cinematic combat, we're not using dice, we're using FE physics, which can be easily bent though it isn't often necessary for what I usually end up doing.

Proxima feats:

Incident #1: The massive explosions were just physics on vacation. The first explosion wasn't Iso's fault. When he gets startled by aggression, sometimes Proxima goes into hijacker mode. (If you must know why that happens and can't wait for another support convo to reveal just pm me, and no, Proxima is NOT Sentient)That increases the power that can be unleashed dramatically.

The second explosion occurred because Iso was once again startled. Ivanko challenged him to a duel. If you hadn't noticed, Iso was becoming a bit ... overly aggressive right before he attacked. That was Proxima drawing him to call upon it in a more subtle way than normal. The second explosion was equal in size and strength to the first. Added more black smoke for effect.

Incident #2: The bandit that Iso fried was just plain screwed from the start. In stat combat, if I rolled a six, and added that to Iso's magic four, I get ten. Normally that would cripple our usual opponents, but rolling a six is unlikely ... one in six chance to be exact. A lowly bandit may or may not survive, but the difference between that fight and a stat based fight is that Iso can't participate in stat combat while Proxima is controlling him(Not unless an MAG+ modifier is applied). Against the bandit that grabbed him, Proxima forced Iso to call on it in the split second he was startled. When Iso is tricked/forced/compelled into calling Proxima, it is far stronger than usual. Instead of throwing fireballs around like in stat combat, Proxima unleashed a nearly fifteen hundred degree blanket of fire directly onto a lightly armored(if at all) bandit, he was either going to die immediately, or run around in circles and then die anyway. Imagine if some red guy just came up, tossed a bunch of metallic powder all over you, and then caused an aluminium thermite reaction right on top of your head.

Look that stuff up, it's crazy cool/disturbing :mellow:

Edited by Phoenix
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(When Tessa sees Kamilla sitting in the corral, holding a knife, and all the bones in one of her feet broken, with Amari wandering around outside the fence, I don't think she'll be sympathetic.)

...why is it always me anyway? I'm not the one whose character has a horse... Dx hell, not even one out of two...

~goes to get characters ready for the timeskip~

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Pffft, knife? Who's stupid enough to use a knife? *Goes off to get a matchbox*

Don't have anything against Trevor/Tessa/Bal?

Pack horse is boring and I'll kill it later

Kiev isn't really a horse, but hmmm, actually not a bad choice

Kiev or Amari, I'll attack one of them, with fire take your pick :P

Things are so wonderful tonight, haven't got a single thing to post for at least another 2 hours until Snowy gets on <_<

Edited by Nadesico
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Two other?...... Who else had horses?

Wait, Kai had one didn't he? Completely forgot since it's hardly ever mentioned.

Still can't think of who had the other one,

You sided with the Phoenix,

My enemies friend, is my enemy!

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Of course I'll think of a sound reason, or rather circumstantial reasons XD I just need something else to target and hurt now that Isotovs treating Katie like his mother and not reacting in an amusing way.

Either way, I've decided to go with attacking Kai's horses, since he threatened to "end me." I'd like to see him try :P Tell the packhorse it gets to live for an extra week kay?

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[spoiler=Neverending Story]Fight against the sadness Artax. Artax, please. You’re letting the sadness of the swamps get to you. You have to try, you have to care. For me, I’m your friend, I love you.


Edit: wow. I broke the code.


fails badly.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Helios is partially a dead guy, and I need to reconstruct my tactics to deal with your posts, since if I try something like 'poison' you'll most likely pull out an antidote that "cures all poisons" or something, whereas Phoenix would be more reasonable.

And Kamilla might die, but Nadesico is forever! XD I'll just make another hostile character and try again, my life count is infinite :P

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Let's see you try Kai :P

@Phoenix, shifting targets while I'll still retain a hostile relation with Iso/Irina, you can rest for awhile as I obliterate the puny Kai XD

(Awhile = 1 week? possibly 3weeks)

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@Phoenix, shifting targets while I'll still retain a hostile relation with Iso/Irina, you can rest for awhile as I obliterate the puny Kai XD

(Awhile = 1 week? possibly 3weeks)

Uh ... thanks :/

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I am not hating on her

Im just not in the best mood right now

Anyways i dont see any objection to the PVP arena thread

Does that give me permission to make it?

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