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Just to randomly change the subject for no reason, does anyone have any thoughts for changing up a Stefan hairstyle slightly? I don't have any ideas at the moment so I'm wondering if anyone else does.

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Computer didn't come in until 5, and I was sick all day. Sorry.

Gonna post soon.

Oh yeah, I'm planning on downloading FE4 on this computer and starting over. I'm never really used to playing the game, but I think I fully competent at it, so I'm going to be focusing on that game while at Mom's.

Oh yeah, and I beat Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga a week ago.

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Just try em.


In other news, I have very important future ideas for Snike. But they're not what you think.

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@ Derek

Progress: 50% (All that's actually left is the head, face, and specially trimmings)

@ RP

Not sure what I want to do in this town. Towns are starting to suck just for existing. I wanna hit a city at some point that's not just a bustling capital.

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Just try em.

*Shoots Psych*


Midir X Aideen. (Get them together before chapter 4)

Ayra X Lex (Elite = hax)

Fury X Levin

Azel X Tiltyu

Lachesis X Finn

Holyn X Briggid

Sylvia X noone/Claude

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*Shoots Psych*NEVER AGAIN!

Midir X Aideen. (Get them together before chapter 4)

Ayra X Lex (Elite = hax)

Fury X Levin

Azel X Tiltyu

Lachesis X Finn

Holyn X Briggid

Sylvia X noone/Claude

No! Midir sucks!

Elite is not as good as Bargain, Sol, and passing down Swords.



Prayer isn't that useful, and no inheritance sucks.


Si, but inheritance is minorly better than Charisma/Berserk.

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Midir gets a hero bow he can pass down to Lester.

What is Lackche and Skaser gonna do with Bargain? They already destroy the arena. They also get defense. Lex gives Ayra a Hero sword in chapter 3 so dont forget.

Finn gives Lachesis 5 speed. That makes up for inheritance. Cannon too

Sharlow has Elite.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Jamka gets the bow too. >_>

Ayra can take the sword, then dump him for Dew. And Sol.

Finn gives Nanna the speed. And Delmund nothing.

Which, is definatly inferior to Holsety if you go that way, but otherwise, he get's Vylkerie staff, Fortify, probably Libro, Silence, and Sleep while you're at it. He's too late to promote anyway.

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I prefer Midir but Lester will end up the same either way :/

Lex still gives the twins DEF and Elite. Inheritance is overrated, if you want inheritance, go with Holyn instead


I pair her with Claude. I like wincest.

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AzelxLachesis is the way to go for Nanna. Delmud's not bad with that one either due to Pursuit + Magic Swords. I'm going for MidirxAideen. A good backup one is FinxAideen, since both kids get supports and identical stats + Prayer. Lester would be stuck with no Hero Bow for awhile though. On the other hand, Lana gets +5 magic in Chapter 7.

For the most part, I'm doing typical pairings, excluding AzelxLachesis and BeowulfxBriggd.

Really due to Astra and good stats, Skasaha doesn't give a damn about sword inheritance, let alone Bargain. Plus Dew is almost never going to be promoted by the end of the First Generation anyway. Jamka doesn't give Pursuit which is why he's an inferior father to Midir.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Eh. I like Jamka for some reason.

Lex can't get the Wind Sword. You get Lex to give Ayra the Hero sword, then dump him and glue Dew and Aiyra together. You have Dew get the Silver Blade, Power Ring, and Wind Sword, and Skashkser Skhekers Lache's brother is set.

:facepalm: If no one uses Delmund, we'd want Lachesis and a magic pairing. But we don't.

Yeah, I pair her that way too. I was arguing your substitutes are better.


Holyn and Briggid for a reason. I give Holyn an Iron Blade, the Elite Ring, the Barrier ring, and the Thunder Sword. Patty and Odo blood helps her use the Hero sword before promo too. And with Elite, she'll be fantastic.

Edited by psychout50
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More extreme personality traits tend to make for more interesting characters.

If it's multiple extreme personality traits per each character, maybe, but if it's a single extreme personality trait for each character, then I'm forced to disagree (as I am wont to do).

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AzelxLachesis is the way to go for Nanna. Delmud's not bad with that one either due to Pursuit + Magic Swords. I'm going for MidirxAideen. A good backup one is FinxAideen, since both kids get supports and identical stats + Prayer. Lester would be stuck with no Hero Bow for awhile though. On the other hand, Lana gets +5 magic in Chapter 7.

For the most part, I'm doing typical pairings, excluding AzelxLachesis and BeowulfxBriggd.

Minor Hezul will keep his STR in good shape. Feel free.


@ Psych: Then the twins will suck with their crap bases and DEF. No one uses Dew. People use Lex and Ayra.

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Read the edited post and you'll see why Lex/Aiya is best.

Anyway, Delmud is mostly used for Charisma, but Nanna is just better. My backup pairing is BeowulfxLachesis due to it being faster than FinxLachesis and producing similar results. Although I like the latter pairing better.

Make no mistake, Delmud is a good fighter, just that's not his primary use.

Going with ClaudexFury (backup is NoishxFury) and TiltyuxLevin (Backup is AzelxTiltyu).

Edited by Dark Sage
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Dew gives them God like speed, and the Wind Sword. Lex passing down nothing, is not a good thing.

Who will waste turns to get the wind sword? Lex passing Elite down compensates for inheritance

Lets see here.

Lex X Ayra gives you better Bases, Elite and DEF while Ayra X Dew gives you Sol, speed that they already have and a wind sword which is a waste of time to get. Dew is not helping the twins STR either.

@ Sage: Holsety for the whole first GEN = Yayness. Dont forget to give Claude the leg ring.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Doesn't that game have its own thread for cryin' out loud?

Anyway, re extreme character traits: They can make a character more interesting when well done, I think; otherwise they're just a route to easy Flanderization; you can refer to the character as "that one that does [thing]" and they're not known for anything else.

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