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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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For the sake of mobility, I really wouldn't increase the party's size much more then what it currently is. It's already pretty decent in size, add two new pegasus's at once and... well, I guess it won't matter after I eliminate Kai's horses.

I agree, there also might be some character management issues. You both already have two characters, a third one might end up some or all of them not doing much/being neglected. I'm not very keen in having deadweight characters that just show up for fights sometimes hanging around.

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I agree, there also might be some character management issues. You both already have two characters, a third one might end up some or all of them not doing much/being neglected. I'm not very keen in having deadweight characters that just show up for fights sometimes hanging around.

Me neither, that's why I made damn sure that I was good at multitasking before considering it. I've found that even three unique characters leaves me somewhat unfulfilled, but that's what Ivan and Lev are for, so as far as stat characters go, three is fine. My third and FINAL(as in I'm done making allied stat characters FOREVER) character is carefully linked to someone else's character, and completely unrelated to Iso and Irina. Having a third character will allow me to be more active in the rp, and I won't have to bring in NPCs for extra interactions JUST because I'm bored.

Yeah ... I have to full custom part of her left leg ... ... that knocked me down from my hamster high real quick :facepalm:

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If you're so psycho make your own RP XD

Nyeh, considering birdbrain's activity he should be able to handle 3 I think, not too sure about Lacuna, but I wouldn't say she's incapable.

We still haven't even integrated Snike into the party yet, and we're getting hit with new characters XD

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Eric will likely join the group before my peggie does. (She can't join until Conrad does)

Yes I can handle three characters. I could handle six but I'm not stupid. The party is just shy of average FE size armies(early chapters), and I don't want to hog up roster space. Besides. I've got enough NPCs to keep me happy long time :)

EDIT: Cynthia? Is that avatar Gene Gray(The Phoenix) from The X-Men, or that horny chick from The Watchmen? Or someone else altogether? :huh:

Edited by Phoenix
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It's Jean Grey (Dark Phoenix). Made me think of you actually, with the phoenixes and of course fire in relation to this RP.

I plan on making another character at some point, though it doesn't have to be right now (and probably won't).

Anyway, WRT rule changes, 1 and 3 seem to be approved. Regarding Invisible Castle, I'll propose a compromise. For most fights it's not reuired but if it's important (such as a fight between PC's or something) it should be required. Just for the record, you gain the same amount of Exp for missing as hitting, punishing the honest seems cruel (has anyone missed an attack yet in this RP btw? Suspicious...)

I'm going to say battle posts are any posts an attack is made. Don't count Tessa healing someone as a battle post.

Anyway Exp totals from the battle with Percy's group. Please inform me of any possible errors.:

Esphyr: 10

Helios: 40

Mark: 10

Arrin: 10

Kelas: 10

Chase: 25

Morgan: 15

Damian: 20

Aiya: 25

Tessa: 15

Kamilla: 5

Eric: 5

Irina: 5

Isotov: 5

From the battle with the Wyvern riders, Chase's Exp amended from 8 to 15 and Tessa receives 10 Exp. Keep track of your own Exp, and inform people when you level up. If you have a really good reason I can look up your Exp for you I can, but I'd really rather not.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Out of pure curiousity, I'm assuming a combat where you miss is 1 XP? I don't think it's come up in recent history, but if we ever come to something hard to double, I'm sure with Tessa's skill if she fights at all, she will whiff more often than not.

Edit: Or is that just assumed to be covered by the 5 XP for existing quota?

Edited by Balcerzak
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I forget if I've missed, but I've sure had some utterly useless hits...

Anyway, in my case the pegasus knight doesn't show up until/unless one of my current two dies. (I was sort of planning on killing one of them at some point, not sure if I'll do that now, but we'll see...)

Also: Nothing is happening. What

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Out of pure curiousity, I'm assuming a combat where you miss is 1 XP? I don't think it's come up in recent history, but if we ever come to something hard to double, I'm sure with Tessa's skill if she fights at all, she will whiff more often than not.

Edit: Or is that just assumed to be covered by the 5 XP for existing quota?

Eh I think 5 EXP regardless of whether you missed/dealt no damage is fair. I don't see why people should be punished for a combination of bad luck and honesty.

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Eh I think 5 EXP regardless of whether you missed/dealt no damage is fair. I don't see why people should be punished for a combination of bad luck and honesty.

Beautiful, that works too.

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It's Jean Grey (Dark Phoenix). Made me think of you actually, with the phoenixes and of course fire in relation to this RP.

"Phoenix likes this quote" ^_^

And yeah, I've missed some shots that would have kept Iso from getting KO'd. I don't miss often, but when I do, I get nearly demolished for it :(

In other news ...

@ Peggie lovers

Go and meet Viveka, likely the first of the three pegasus riders! Our story's equivalent of Venassa or Florina(more like Fiora). Will post sign up sheet after I read Snowy's next chapter in the Scarlet story. I'll get it right this time, the first time, and every time from now on B)

(She cannot join the group until the crimson axe wielder Conrad Jackson does)

@ Lacuna

Go check out Ixion really quick. He seems so FMAish.

@ Snowy_One

In regards to support bonuses ... I was wondering, if a character has a support level with another character that isn't present in a battle, shouldn't that bonus be nullified for the duration of the battle? Basically Irina should get no Ivanko related bonuses if he isn't somewhere nearby. If that's already the case then that's fine.

Also I've been forgetting to add certain bonuses and penalties support bonuses among them, at least until I edit them in. Can somebody quote me the support types so I can put it in my note manager? Weapon triangle stuff too? I'm tired of having to edit battle posts :facepalm:

Check list of bonuses, penalties, and general guidelines.

Support bonuses (unless support partner is not present?)

Weapon Triangle effect (+1 damage for WTD win, and -1 hit for WTD lose right?)

Crimson weapon sap effect (-1 HP right?)

No counterattacks for ranged striking (does a spear toss count as ranged?)

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Here's the affinities:

Fire: +0.5 MT per level

Ice: +0.5 Def per level

Anima: +0.5 Res per level

Wind: +0.5 Hit per level

Thunder: +0.5 Evade per level

Dark: Each 1 allows you to reroll your dice for a saving throw.

Light: Each 1 increases the amount potions and staffs heal you by 1.

Crimson weapons:

The Sword: Held by Esphyr (Sword of Bloddy Wrath)

The Lance: Held by Damian (Gae-Borg)

The Axe: Held by Conrad (Earthshaker)

The Bow: Held by Rayton (Hellion Shooter)

The Knife: Held by Reika (Calamity)

The Shadow: Held by Morgan (Midnight)

The Fire: Held by Isotov (Proxima)

The Thunder: Held by Arrin (Daranau)

The Wind: Held by Helios (Hellsety)

I edited in some of the Crimson Weapons that weren't on the list btw. As well as their names.

Edited by Lightning
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Oh okay, so the supports weren't battle stats, they were leveling bonuses. Scratch the support bonuses bit then :D

They are battle bonuses. The "per level" means per support level (C=1, B=2, A=3, etc.)

Also, I'm not entirely sure you can give full justice to a third character. I've noticed at least two occasions where you've completely ignored Ether's attempt to interact with Irina. And I'm not talking about in-character. That would be perfectly excusable and justified. But it was as if you completely didn't even notice his posts existed.

With additional characters, the chances of overlooking interactions and messing things up only increases.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, and this really is just no big deal, but...

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The support partner has to be nearby IMO, the 'bonus' comes from wanting to defend them.

The sword is 'Sword of Bloody Wrath', the lance is 'Gae-Borg', the knives are 'Calamity', the bow is "Hellion Shot' and the axe is ???

Irina often didn't interact much even before Isotov showed up. Not sure you need 2 'side' characters.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Irina often didn't interact much even before Isotov showed up. Not sure you need 2 'side' characters.

Well Irina is actually a "side" character herself(or rather Iso's anchor to the group). Iso being the wielder of a CW is my main character, and Viveka has nothing to do with either of them other than being an officer serving under a CW wielder(similar to Aiya, but not head over heels in love him).

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@Nady and her horse killing obsession: Snowy mentioned something about not being able to kill off any characters without the operators permission. The same must apply for horses. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight Snowy?

EDIT: @Cynthia: If i remember correctly Helios got 30 exp and Mark got 15

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They are battle bonuses. The "per level" means per support level (C=1, B=2, A=3, etc.)

Also, I'm not entirely sure you can give full justice to a third character. I've noticed at least two occasions where you've completely ignored Ether's attempt to interact with Irina. And I'm not talking about in-character. That would be perfectly excusable and justified. But it was as if you completely didn't even notice his posts existed.

With additional characters, the chances of overlooking interactions and messing things up only increases.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, and this really is just no big deal, but...

Actually the Ether ignores were a dumb accident(Ether's posts are usually adjacent to Kai's and that's been the source of some accidental skimming(they do 100% OOC posts so often that I sometimes just skim past their posts)), but I have a foolproof way to eliminate the problem.

Send a quick little pm telling the person you want to interact with that you're making a move. This should only be necessary if there's a lot of OOC posting going on.

Having a third character would actually be a good thing for interaction in my opinion, because I'll have to check the thread more regularly for replies. Multitasking isn't a hard thing for me since I do it all the time. The problem with getting Irina more socially available is that it always happens at random moments that can conflict slightly with something else going on(example? Percy is defeated and captured. The group is deciding what to do, and they should all be tense. Hey, Irina! Wanna spar? T'was fun though ^_^ ). Having to go over the posts on a page multiple times will make it easier to catch character specific replies.

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If that's what you want Kai, :D

It works well either way for me, though if that's true, then you'll regret bringing that up later.

Horses are Npc's which are controlled by the character, I'd probably say in cases like Kiev and Amari such an action may cause complications due to them making regular appearances. However I can't even even remember Helios's horse, and still can't recall Mark even having one (Sure it's somewhere if Lacuna knows about it)

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Regarding killing of horses: There are arguments in both directions.

In support of banning the killing of horses/other mounts: Some of us give our mounts personalities and developed characters. Furthermore, a mounted unit's horse would logically affect the rider's effectiveness in battle and thus stats; Kelas is used to fighting on Amari; another horse would have unfamiliar gaits and behavior, which could lower her speed and skill. A new, untrained horse would also prevent a mounted unit from fighting effectively. There's also the issue of the death of a horse necessitating buying a new one, which some characters wouldn't logically have the money to do.

In support of allowing it: They're animals, not player characters. They're not immortal. Non-essential horses (say the packhorse or Luna) would not affect anyone's stats. Furthermore, horses aren't "bonded" to their rider like, say, wyverns, and while replacing a trained warhorse is an inconvenience, it does not completely kill the rider's effectiveness.

Personally, I'd really rather not have either of my horses killed, but I acknowledge that there are counterarguments. If there is a really good story-related reason (such as well-explained enemy tactics that make sense) that they would die, I'd probably (grudgingly) accept it, but "I don't like you" or "got bored, felt like killing things" is not such a reason.

Regarding Mark having a horse: He's a cavalier. It hasn't got a personality (yet), but it's fairly important to his effectiveness. (Was considering pulling my own horse-hax and making it a grumpy jerk of a horse, but that would kind of be hypocritical because of the whole messing-with-people's-animals thing...)

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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I guess I just don't see the point of all these "companion" characters. They often aren't well developed on their own, and tend to have little interaction with the group as a whole, only having conversations with whoever they interact with. At least it would be different people controlling them this time.

Ether has done a good job of making Aiya her own character so far (she has her own interactions, does things without Damian etc.) of course, arguably both his characters have suffered because of each other existing (they interact so much with each other that they sometimes ignore everyone else).

Lacuna has also done a pretty good job making Arrin more than just Kelas' little brother, he does his own thing (there actually have been very few interactions between the siblings so far). However, some people have noted that both characters sometimes suffer because the other gets the majority of the post.

Snowy has managed Esphyr and Katie pretty well. Katie does definitely assume a secondary role though, she's not interested in the weapons and doesn't participate in combat, so she's not really a full member anyway.

Irina and Mark (and Ian) are examples of characters created mostly just to interact with the person's main character, being "filler" more or less. I perosnally think such characters shouldn't travel with the party, they should try to just play their parts and leave, like Ivanko and co. (and sort of like some of Kai's stuff, though that didn't make as much sense). If you're going to join the party, be a full fledged character. If Amari is outclassing you in interactions and personality, something is wrong IMO.

I guess I'm making things difficult, but since Bal brought it up I thought I would add in my $0.02. It might just be a difference in styles (notice how Bal and I only have one character). There is a vague limit to how many party members the group can have at one time for various reasons (otherwise you end up with a lot of ignored characters), so that's something to consider. I'm not trying to be overly critical of anyone here, just stating my opinion.

I counted up a boss kill, a wyvern kill (or a boss hit), and a wyvern hit for Helios and a wyvern hit for Mark.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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