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He was talking about the guy in chapter 7. The boss you fight twice.

I beat the chapter 8 boss with base level weapons.


would have made it easier though.

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He was talking about the guy in chapter 7. The boss you fight twice.

I beat the chapter 8 boss with base level weapons.


would have made it easier though.

Dualcasting + Tide Turner, my friend. >.>

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I just went Slash&Burn + Dualcasting, with Doctor's code and a whole bunch of potions I never thought i would get the chance to use. he was easy enough, but i still think Square was trolling me.

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It's always funny to see you guys each come back with your own insta-win methods :P

Like I said, not a hardcore gamer here. I tend to run straight into enemy bosses and fight them until I win. I always win eventually, but the help is appreciated.

BTW, Lightning, how do you have your weapons at such high levels anyway? I usually focus on one weapon at a time and can't get them much passed two or three levels per upgrade(upgrades taking place maybe once every two chapters since that's how long it takes me to accumulate enough components).

And no, I know nothing of proper component parts for certain weapons or anything of the sort >_>'

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I beat this game already.

The biggest challenge for me was odin by a longshot. Everyone else proved lttle difficulty and I'm not a hardcore gamer either. I guess I'm just good at this, unlike some other games (I'm looking at you, every FPS I've ever played)

^Because I buy components with extra money and focus on one weapon at a time. I also never level up stuff I don't think will be useful, and I rarely level up armor. For example, on my new file, Lightning has a level 20 Blazefire Saber just before Odin.

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Weapon levels haven't seemed all that important to me, atleast not yet. I'm in chapter 9, and so far the only upgrades are a Star level Blazefire Saber, level 8 Gladius(no longer used) and a level 4 Bladed Lance for Fang. Nothing else has been touched, aside from a Spark ring which isn't in use, and a level 2 Silver Bangle(Hopeless) Woot for +16 HP, I guess.

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It's always funny to see you guys each come back with your own insta-win methods :P

Like I said, not a hardcore gamer here. I tend to run straight into enemy bosses and fight them until I win. I always win eventually, but the help is appreciated.

BTW, Lightning, how do you have your weapons at such high levels anyway? I usually focus on one weapon at a time and can't get them much passed two or three levels per upgrade(upgrades taking place maybe once every two chapters since that's how long it takes me to accumulate enough components).

And no, I know nothing of proper component parts for certain weapons or anything of the sort >_>'

I can take that one. You buy a lot of wings, or something like that, from Creature comforts, and a lot of high-quality parts from the Garage. What you do, is apply enough wings for a 3X multiplier, then apply the parts, for massive upgrades.

Edit: Just beat end of Disc 2 Boss, I believe. Easy, but **** you, Destrudo. >___>

Team was Lightning, Sazh, and Hopeless.

@Psych: Hasn't been stated exactly that she's beside them.

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Cess and Rita walked over towards the school, leaving Damian and Esphyr with the Spyglass. They saw Eric, Derek, and Dani in front of the school. Rita went over to Dani."What are you guys doing?"


Right...not stated.

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LOL ... not exactly my forte either(unless I'm sniping or steamrolling over people with tanks).


Snow always says the same damn thing. "We're gonna take down sanctum, and protect Cocoon!"

Everybody else always comes back with "You idiot ..." XD

@ Snike

Ah, I see, multipliers first, then upgrading components.

@ Lightning

Right, so basically you're on a new game plus run?

@ RP

What's happening?

@ Arena

If there's no exp for stat combat I'm not interested.

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You placed them wrong, A.

Eric's wandering, not near the inn.

Derek's in front of the inn, yes.

Dani's in front of the inn, but talking to Heinz.

So, if you want to interact, interact with Derek. >_____>

Edit: Slave, shame on you for shaming on other people's preferences. It is shameful.


OK, ignore that statement.

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Arenas, and Secret Shops.

I totally want us on a boat somewhere now. We haven't fought inside anywhere yet, have we? We need a desert fight.


Just replace school with inn. They don't need to talk to Iso and Katie. >_>

Edited by psychout50
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@ Psych

If you keep planning for specific types of events, they're going to fail, and for various reasons. Certain things you have to let flow a little or you'll end up attempting another railroading spree.

@ Kai

That post just now was the sh*ttiest you've ever done.

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Yeah! Lightning, regardless of if she fights, I have an idea for her.

She can use a sword to fight, or use these dances.

Dance of Vitality

Dance of Power

Dance of Wisdom

Dance of Technique

Dance of Agility

Dance of Fortune

Dance of Protection

Dance of Immunity

Dance of Energy

The top ones boost a stat by 2 for a turn, except HP which is 1 (3). Energy is the one that let's us attack again.

What did we do about Dancer caps?


What is it this time? I'm going with Snike. I'd be his fault. :facepalm:

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@ Dancer chick

... ... ... okay.

No solid complaints here, but some more quality and content added couldn't hurt. The whole post basically goes like this ...

*chase fires arrow*

*hits girl wit arrow*

*they realize that they are sorta siblings*

*"let's get a medic"*

That was very short, rushed, and easily overlookable. The last thing you want when having a reunion post is for it to be so plain and uninteresting.

@ Arena

So Helios is back to his old lone wolfing self? This should be boring :)

@ Psych

I was merely pointing out that planning for a desert fight is a bad idea. It's better to just hope our next enemy just happens to be in a desert when we meet them.

Read that carefully, there is a difference between planning on a fighting location, and planning an enemy's most likely location >_>'

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