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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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Oh never mind. I didn't realize that you noticed what she's up to, or rather what she's capable of :lol:


Okay I'm going to bed so I can get a fresh start tomorrow. Oh, and stay tuned for the next episode of Ixion Tales. You won't be disappointed ... unless you're Psych or something.

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After today my activity is going to decrease significantly: tomorrow I am driving out to school. I'll still manage a fair bit of posting through the weekend, but starting Monday I have classes, oh gosh I have classes.

Of course, I suspect that shortly afterward, nearly everyone else will start up school again, so the decrease will happen all around.

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...So I was being talked at while reading the Miranda bit, and as a result kind of skimming, but Shanice's interjections kind of cracked me up.

Go back and read it again. Trust me it's worth it, especially since there's only one episode left in that little mini-series.

*turns to the thread at large*

Oh, and happy 90th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment!

@ Lightning

Go and read the episodes too. They're long, but they're awesomely awesome. Best parts of the chapter thus far apart from this cool Directus alliance thing we're doing as a method of getting back at Daneka and recruiting Luc.

@ Snowy

You too. Go read them.

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Sad thing for me is, something is about to happen that has to coincide with something else and since the Ixion episodes are hours ahead of the actual timeline, I'm not sure how or when to reflect that. With that, what time of day is it where the party is?

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Okay let's see, it was morning during the attack, and at least nine ten hours passed.

What time was it when the attack happened at the cave?

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As you may or may not have noticed by my absence from IRC and threads last night, the wireless router at my apartment broke somehow, and neither I not my flatmates know how to fix it. So the only access I'll be having is at work (when I should be working), until we can hopefully get this fixed.

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@ Bal

... well ... dang.

@ RP

I finally did the thing.

Also there's one more episode after this. I thought this would be the last one, but it was running too long so I decided to cut it short again.

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More like a Wham line, maybe.

Edit: Reading it, I was like, "she's manipulating him." But, I didn't really think you'd do that.

Edit2: ****ing Nosferatu.

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