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Lord of Azure Flame: Chat


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@Kai, And why are you posting an older Helios? I don't recall Snowy or Cynthia mentioning a 3+ year time skip, where everyone'd be older, going by Morgan's remarks the world would have ended by then.

If you're just posting art, then maybe you should go make an art gallery?

@Ether, He'd still be the unlikeable person he is atm wouldn't he, eyeliner or no eyeliner?

Starting to get worried, I think Kai's challenging my position as most disliked character :/

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You would be surprised at how much makeup can change someone's view of someone.

When Helios puts on twenty pounds of eyeliner,people mistake him as a tramp,so he is more likely to find some street sleeze to finally pop his cherry.

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Any respect I had for you Kai is gone, you had a perfect opportunity to taunt Morgan with the elixir and you let it slip. I was going to exchange Luna's safety for Morgan's wrath but it's too late now. The pony dies.

I need to bring Reika back it seems then, Then I can win hands down, and you all have to suffer at the hands of the "You can't kill player character rule" XD

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The pony is not a player character and thus has no immunities.

Man, I'm sure glad Morgan doesn't care about anyone who's not a PC.

Reika can't be killed, but I notice a lack of a 'no torturing PCs' rule.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I don't think we should consider mounts the same as human NPCs. With human NPCs, you might need them alive to do something/provide some exposition... horses are harder to make that argument for. There are considerations for each one that don't apply to the other.

arg blarg repost

In support of banning the killing of horses/other mounts: Some of us give our mounts personalities and developed characters. Furthermore, a mounted unit's horse would logically affect the rider's effectiveness in battle and thus stats; Kelas is used to fighting on Amari; another horse would have unfamiliar gaits and behavior, which could lower her speed and skill. A new, untrained horse would also prevent a mounted unit from fighting effectively. There's also the issue of the death of a horse necessitating buying a new one, which some characters wouldn't logically have the money to do.

In support of allowing it: They're animals, not player characters. They're not immortal. Non-essential horses (say the packhorse or Luna) would not affect anyone's stats. Furthermore, horses aren't "bonded" to their rider like, say, wyverns, and while replacing a trained warhorse is an inconvenience, it does not completely kill the rider's effectiveness.

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If Snowy approves I'm going to go get myself a wyvern, screw training, screw not being able to find one, screw Phoenix's wyvern guide. And you can't kill it since.... uhh it's magical! And protected by an aura of err holiness!

Luna is not part of the character (Mark's horse is if he's a cavalier) and therefore character protection should not extend to Helios's horse.

Edited by Nadesico
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Yeah, but it seems you're just doing it for the sake of pissing him off. Now, while I disagree with Kai a ton, that's just not cool at all.

EDIT: Ninja'd, I guess if he doesn't care then whatever. You would have to give us an opportunity to attack Reika though.

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I have to agree with Tsuki on Luna atleast. Helios does not,and can not,fight on Luna.Every other mounted character can use their mount for combat,and aside from Kai's,and the packhorse,they all have some sort of developed persona. Heck,Ulfhrahn even has his own post in the sign up page.

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