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Worst game you've ever played in your life?


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I guess I'll go ahead and say Back to the Future for the NES was the worst game I played.

Yeah that one was pretty bad.

FFVIII. Omg. that game was pure pain.

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Sonic: Next gen... Well... Almost. There is one game I hated more; but I forced myself to forget the name and wiped it's data from my hard-drive. That game... I won't remember. But it was WORSE than SF3 (whch I own), summoner (which I own), and quite a few of other games mentioned here which I found to be at least average in quality (like Two Worlds).

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Sonic: Next gen... Well... Almost. There is one game I hated more; but I forced myself to forget the name and wiped it's data from my hard-drive. That game... I won't remember. But it was WORSE than SF3 (whch I own), summoner (which I own), and quite a few of other games mentioned here which I found to be at least average in quality (like Two Worlds).

Too Human?

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Section 8: That game had one nice quality to it -- You fell from the sky. That was it. Everything else was not only ripped off of every other game, but was made a LOT worse. Like, Shields! Those took about a good 20 seconds of constant fire on an enemy to get them to go down. WTF.

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none, I don't play bad games.

I do massive research on a game before buying it (that's why I have such a small games collection)

oh wait, still there must be a worst, right?

uhmm... the sims; castaway. it's a good game, but no/ barely any replay value and to easy~

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Morrowi-OH GOD THE LARVA IS RAPING ME! Why can't I hit it?! WHY CAN'T I HIT IT?!?! ARRRRRGRGRGRGRGRGGGGGGGG *drowns in my own spit*

Now see, I would've said Morrowind for the simple getting raped by everything factor. But that game had it's redeeming qualities. Like the four novel's worth of literature.

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No Life... No...

Morrowi-OH GOD THE LARVA IS RAPING ME! Why can't I hit it?! WHY CAN'T I HIT IT?!?! ARRRRRGRGRGRGRGRGGGGGGGG *drowns in my own spit*

First time I played Morrowind, I didn't understand the mechanics. I attacked a Larva for a solid minute with a dagger, with no Short Blades skill, and never hit it and it never hit me.

I look back on those days and laugh now. Ha! Ha!

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Spectral Forces Genesis is the worst game I've ever played. Most of its empire-managing mechanics are borrowed (and very, very badly borrowed) from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and are so poorly integrated that playing the game quickly becomes grating. The combat is OK but nothing special. The story is almost nonexistent and extremely bad without being humorously bad. The characters on my side (except in very rare story events) all have 100% similar dialogue as far as I can tell when you use them during the various phases of management.

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You just... Agh! Where am I?! Another favorite of mine, bashed, and before it ever even remotely got good!

Anyway, just to point stuff out, not trying to start an argument or anything (People are allowed to have opinions), but isn't that how most RPGs work? X>something else>X>something else?

It's ironic, because Summoner was a solid and well-liked game when it launched. Moreso with comments to the second game's quality, as it was the primary reason that everyone forgot about it.

Like, seriously, if Summoner is the worst game some of you have played, you either have extremely odd tastes or you haven't played very many games. I find it pretty unlikely that you can miss so many horrible games.

FFVIII. Omg. that game was pure pain.

This might actually motivate me to put together a shitlist.

Morrowi-OH GOD THE LARVA IS RAPING ME! Why can't I hit it?! WHY CAN'T I HIT IT?!?! ARRRRRGRGRGRGRGRGGGGGGGG *drowns in my own spit*

See above.

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Knight on the Town. Atari game where you play as a knight with a springy erection and have to build a bridge to cross over the moat and reach the princess so you can have sexual intercourse. There are a dozen more games like this but this is the only one I played. Looking at the name at first, I thought it was an adventure game. I kind of wtf'd when I actually ran the game. I don't know if I'd call it the worst game I've ever played, since there have been others like THE GUY GAME, LEISURE SUIT LARRY: MAGNA CUM LAUD (or whatever), SONIC SPINBALL, etc.

Oh and about every Street Fighter game.

Edited by Robin Mask
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Knight on the Town. Atari game where you play as a knight with a springy erection and have to build a bridge to cross over the moat and reach the princess so you can have sexual intercourse. There are a dozen more games like this but this is the only one I played. Looking at the name at first, I thought it was an adventure game. I kind of wtf'd when I actually ran the game. I don't know if I'd call it the worst game I've ever played, since there have been others like THE GUY GAME, LEISURE SUIT LARRY: MAGNA CUM LAUD (or whatever), SONIC SPINBALL, etc.

Oh and about every Street Fighter game.

I've actually heard that the original Leisure Suit Larry was pretty good or funny, and that the newer version ruined it.

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I've actually heard that the original Leisure Suit Larry was pretty good or funny, and that the newer version ruined it.

Yeah. The earlier titles were fun. Magna Cum Laude was --dare I say it-- enjoyable in its own way too, but only in a "I'm never paying for this game" kind of feel.

Ah well.

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When I think of worst game I've ever played, a few titles come to mind. They all give me this feeling of "I can't believe I just wasted my money on this."

Honorable Mention 1: Bill Laimbier's Combat Basketball for SNES. My friend bought this used for $0.39. In order to shoot the ball, you had to hold down L & R while pressing B.

Honorable Mention 2: Star Fox Adventure for the Cube. I knew this would be terrible when Fox pulled out his pistol and Gen. Pepper radioed in saying "This is a diplomatic mission so no lethal force is allowed."

Honorable Mention 3: Golden Axe (?) for GBA. I think that was the title. It was some repackaging of an "arcade classic" which I bought for like $19.99 and returned a few days later at best buy. Luckily, the clerk didn't seem to want to argue because I think I presented a pretty poor case for a refund.

Honorable Mention 4: Ogre Battle for SNES. I downloaded this to my Wii Virtual Console because it's supposed to be a forgotten classic. Well, I like Fire Emblem, so I must like strategy RPGs. Plus I majored in math and this is supposed o be more abstract than FE, so I should LOVE this game. But alas I didn't. It's boring and complicated and I can't figure out what's going on.

Honorable Mention 5: Boogerman for Genesis. Another Wii download. I basically wanted to piss off my wife by playing it in front of her, but I quickly realized I just wasted money that would have been better spent on fake vomit or something similarly immature.

And my WORST GAME EVER: Quest 64!! How could none of you have mentioned this yet? This game was awful! I rented this not knowing that you needed a special memory pak for the N64 controller if you wanted to save your game. So I spent 1 day of my 3 day rental going to my friend's house to borrow his memory pack just so I could play through the game. On top of that there were random battles all over the place so I just ran from them because they were boring and stupid. Whenever a boss battle came up, I just used the healing items I found as random drops to heal up and just plugged away at the boss until I realized I wasn't having fun and cursed Blockbuster for stocking such a horrid game.

Still, I never played Superman 64, and anyone who has has earned my pity.

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And my WORST GAME EVER: Quest 64!! How could none of you have mentioned this yet? This game was awful! I rented this not knowing that you needed a special memory pak for the N64 controller if you wanted to save your game. So I spent 1 day of my 3 day rental going to my friend's house to borrow his memory pack just so I could play through the game. On top of that there were random battles all over the place so I just ran from them because they were boring and stupid. Whenever a boss battle came up, I just used the healing items I found as random drops to heal up and just plugged away at the boss until I realized I wasn't having fun and cursed Blockbuster for stocking such a horrid game.

Still, I never played Superman 64, and anyone who has has earned my pity.

I'm going to get viciously attacked for saying this, but I actually think that Q64 was a decent game. It could have been a LOT better, don't get me wrong, but it's still not that bad of a game, at least not in my opinion.

And let the flame wars commence.

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I won't flame anyone for liking Quest 64, just as I hope no one flames me for not liking Ogre Battle.

But Star Fox Adventure was unforgiveable. I saw the 14+ rating on the cover and I expected a serious game. But you spend your game going through this world of friendly talking dinosaurs which reminded me of the eponymous show on ABC from the early 90s. Adding insult to injury was that it made so little sense. The Star Fox team is supposed to be bounty hunters! Mercenaries! Hired Guns! Soldiers of Fortune! Kill them all and let God sort them out! None of this juvenile kiddy crap!

As far as I can tell the only reason it got that 14+ rating was because there was this "sexy" girl fox in the game who had a fox's head and a centerfold's body...covered in fur. And that's one more reason this game should be nominated for Worst EVAH

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The sonic the hedgehog game on 360 and PS3

this is mainly because sonic was already on a downhill slope in most people's eyes... and even though i only played like a few levels as the 3 characters, i knew right then that this game is terrible... i just don't understand those controls, man! and all the games mentioned in this subject that i've played don't even bother me at all! I guess i just have low standards...

but i digress, I hate how Shadow STILL has guns and a motorcycle, and that new Silver guy who thinks its cool to be the only guy who can't run... with those goofy telekinetic powers...

I was a huge sonic fan until that game came out (I even like Sonic Heroes) but i just lost all faith in all sonic games after that point.

Edited by Hatchet
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I'm going to get viciously attacked for saying this, but I actually think that Q64 was a decent game. It could have been a LOT better, don't get me wrong, but it's still not that bad of a game, at least not in my opinion.

And let the flame wars commence.

For an incredibly unfinished game, it still held its own I think.

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