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Eating an octopus raw


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:facepalm: Damn i got confused since the name of the video is "The ultimate raw fish"

Anyways in my opinion i think its wrong.

They need to put it out of its misery before eating it

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Well I hope I never have to eat one of those. I'm not the kind of person to try odd cooked things much less living things.

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Yeah, you can actually suffocate from eating live Cephalopoda. See those suction pads? While the octopus is still alive, those still work. While they still work, they can still stick to your throat and that's the end of it. You'll need to chew it really well if you don't want to die.

I wouldn't try this. It's barbaric and disgusting. Normal octopus, sure, give me as many as you want, but anything that's alive...no.

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Yeah, you can actually suffocate from eating live Cephalopoda. See those suction pads? While the octopus is still alive, those still work. While they still work, they can still stick to your throat and that's the end of it. You'll need to chew it really well if you don't want to die.

I wouldn't try this. It's barbaric and disgusting. Normal octopus, sure, give me as many as you want, but anything that's alive...no.

I know; when I imagine it, my throat feels funny ; ;

I've eaten octopus before, but never live. Now that I think about it, I don't think I'd ever eat it alive. The concept bothers me.

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FUCKING BADASS. Coiling that thing around a stick and then slathering it up and wolfing it down while it's still kicking is pretty awesome.

I wish hamburgers tried to crawl away. Then when I chased it down and chewed it into submission, I would feel like a total beast.

By the way, octopus tastes like shit in any form. So do most cephalopods. Though fried kalamari is a pretty good appetizer when going out to eat.

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I should wrap you up in on a stick and eat you then

It IS cruel

They should at least kill it

Yeah, you're right. I bet the octopus was just screaming "WAIT WAIT, I'M FINE WITH BEING KILLED AND THEN DEVOURED FOR SUSTENANCE".

Equating a person to an octopus is also pretty funny commentary.

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