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Generation 5 Wishlist in Evolutions

Phoenix Wright

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Makes me wonder actually how the game would function with pokemon having 3 elements.

Let's take a pokemon that's Grass/Fire/Water. It would actually be strong against all water, fire, and grass attacks, strong against steel, ice, and I think I'm forgetting another. Pretty sure the only weakness this thing would have is against ground types. In exchange, it wouldn't have STABs, or similar to how Dual types have 1.25 STABS rather than 1.5, it would have like an additional 1/6th STABS.

Dual types have 1.5 times for STAB.

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I want some sort of Fire/Electric, because even though it would kind of suck in battles (too many weaknesses) that would be a seriously cool combination. It would preferably look massively cool, too.

Make it have levitate?

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They should add an evasion mechanic. Opponent's pokemon take a speed based hit to their hit chance, while your pokemon still have the chance to attack, but with reduced hit as well.

That would ruin everything beyond recognition. I don't know if you played competitively, but evasion needs to be taken out of the game, not enhanced. I know you're thinking in terms of FE or something, but it does not work pokemon-wise. Speed is too good as a stat in pokemon anyway.

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As for me, I think they will finally introduce a 4th Evolution mechanic. Pretty awesome idea to me. No idea how this would change competitive battling though.

Adding even more things on top is the least thing Pokémon needs right now.

It'd be interesting see an evolution of Dual type pokemon being single type.


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I wonder if there will be a new evolution method, they'll show one for Zoroark next issue.

Trade it at exactly Lv69 while holding Genitals with another Zorua also at Lv69 also holding Genitals?

What happened to simple levelling up to evolve? Evolution Stones and Happiness evolutions like Togepi are alright, but I get pissed at the trading method. And trading with hardish-to-obtain items to evolve? Fuuuuuck. That.

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Here's some food for thought.

While I don't agree with some of it, such as that EVs should be kept and that they can be as easily explained as "if you defeat lots of speedy/offensive/devensive/etc. Pokémon your own Pokémon will become more speedy/offensive/etc. too, so take it to your advantage" but the general point that just adding more Pokémon, attacks, ablities and ways to evolve isn't the way to go and is one of the bigger reasons why gens 3 and 4 are the biggest contenders for "worst gen".

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Here's some food for thought.

While I don't agree with some of it, such as that EVs should be kept and that they can be as easily explained as "if you defeat lots of speedy/offensive/devensive/etc. Pokémon your own Pokémon will become more speedy/offensive/etc. too, so take it to your advantage" but the general point that just adding more Pokémon, attacks, ablities and ways to evolve isn't the way to go and is one of the bigger reasons why gens 3 and 4 are the biggest contenders for "worst gen".

I disagree some types need new moves badly, Dark is lacking real high power moves compared to most. Even Posion has their own 120 atk move.

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There was a time when I legitimately caught all 150 Pokemon through catching, trading and evolving, and used a cheat cartridge to get Mew. It was a bit hard to do, and took a bit of time. Now though, to do so much as even think about collecting every Pokemon in a Pokemon game, you have to do all the shit that you need to do to catch them all.

The aim of all Pokemon games is to ultimately Catch Them All. What's the point if doing that is nothing but one huge bitch of a drag which doesn't make the game fun to play in any way, shape or form? It's not fun having to spend money on extra games, waste time on other shit Pokemon games (Anyone remember the method to legitimately get Ho-oh in Gen. 3? I sure do.) just to get them all.

While catching them all was a reasonable target for your average or above gamer in Gen. 1 and maaaaybe Gen. 2, you had to be seriously hardcore to even get close to catching them all in Gen. 3 and above. Crazy, unreachable targets for anyone who isn't completely devoted to the game. A load of shit.

Edited by Raven
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For the record, they dropped the "Gotta' Catch 'Em All!" title on all of the game covers after Ruby and Sapphire. It was no longer the main point of the game.

Then what is, exactly? It can't be to just finish the game, surely, since that isn't what Pokemon is about. Even if they did drop that slogan, it still stands.

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Then what is, exactly? It can't be to just finish the game, surely, since that isn't what Pokemon is about. Even if they did drop that slogan, it still stands.

The player decides the point I guess... personally I just play until I beat the Elite Four + Champion and the ultimate trainer (Red in HGSS, Steven in Emerald). "Gotta catch 'em all" became ridiculous when Gen 3 popped up but at least Wi-fi is making the trading process easier than before. Then there's wi-fi battling which not everyone cares for since EVs and IVs.

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Then there's wi-fi battling which not everyone cares for since EVs and IVs.


Wi-Fi battling is full of n00bs and hackers. The competent Pokemon players don't want to deal with those, and instead use Shoddy (plus, it's faster-paced anyways >_>).

Edited by Black Soldier
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Wi-Fi battling is full of n00bs and hackers. The competent Pokemon players don't want to deal with those, and instead use Shoddy (plus, it's faster-paced anyways >_>).

That's a given in most (if not all) online play. EVs, IVs made the process of team creation for battling others more tedious. First there's players that don't know EVs and IVs making level 100 teams only to get served by those with the knowledge, many being easily discouraged, reducing the overall number of players around.

Then there's the creation of a good team being extremely slow since for some pokemon you have to breed many times just to get the right nature and I've heard EV training is slower though it yields better stats.

Gen 5 should remove EVs and IVs IMO but honestly, the only thing I'm expecting is GameFreak making things more tedious and complicated.

Edited by Speedwagon
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Then what is, exactly? It can't be to just finish the game, surely, since that isn't what Pokemon is about. Even if they did drop that slogan, it still stands.

Finishing the game is the point of any game. That being said, Pokemon has been leaning towards more competitive battling than any other aspect since the release of Ruby and Sapphire, so I'd probably say that.

There are going to be differing opinions about what a game was meant for for any game. Pokemon is no exception. I think saying that the point of a Pokemon game is to catch 'em all and then complaining that the point of recent Pokemon games is not to catch 'em all is kind of ridiculous, though, but that may just be me.

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I don't get why people are complaining about EVs. They make your pokemon unique statwise when battling friends. If you don't wanna worry about it, you absolutely do not have to and can still play the games just fine.

Also, why are you people thinking so deeply about a slogan? The games never put a gun to your head and say "You WILL get all the pokemon". Hell, your reward for doing so is a fucking diploma. The point of the games is to have fun with them, why does the box suddenly not saying "Gotta catch 'em all" change anything?

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Here's some food for thought.

While I don't agree with some of it, such as that EVs should be kept and that they can be as easily explained as "if you defeat lots of speedy/offensive/devensive/etc. Pokémon your own Pokémon will become more speedy/offensive/etc. too, so take it to your advantage" but the general point that just adding more Pokémon, attacks, ablities and ways to evolve isn't the way to go and is one of the bigger reasons why gens 3 and 4 are the biggest contenders for "worst gen".

But surely you're not arguing that adding more content is a necessarily BAD thing? I mean, I understand if it gets in the way or prevents innovation or something it can be a problem. Perhaps it's just my perspective, but for me, more stuff often = more fun. I love every new Pokemon generation more than the last. I dunno, I just think that while Pokemon has added a lot of stuff, none of it really gets in the way. I don't honestly understand how additional plot complexity can detract from the game (you can pretty easily ignore it, but it's a somewhat amusing diversion), and has created some interesting gameplay situations. Additional moves can always just not be used, etc.

Although from what I recall last time we had a discussion, I just find what is fun to be radically different than you do, so perhaps it would be difficult to reconcile our views on the matter.

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Also, why are you people thinking so deeply about a slogan? The games never put a gun to your head and say "You WILL get all the pokemon". Hell, your reward for doing so is a fucking diploma. The point of the games is to have fun with them, why does the box suddenly not saying "Gotta catch 'em all" change anything?

You're misinterpreting what I was saying. I wasn't saying that, prior to RSE, you were forced to get every Pokemon or you would die, nor was I saying that from RSE and on, you were not supposed to catch anything. I never said anything, at any point, that even came close to saying that you could not do whatever you wanted to with the game. Rather, what I sad about the differing opinions of what the point of any game is actually supports the fact that you can just do whatever the hell you want in the games.

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