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Animals you want to see as Pokemon

The Divine Swordmaster

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Meerkat. so we can compare them

*looks at Rhyhorn and that other fugly evo*


What about warthogs, while we are at it?!And toucans!

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Dark/Ghost-type horse pokemon. It'd be a nightmare.

Continuing with equines: Donkey, zebra, quagga (poor extinct quagga.)

@Whoever said axolotl: Wooper and... Mudkip. There. I said it.

Hm... sandworms? Those'd be kind of cool.

Also platypus, because it's normal in comparison to some of the WTF Pokemon we've got...

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Hey, Rhyperior is awesome man!

Rhyperior, that's the name.

....It doesn't look like a rhino, to say the least.It looks more like one of those digimons

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But really, wouldn't it be cool if there were different pokemon that all evolved INTO a platypus pokemon?

Does a platipus have similarities with a Crocodile/alligator and a cobra?

also i would like to see a grasshopper

Edited by Mordecai
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Mosquito (Bug/Flying)

and it learn an exclusive HP-Draining bug type move thats like... 4X's stronger than Leech Life...

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Rhinos? Cougars? Kirins(Mythology, but hey, Rapidash is an unicorn)?

Isn't Arceus based off of Kirin?

Ants Ants Ants. A Bug/Fire type fire ant would be cool. Or a honey ant. Not really sure what types that would be though. (It would be very slow but would have huge HP and moves like stockpile)

A squid or cuttlefish would be really cool, I'm surprised they haven't done one yet. It could even have the color change ability.

A heron

A Pokemon based off a flower that blooms at night; It could even be an alternate Budew evolution.

A Kangaroo (I don't really count Kangaskhan)

An orca whale

A llama for the lulz

A capybara (for the earlygame rodent?)

An aardvark

An Okapi http://thatexists.com/images/Okapi-1.jpg

A frilled shark http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/01/images/070124-sharks-weird.jpg

Thats all for now.

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An okapi? now, it could just be my opinion, but i believe Girafarig is based more off an okapi rather than a giraffe like it's name would suggest... i mean, it has the head of a giraffe which an okapi's also greatly resembles, and girafarig is about the size of an okapi

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An okapi? now, it could just be my opinion, but i believe Girafarig is based more off an okapi rather than a giraffe like it's name would suggest... i mean, it has the head of a giraffe which an okapi's also greatly resembles, and girafarig is about the size of an okapi

Yeah, that makes sense.

Isn't Kyogre's appearance based off of an orca whale?

I always thought of it as more of just a sea monster/leviathan.

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