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A Princess' Art Gallery

Princess Kilvas

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Shoulder plates are far too high up, making him look like he's lifting his shoulders up. Chung is also a bit pointy, and the jaw has a wonky shape. Armour trimming is also mishaped.

By the way, I just wanted to say this - why don't you just say "Okay, I'll fix it up" instead of saying "Well, it was just a doodle...". Aren't you posting your works so you can improve?

Actually the way his shoulder pads bulge up it may look that way from that angle.

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Shoulder plates are far too high up, making him look like he's lifting his shoulders up. Chung is also a bit pointy, and the jaw has a wonky shape. Armour trimming is also mishaped.

By the way, I just wanted to say this - why don't you just say "Okay, I'll fix it up" instead of saying "Well, it was just a doodle...". Aren't you posting your works so you can improve?

Maybe I don't want to fix it up, I just drew it for a friends story. Once a picture is done I don't "fix it up" or change it. But I do listen to comments and criticism so I know what to so for the next pic. It was nothing all too serious. I know it's not perfect, hence why I just call it a "doodle". =/

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There are places where you put a black outline where it is not needed. The positioning of his left eye is off.

By the way, I just wanted to say this - why don't you just say "Okay, I'll fix it up" instead of saying "Well, it was just a doodle...". Aren't you posting your works so you can improve?

Surely you must have spotted the pattern with most of the people in the creative section by now... or perhaps it's the lack of pattern.

Edited by Shuuda
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There are places where you put a black outline where it is not needed. The positioning of his left eye is off.

Surely you must have spotted the pattern with most of the people in the creative section by now... or perhaps it's the lack of pattern.

Listen, if you don't like the people that much, then why not just stay away from them?

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Listen, if you don't like the people that much, then why not just stay away from them?

Is is relevant how? I never said I did not like Kilvas; I was not even speaking to her with that comment. As long as what I say is within the rules, you have no place to act high and might with that attitude, telling me what I can and cannot do. Please do not respond, least we not ruin your friends topic further.

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Maybe I don't want to fix it up, I just drew it for a friends story. Once a picture is done I don't "fix it up" or change it. But I do listen to comments and criticism so I know what to so for the next pic. It was nothing all too serious. I know it's not perfect, hence why I just call it a "doodle". =/

Okay then. Wording was a little loose, though. I get annoyed at a lot of people easily on this particular forum, so forgive my seeming aggressiveness. As a "doodle", then, it's not half-bad. However, I still insist that you improve your lineart, first :).


And you too, apparently. Saying "Me<3Cless" isn't helping anyone.

Dear Lyle Dayek: Please try to refrain from being so annoyingly idealistic. What are you, a primary school teacher? Telling someone to "stay away" from something isn't going to help anything. I believe you said so yourself. Sometimes people purposely do things they don't like for the greater good.

Edited by Lachesis
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Maybe I don't want to fix it up, I just drew it for a friends story. Once a picture is done I don't "fix it up" or change it. But I do listen to comments and criticism so I know what to so for the next pic. It was nothing all too serious. I know it's not perfect, hence why I just call it a "doodle". =/

I'm the same way. Once I finish a piece, I don't go back and make massive adjustments because it becomes too difficult. Between the lineart and the colored layers and everything else, sometimes trying to "fix" a picture can actually bring results that are worse than the original. (Especially if it was all on one layer to begin with...)

Anyways, I think what's being said here is that you should take the suggestions that people are making towards you and put in a good effort to actually use them in the future. My concern is that I'm not entirely sure you are; the same mistakes seem to keep popping up over and over again. It's easier said than done, but you have to actually follow up on what people are asking you to change. Make notes out of the critiques being given to you, check up on them during the various stages of your piece, and actually go back and edit what you can along the way instead of analyzing the picture when it's all said and done. Post WIP shots, sketches--get opinions before you're almost done. I think it'll really help you improve, and people will notice. :3 Also, don't write off your pieces as doodles to cover yourself or try and justify not wanting to go back and make changes; that's selling yourself short and you better than that. Take the suggestions--whether they come from your friends or the folks that you all seem to keep referring to as "art Nazis"--be graceful, and let the rest roll off your back. :P

Feel free to send me a PM some time if you have any questions or want an opinion. ^_^

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Maybe...I'm quite busy ATM. =(

I'm the same way. Once I finish a piece, I don't go back and make massive adjustments because it becomes too difficult. Between the lineart and the colored layers and everything else, sometimes trying to "fix" a picture can actually bring results that are worse than the original. (Especially if it was all on one layer to begin with...)

Anyways, I think what's being said here is that you should take the suggestions that people are making towards you and put in a good effort to actually use them in the future. My concern is that I'm not entirely sure you are; the same mistakes seem to keep popping up over and over again. It's easier said than done, but you have to actually follow up on what people are asking you to change. Make notes out of the critiques being given to you, check up on them during the various stages of your piece, and actually go back and edit what you can along the way instead of analyzing the picture when it's all said and done. Post WIP shots, sketches--get opinions before you're almost done. I think it'll really help you improve, and people will notice. :3 Also, don't write off your pieces as doodles to cover yourself or try and justify not wanting to go back and make changes; that's selling yourself short and you better than that. Take the suggestions--whether they come from your friends or the folks that you all seem to keep referring to as "art Nazis"--be graceful, and let the rest roll off your back. :P

Feel free to send me a PM some time if you have any questions or want an opinion. ^_^

Ah, So I should post my art as I'm making it? I don't have access to a computer that often, but I'll try. ^^

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Maybe...I'm quite busy ATM. =(

Ah, So I should post my art as I'm making it? I don't have access to a computer that often, but I'll try. ^^



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I'm not sure if people appreciate you making completely unrelated posts, but it's not my job so I'll leave it at that.

I just wanted to apologise for my error of thinking before - I forgot that with actual drawings you don't go back and fix things. I guess I'm too used to critiquing sprites. That being said, I still think some of those (the sprites, I mean) could (and perhaps should) be edited.

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I'm not sure if people appreciate you making completely unrelated posts, but it's not my job so I'll leave it at that.

I just wanted to apologise for my error of thinking before - I forgot that with actual drawings you don't go back and fix things. I guess I'm too used to critiquing sprites. That being said, I still think some of those (the sprites, I mean) could (and perhaps should) be edited.

Yeah, that's what I like about spriting. It's so easy to go back and fix something. XD

Anyway, 3 more. The Sannin. Somthing's off about each one. But I can;t tell what...







And a request from Toa.


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I see what you mean. My eyes say they're fine but my mind says something's not right.

I think Jiraiya's head might be a bit small. Other than that I'm drawing a blank.

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Yeah, that's what I like about spriting. It's so easy to go back and fix something. XD

Anyway, 3 more. The Sannin. Somthing's off about each one. But I can;t tell what...







And a request from Toa.


I have no idea who these characters are, but I can tell something isn't right about them. Can't exactly say since I've no idea what they're truely suppose to look like. It's not like I can do custom sprites anyhow, so I've no room to critique too harshly.

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They don't look right because they're not FE sprites, per se. The hair isn't shaded FE-style at all. And Toa's request's hair looks really chunky. I also think your palette choice is very strange. Did you use an FE one?

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They don't look right because they're not FE sprites, per se. The hair isn't shaded FE-style at all. And Toa's request's hair looks really chunky. I also think your palette choice is very strange. Did you use an FE one?

No, and I try to shade it like it would be in the Anime. It's not supposed to be FE styled or whatever.

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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note: i'm not familiar with any of these characters, so if i say something that is obviously wrong, that would be the reason. and i'm not really familiar with spriting. i'm mostly judging them as if they were drawings, so whatev.



the only thing i can say about this one is that either the headband is slightly off-center, or the eyes are placed slightly wrong. but overall it's good. the best of the four, IMO.



the jawline doesn't convince me, for some reason. it looks awkward to me, but i wouldn't know since i don't even know who he is.



the shoulders. the shoulders bug me. they droop too much, methinks, making them look unnatural. move the shoulders slightly higher, i think that should do it.

the hair seems to creep up too close to her face, kinda making it appear smaller and more crowded. now, this might be how the character is designed, but the face looks too crowded for my taste. maybe spread out the bangs a bit further from the face?

and the border of her hair next to her face shouldn't be so dark, IMO. makes the face look crowded. choose a lighter color closer to her hair color.

And a request from Toa.


the bangs look clunky overall. and the eyes look awkward. and her left shoulder looks out of place

that's all i can think of suggestions. pretty good spriting, but it could do with some polishing! much better than what i could have done, anyways!

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