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What school assignments do you most fondly remember?


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I have three assignments that stand out in my mind.

1) A research paper about Ernest Hemingway that I completed more than a month ago. Usually, when I write something, I get a B to an A on it, but just look at it like a typical paper. But when I look at that, I feel rather good about the project. I really like writing, so when I come out with something good, it makes me happy. More than that though, the research itself was extremely interesting, as Ernest Hemingway was a very interesting and unique (if severely flawed) guy.

2) A bunch of research papers I did in 4th Grade about the levels of the tidal zones or something. It was something about the tidal zones and the kind of activity that goes on in Coasts and tidal zones. It was another typical boring science project, but just hearing the words tidal zones makes me think of this really awesome field trip I took where we explored the tidal zones, camped out for about 3 days, hung out having fun with my best friends, and saw beautiful environments. It was filled with fun activities to. Seriously, I wanna revisit that place someday!

3) I remember my Freshman English class where we read "The Lady and the Tiger". It was that author's very first book...and it sure read like it. I remember hating it for all it's confusing descriptions, wordy and poor writing, and its vague ending. I know that ending was supposed to make us think and stuff, but it just doesn't work when all we're really deciding is whether this apparently "Civilized/Barbaric" princess is gonna choose when we have had literally almost no time to develop her character or anything. It's not like Final Fantasy VII, which

challenges you to think about whether or not humanity deserves to live

, it's basically just "does this poor sap get eaten or what?" I guess you could argue that it was supposed to make us think about what WE would do if we were the princess, but either way, the guy was an absolutely terrible writer, and I didn't enjoy it.

That was a bit more of a rant than I expected...anyways, our teacher told us that for our assignment, we would rewrite the ending to be conclusive, like, say what happened to that poor ol' sap after he opened the door. Well, my best friend decided that he would have aliens abduct them all, and after realizing that I could make the ending as crazy as I wanted, I came up with an idea to make the story infinitely better.

I made an ending where Mario and Luigi pop up, beat the hell out of the tiger when Luigi accidently opens the tiger door and accidently kills the king in the process, and are chased until they use a Warp Whistle to escape. The poor sap becomes king and marries the princess....

Yeah...well, I had fun with it, the teacher actually liked it, and I still fondly remember it as the craziest and most insane thing I've ever written.

So how bout' you guys?

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Probably having to write a ten page compare and contrast essay on Lolita and Chobits as my final which I got a B on.


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actually, it was this analysis for my english literature class.

i was so frustrated with the novel (i completely hated it) that i decided for my written analysis to be as bull-shitty as possible and got really creative with my points and stuff. basically, i just let my mind go off without remorse.

and i got an A on the paper, surprisingly. teacher told me that i demonstrated "impressive insight" on the themes of the novel and that i should continue to write at that level.

which i did, gladly.

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Lolita and Chobits

What's that?

i was so frustrated with the novel (i completely hated it) that i decided for my written analysis to be as bull-shitty as possible and got really creative with my points and stuff. basically, i just let my mind go off without remorse.

and i got an A on the paper, surprisingly. teacher told me that i demonstrated "impressive insight" on the themes of the novel and that i should continue to write at that level.

which i did, gladly.

Ha, that's awesome! What was the name of the novel?

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Two in particular:

-My high school freshman lit class had a group project: perform, either live, on film, or otherwise, one of the scenes from Romeo and Juliet. My group did the first scene, as a puppet show, with marionettes. NSYNC marionettes. There was an epic sissy fight when the tinfoil swords fell out of their hands...

-More of a "what was I thinking???" one: one of my electives had a group project that required us to make a 30-second commercial for a book. I was like, "Hey guys, I can do 3D animation! We should totally animate this thing!" Oh good lord, the rendering. The rendering. (30 seconds at 30 frames per second took about... an hour to render. And then I got the sequencing bit wrong, and had to do it again...)

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i was so frustrated with the novel (i completely hated it) that i decided for my written analysis to be as bull-shitty as possible and got really creative with my points and stuff. basically, i just let my mind go off without remorse.

and i got an A on the paper, surprisingly. teacher told me that i demonstrated "impressive insight" on the themes of the novel and that i should continue to write at that level.

which i did, gladly.

Ha, that's awesome! What was the name of the novel?

i forget the title. it was about this guy who went to fight in WWII and he was mentally unstable because of it.

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None yet. I could say science projects but they were boring and too "artsy" for my tastes. Hopefully AP Physics will be different.

Though, if my teacher had let me get more creative sources for my research paper on Thomas Hobbes, I would have enjoyed it. My school's databases literally had almost no information on him. I wish I could have done Frederich Nietzsche, though. I guess I'll save him for next year.

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Nuremberg Trial re-enactment.

The class was split into several groups: There was a panel of judges, then there were two groups of laywers (one for the prosecution, one for the defense), three defendants, and two groups to play the roles of various witnesses (again one group for the prosecution, one for the defense).

I don't remember all of the details, but in my class I was the defense attorney assigned to Herman Göring, I think the other defendants were Mengele and Himmler, but I can't quite recall at the moment.

Anyway, I got him cleared of Crimes Against Humanity, and War Crimes, but he was still convicted of Conspiracy and sentenced to life in prison. Our other defendants were not quite so fortunate, but all in all, it was a pretty epic project, and without a doubt the most memorable of my entire high school career.

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In my current Chemistry 2 class, we don't have a final exam, we have a final project. And our project is to make a Mythbusters video. It doesn't exactly have to be a myth, we just have to demonstrate knowledge of the scientific method in an experiment in the video. Talk about an awesome, easy project! I'm still thinking of ideas, but it will be good.

Oh, and one hilarious memory was from when I was in 9th grade. We had to make a video of us reenacting a scene from Romeo and Juliet. My group did the beginning of the masquerade ball, and got everything done way ahead of time. Then we figured out that the line minimum our teacher gave us wasn't regarding the number of lines in the story we had to cover, but the lines in our script. So we had to double the length of our video in one day in class... we ended up getting an A. But at first our CD didn't even work, so we were soooo nervous (she said she wouldn't grade non-working CD's, since we had several days to test them).

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Oh, and one hilarious memory was from when I was in 9th grade. We had to make a video of us reenacting a scene from Romeo and Juliet. My group did the beginning of the masquerade ball, and got everything done way ahead of time. Then we figured out that the line minimum our teacher gave us wasn't regarding the number of lines in the story we had to cover, but the lines in our script. So we had to double the length of our video in one day in class... we ended up getting an A. But at first our CD didn't even work, so we were soooo nervous (she said she wouldn't grade non-working CD's, since we had several days to test them).

Is this like a common assignment? AFAIK my old high school still does it too...

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When I was about...nine, ten, we got an assignment over the course of a term and a bit to essentially Create a Country IN SPACE

A) My thing didn't suck.

B ) It inspired several failed attempts to write a novel.

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I have a few assignments I remember enjoying~

from my Science classes:

-in my 7th grade Life Science and 11th grade Environmental Science classes, we often took mini-trips to our school's environmental site's river for various assignements involving the stream and studying the ecosytems around it; donning waders, several of the students (including myself) often spent a great deal of time in the waist-deep stream; for one instance we caught crayfish living there and even had our own crayfish boil which is great since I love seafood so much XD

-in my 10th grade class (Biology, but the subject doesn't matter here) one of our non-linear assignments was to host a station and lesson for the first grade students at our district that educates them in some aspect of environmental/life science/biology and gives them a hands-on activity to do; my chosen lesson was on Acid Rain, demonstrating the corrosive effects of acid by soaking dirty pennies in a weak acid solution and explaining wear the harmful compounds that attribute to acid rain come from (like car smog, hair spray, etc.); though the real fun part was that after my minor lecture and activity, I gave the kids lemonade since lemons are highly acidic :D ; that day was really hot though and I was out in the heat and came back to class literally sweating and my pants were grating against my thighs, evoking one of my most memorable and silly quotes ever, "quiet Brianne, I'm chafing!" XD

from my German Class:

-one of our activities to ease our understanding of the language and learning it was to watch episodes of Deutschland sucht den Superstar; which was quite entertaining and fun and a really good way to reinforce the rules and grammar we were covering in class; we also watched Lassie and a few Simpsons episodes dubbed in German (without subtitles)

from my English Classes:

-in 9th grade we were doing a poetry unit and one of our assignments was to analyze a modern song, identify as many elements of poetry that we could (such as alliteration, allusion, if it had iambic pentameter, rhyming schemes, etc.) and then to share the song with the class; well this was the year that Final Fantasy X-2 had been released that Christmas, and I (after playing the life out of the game for over 200 hours) wished to do the song 1000 Words; and I did, even bringing my PS2 to school and hooking up to the classroom's TV and playing that portion of the game which had the cutscene since it was the only way at that time that I could have played the song for the project XD; I got an A on it for my actual analysis work anyway~

-in my Senior year, British Literature, I really enjoyed watching Jane Eyre (I believe it was the 1996 film) in class; it was rather long and took almost an entire week but that was indeed one of the times I got myself to school for, lol

also, there were several instances at the end of my classes from 9th grade til graduation that my classmates asked my teachers if I could sing songs I had memorized from games including Liberi Fatali, One Winged Angel, 1000 Words and Invasion From Within; they often agreed and on at least 20 occasions, I remember doing so, my own private concerts lol; I sing fairly well and in 11th grade I was in my school's production of No, No Nanette as a member of the show's chorus, singing and dancing the whole way through; it was pretty fun though :D

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Biology dissections motherfuckers.

So, one dissection, a classmate decides to slap me in the face with a motherfucking giant preserved earthworm. This displeased me greatly. Later, I achieved revenge by slapping him in the face with a squid. This only further sparked his passion, and he later hit me in the face with a giant chunk of frog skin.

I got the last laugh though. At the very end of the class, I reached into my frog's stomach, up into his chest, and pulled out it's heart. Then I snuck up on him while he wasn't suspecting it, and smushed a frog heart into his face.

Defiling the dead bodies of various animals has never been funner.

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A twelve-page essay on the civil war in eighth grade that I waited the very last minute to write (the whole thing btw) and got an A

It was awesome.

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A twelve-page essay on the civil war in eighth grade that I waited the very last minute to write (the whole thing btw) and got an A

It was awesome.

You had to write a twelve page paper in eighth grade? I'm not doing that until next year in AP Language! :blink:

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I had to do this history paper on the US and how awesome we were according to the teacher because I was head of that class. Memorable because every chance I got I called the government "the man".

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I had to write a speech about "whatever you find interesting" a few months back. This resulted in me rambling on and on in front of the class about FE for about 10 minutes. The fact that people actually payed attention to it really made my day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember having to do a 20 page report on Final Fantasy for one of my sophomore English classes. I hated writing that paper, but when I finally finished I was so happy with myself that when I asked the teacher if I could have it back and I framed it and it's now hanging on my wall. It's called "Final Fantasy: A Legacy of Fantasy". (Please don't ask, it was 3:00 in the morning when I gave it that title and printed it.) I later had to write a short story, so I used an abridged version of the first three chapters of a book I've been writing for a number of years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have three, and they were all from this previous year.

1.A powerpoint I had to do in Criminal Justice I on a serial killer of our choosing. I chose Albert Fish, who murdered and ate a little girl. It was pretty interesting, learning about what made him so disturbed. But I really enjoyed presenting it, because apparently the way I talk makes people laugh, because I would say something completely macabre, and everyone would laugh, because of the way I said it. So that was interesting.

2.Another assignment in CJ1 where I had to group up with some other kids who I really didn't like and make a gang with. Our gang name was something retarded like Gang Greene or something(I wanted to be the Trumpeteers<_<)but I really loved making up our gang signs and my gang name. Our gang signs were references to band(an accent mark, staccato mark, and a fermata)that nobody else in my class got, and my gang name was Kitten Breath. Which was just ever so frightening.

3.An assignment in English I Honors where we had to rewrite a page from Romeo and Juliet with my friend Kat, and some other kids. We ended up making it really retarded with Juliet saying stuff like 'Ooh dang, it be raining'(which is an inside joke between my sister and I), and the nurse saying something to Peter like 'Peter, didn't I tell you to scram?'. It was pretty stupid, but was really fun to write.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Something i handed in late, gave no particular thought or effort in it (and made it in one night) and got a higher grade than my friend who spent 2 months doing it.

I felt bad for her though...

^ I had to do that romeo and Juliet last year, though mine was using more decent language than some of my friends. (We were allowed to curse as the teacher said something appealing to teenagers <_< I think my worse curse was something like damn it. Which is not even a curse word...

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  • 2 weeks later...

After Dark Elves Suck gave his description of defiling bodies for fun, I remembered my Biology lab last semester.

2 Groups per table with two people per group. Me and my partner were "working" on dissecting our pig when we caught sight of what the other group at our table were doing.

Mutilating their pig.

And by that I mean they had long ripped out all it's organs, separated it's brain out of it's skull through one of it's eyes, stripped the nervous tissue out of the spinal cord like it was sausage, and made the pig itself into a lump of flesh.

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Uhhh, I got to paint an abstract portrait of Gatsby for an English project on The Great Gatsby, that was fun.

Also, in painting studio or final project/exam was to create series of three painting and it was due the day before Winter Break(the last day of the semester and of the class. I, however, am an extremely slow painter and decided there was no way I was going to complete three so I only turned in 2. I got a 74 on the final exam but a 94 in the class. Then, about a week into the 2nd semester I decided to finish my third painting... procrastination ftw!

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