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SF's "I defeated Red" Hall of Fame Topic.


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Not having done so myself yet, there are no doubt a few people who have.

Post your Username, the team you used, their levels, their movesets, their held items, as well as the date and time you defeated Red. Don't worry about any details you can't remember. A list of Pokemon you used would suffice. The more details, the better.

*Here is where the list will be*

Of course, if you haven't beaten Red yet, I hope you remember this thread and post in it when you finally do.

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Username: doesn't matter (lol emulator).

Time: don't remember (lol japanese version).

lv16 Magmar, lv19 Golduck, lv33 Quilava, lv49 Ho-oh, lv50 Snorlax. Their movesets don't matter because they were only used when I needed to heal/revive...

lv99 Dragonair (Dragon Fang) - Outrage, Thunderbolt, Surf, Flamethrower.

Goddamn Blizzards.

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NickName: Vitor.

Time: around january(japanese version)

Team:(dunno about their lvs and movesets, i lost my cartridge long ago)





Dragonite :P


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I remember in the original Silver version Red's stupid Snorlax gave me the most trouble. His LOL Pikachu always got one shotted by my Tyranitar.

He still has the same team right?

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Yup, he still has a Pikachu, Charizard, Blastoise, Venasaur, Lapras, and Snorlax. I remember that in the original Silver, I went and caught a level forty-something Rhydon to kill his Pikachu. It worked; seriously, I beat a level eighty-something Pikachu with a Rhydon half his level.

I haven't beat Red in SS yet. I just beat the Elite 4 today. Yay, Kanto!

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I did it last Sunday.

Name: Perry

Feraligatr (Cartavius) level 72: Took down Blastoise, took the main fight against Laparas

Pigeot level 70: Took down Laparas and Venusaur.

Scizor level 69: Got Fire Blitz'd by Charizard, but gave me an opportunity to Full Restore Tyranitar

Tyranitar level 61: Took down Pikachu, Charizard, and Snorlax (by a thread, 6 HP left)

Golem level 26: Just there for Rock Climbing and Revive/Full Restore fodder

Venomoth level 31: Just there because I was training it to evolve as a Venonat for my Pokedex completion.

All in all, a pretty epic match. Got me a Bulbasaur, and I'll catch that Groudon sooner or later!

Edited by Schiggy
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Time i beat him: Last Saturday

I played Soul Silver


Typhlosion (Ignus)lvl 70

Item: Charcol




Blast Burn

Pidgeot (Ventus) lvl 70

Item: Muscle Band


Wing Attack

U- Turn


Ampharos (Chidori) lvl 70

Item: Wise Glasses


Signal Beam

Thunder Wave

Rock Climb

Gyrados (Hydra) lvl 70

Item: Amulet Coin


Ice Fang


Dragon Dance

Tentacruel (Kraken) lvl 70

Item: None


Sludge Bomb

Blizzard (absuing Hail lol)


Ho-oh (Amatarasu) lvl 70

Item: Leftovers


Solar Beam

Sacred Fire

Sunny Day

my strategy was earthquake his pikachu out in one blow. used ampharos to take down snorlax (thunder wave+Hail+lucky critical) then I went to ho-oh and changed the condition to sun and his team fell easily after that.

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As far as I've read, his team are stronger now than in the original GSC versions. His Pikachu was Lv88 when I had a quick scrap with him. Lucky I saved before him; I soft resetted (L + R +START + SELECT), then used an Escape Rope out of Mt. Silver.

Edited by Raven
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As far as I've read, his team are stronger now than in the original GSC versions. His Pikachu was Lv88 when I had a quick scrap with him. Lucky I saved before him; I soft resetted (L + R +START + SELECT), then used an Escape Rope out of Mt. Silver.

Yeah, doesn't get easier, ol' Pika of course is the least of your worries, he's the weakest/most fragile by far, even with the Light Orb. (by the way, it's possible to fly off the mountain in these games, since he's on the very top) Pikachu still OHKO'd my Tyranitar when it was level 59. But surviving Volt Tackle is a guaranteed defeat for that Pikachu.

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I hate how much more popular this is than the "HG/SS Hall of Fame" topic I made a while ago... kinda depressing...

I haven't beat him yet, but I tried once. Baaaaaadd iddddeaaaa...

Oh, but in Crystal and Silver I beat him a few times. Not too hard in those games.

Edited by Lightning
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I'm just wondering one thing: Say you want to hold a rematch with Red. In order to battle him again. IIRC, you had to challenge the Elite Four every time you wanted to do because he wouldn't appear at Mt. Silver (or in HG/SS's case, Mt. Silver's peak) until after defeating the Elite Four. Does that still apply in HG/SS?

BTW: I tried doing it once in my HG. I got my butt kicked.

Edited by Little Al
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I'm just wondering one thing: Say you want to hold a rematch with Red. In order to battle him again. IIRC, you had to challenge the Elite Four every time you wanted to do because he wouldn't appear at Mt. Silver (or in HG/SS's case, Mt. Silver's peak) until after defeating the Elite Four. Does that still apply in HG/SS?

BTW: I tried doing it once in my HG. I got my butt kicked.

It does. I know because I beat him the first time, I tried to fight him again, he wasn't there, so I assumed you had to beat the E4 before trying again.

I'll get the pokemon I used to beat Red later. >_> Though a Level 95 Groudon was involved. >_>

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If you can wi-fi, I can send you the Drain Punch and Brick Break TMs. PM me if you want 'em.

For some reason I stopped playing after beating Clair, would've done it a while ago if I kept going but meh.

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If you can wi-fi, I can send you the Drain Punch and Brick Break TMs. PM me if you want 'em.

For some reason I stopped playing after beating Clair, would've done it a while ago if I kept going but meh.

I already have Typhlosion that knows Focus Blast. It's just that none of my other Pokemon can learn Drain Punch or Brick Break (except for said Typhlosion). Thanks for the offer though, I appreciate it. :D

EDIT: I think it's just because my team is too weak (Typhlosion is my highest leveled Pokemon, and it's only level 70).

Edited by MGS: Metal Gear Solid
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I just got SS two days ago. Haven't even beat the elite 4 yet... (or been to kanto)

I beat Red in Crystal with ease, so it can't be that much harder, right?

It's way harder, imo. As long as you don't use pseudo-legendaries and legendaries, anyway. All of his Pokemon are up by about seven to ten levels, which means you'll have to be bored beating the Elite Four a lot before you can be strong enough to beat him.

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It's way harder, imo. As long as you don't use pseudo-legendaries and legendaries, anyway. All of his Pokemon are up by about seven to ten levels, which means you'll have to be bored beating the Elite Four a lot before you can be strong enough to beat him.

Or get bored rematching gym leaders anyways.

And BTW, the Elite Four get stronger too, eventually.

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Feraligatr: Waterfall, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Crunch

Golem: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Double Edge, Rock Climb

Ampharos: Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, Power Gem, Focus Blast

Scizor: Bullet Punch, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Brick Break

Espeon: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Swift

Dragonite: Dragon Claw, Fly, Surf, Extremespeed

Something like that. All level 60. MANY hyper potions were used.

Golem destroyed Pikachu. Scizor was very useful as a wall, especially against Venusaur. Golem came out again against Charizard. I don't quite remember the whole battle but I know it ended with Amphy T-Bolting Red's Blastoise. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ampharos Lv. 55

Typhlosion Lv. 55

Lapras Lv. 51

Oddish Lv. 5 (Thought I'd need Flash)

Pinsir Lv. 13 (Rock Climb)

Fearow Lv. 21 (Fly/Laziness)

Hail / Revive / Potion abuse, well for Pikachu, Lapras and Snorlax. Venusaur died quickly to Typhlosion, Blastoise got T'Waved and went down with Ampharos, Charizard Flare kamikazed.

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I beat Red about 1 1/2 weeks ago. My team was:

Lv68 Pinsir (Lead)


-Brick Break

-Rock Slide


Lv68 Feraligator

-Ice Fang




Lv68 Dragonite



-Dragon Claw

-Aerial Ace

Lv68 Magmortar



-Focus Blast


Lv67 Noctowl


-Air Slash


-Shadow Ball

Lv28 Sandslash

-Rock Climb


-Rock Smash


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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't believe I had the patience to do something like this, but.

Soul Silver

Meganium: Level 80, Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Magical Leaf, Frenzy Plant

Ampharos: Level 80, Signal Beam, Charge, Discharge, Thunder

Heracross: Level 80, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Megahorn, Close Combat

Lapras: Level 80, Rain Dance, Surf, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump

Farfetch'd: Level 16, Cut, Fly, Fury Cutter, Aerial Ace

Kangaskhan: Level 8, Strength, Rock Smash, Fake Out, Rock Climb

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