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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 3: A peaceful respite?


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Iso: Oi ... if I'm going up there, I want those "two" sandwiches >_<

He didn't want to, but it wasn't a good idea to say no now, so Iso stood up and was ready to go with them ... straight into hell it seemed.

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"You can have it back once you start acting reasonable. I'm going to give you two options, you can either come with us willingly, or we can take you as a hostage and possibly kill you if that becomes inconvenient."

"I'm rather apathetic either way, though if this tome does something useful I would prefer that you join us willingly. Contrary to your delusions, we are not actually criminals- well mostly. The notion that the Crimson Weapons are somehow evil is both preposterous and idiotic, however. By attempting to prosecute us, the church is only harming the citizens of the world."

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"Well I said I would give her this tome back. But I guess by incentive you mean something she didn't already have."

Morgan puzzled "Um, I think I could make you a sandwich?" she offered to the scared waitress.

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OoC: You make me mad! :angry:

Silence befell the hallway as Morgan offered to make a sandwich when a door neaby got kicked off it's hinges, and three burly men walked out, as if on cue, a few more men were at each end of the hallway glaring daggers at the group.

One of the men,probably their leader stepped out and offered his hand arrogantly, "Hand over the crimson weapons lass."

Despite having given up on life, Kamilla managed to take a quick look at the man, noticing that it was the same man who had been sitting across the room yesterday while the group was eating dinner.

(Your choice what to do with them, beat them up I suppose, no stats, no exp, just a simple, I hit A, A fainted/died" don't really care about numbers, most of them'll flee soon anyway. :P)

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Iso, Katie, and Arrin made it to the hallway just in time to see the thugs burst out. Iso shook his head in disappointment, and then nudged Katie to his side.

Iso: I'm only going to say this ONCE ... ... ... get out now Isotov-mug-enraged.gif

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Seeing Isotov, Arrin and Katie appear, two men turned on them, "Nothing to see here kid, turn around and get lost" one of the men stated grabbing Isotov by the collar.

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Katie and Arrin backed away as Isotov's body took on Proxima's dreaded red aura. The thug flinched when Iso looked at him. His irises were glowing red, and Proxima was shining through him.

Iso: I warned you ....

The man let go of him, but it was too late!

Iso: Proxima! Hear my call!

He held out his hands and a hellish inferno blazed out! The flames wrapped around the the man and he was gone in seconds! There was nothing left but a pile of ashes and rising smoke! This wasn't the first time Proxima had incinerated someone. Irina couldn't believe that it was so easy for him. Was her big brother, the one that hated violence gone for good? As the other thugs freaked out, Irina put her hand over her heart.

Iso: Urgh ... -_-

The amount of energy Proxima took from Isotov was significant, and he slumped over a little bit. He started breathing heavily, but despite his fatigue, the others were still scared.

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OoC: I'm sure you all know where this is going XD It's Nadesico time! XD

Elysimma hadn't had much rain in weeks, as Isotov incinerated the man and ash settled on the floor, the wooden floor boards beneath sprang up in flames.

The other man, who had accompanied his friend over, lunged at Isotov, only to follow the fate of his friend. Fearing their own lives, the men who were standing on the same side as Isotov began to flee in the opposite direction, straight for the others, their cries of "Demon" "Monster" were a clear enough indication that they had no intentions of continuing this fight. In the second that Morgan's attention switched from Kamilla to the men, Kamilla focused all her strength into kicking Morgans leg.

While it wasn't even enough to topple the shaman, it was enough to get her to drop the tome, which Kamilla quickly picked up and hugged with both arms, not even death would pry it from her embrace. She glanced over and watched as Katie and Arrin desperately tried to put out the flames, but it was useless, Kamilla had been cleaning the inn for days now, and she knew that the entire inn was made of old dry wood, clearly the people who had made the place had never considered the chances of a raging fire mage in their inn. And something was clearly special about the flames, for one, they seemed alot harder to extinguish then normal flames, probably because of it's magical properties.

The flames had spread to the ceiling and walls and the smoke emitting from the place was extensive, Fearing for her own life Kamilla turned to flee along with the ruffians (not bandits, just street thugs, you know, the type sitting on street corners smoking, boozing and generally wasting their life away). As Kamilla turned away, she thought she heard someone trying to calm the man down, hesitating she took another glance at the mad man. His eyes still glowing dangerously red. "What have I gotten myself into?" she asked herself.

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OOC: ... ... ... I fell for Nady's trick to burn the inn down didn't I? ... ... ... F*CK!!! >_<

I can't let the whole inn burn down, that'd be so typical! :facepalm:

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Morgan sighed. The stupid anima mage practically used a fireball to wipe out some idiot who wasn't even armed...in a wooden inn.

Morgan grabbed Kamilla by the arm "Escaping with us is probably the best chance of not dying here, you won't have anything to go back to anyway, since your belongings will be ruined and your job irrelevant."

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Irina: Another fire ... :(

She and Katie held up Iso who was dazed. The group was starting to leave the inn, but Iso quickly muscled his way out of their grasp and fell to his knees!

Iso: Proxima ... enough ... ... ENOUGH ... >_<

The flames quickly died down and what appeared to be blood red flames flew into the air and slammed into Iso's chest! They disappeared at the same moment the wood stopped burning. The area was full of smoke, and they still had to leave, but the inn was saved ... for the most part.

Iso: Heh ... urgh

Calling off Proxima's raging flames was nearly as draining as summoning them, and Iso quickly passed out.

Irina: Come on! We should move him someplace safe :unsure:

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Kamilla simply nodded her head as Morgan led her away, too startled to actually speak. She watched in awe at how quickly the flames had spread, as Morgan pulled on her arm,

She watched as the fire mage called back the flames into his tome. Then the entire inn shook as something exploded, she didn't know what had gone off, but tracing her mental blue print of the inn, she realised that they were standing right above the kitchen on the first floor.

She watched unable to do anything but be dragged away, as the floor she had worked so hard to clean disappeared in the fiery blaze.

Ooc: Nooooo my wooden flooring >_< Not letting you off that easily "Little Iso"! :lol:

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OoC: I insist, mainly cause it'd be funny to watch people accuse Isotov of doing wrong, that and even if it was only partially burned down, you'd probably still have to face the heat anyway. Better to let the whole thing burn down and kill of the matron and innkeeper, then deal with them outside right? XD

Though Rp'ing an angry inn keeper might be fun as well

Edit, For some reason, after reading Phoenix's post, I thought this was in Feedback >_<

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OOC: "Take the heat" is a terrible pun in this situation.

"Leaving would be a very good plan right now." Morgan suggested. "Don't forget to carry the idiot mage."

Morgan stopped for a second. "That was unclear, I meant the unconscious one."

Kamilla seemed shell-shocked by the whole experience, which had the benefit of making her much less resistant. The group moved towards the exit of the still-smoking and heavily damaged inn.

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Irina and Katie carried Iso out to the front of the inn. Kiev having been taught many different ways to break out of cages, wyvern stables, and normal confinements had come out of the stable by knocking down one of the side doors with his head. He walked up to the two women who quickly placed Iso onto his saddle. He finally came to once he was secured.

Iso: What happened? Why ... are we outside ...?

Irina: You ... :unsure: ... you don't want to know.

He then looked over at Katie. His eyes had gone back to their normal crimson tone.

Iso: Can I ... have that sandwich soon ...?

Without waiting for her to answer, he closed his eyes and went limb.

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((everything has to happen when I'm asleep, doesn't it? This first conversation is in response to when Morgan said, "do tell" and it's important. The second one is happening right now))

"Yes, I meant me. I think I know who has the Crimson Axe. He's a noble by the name of Conroy Terrace... and pretty much the entire reason I can't live a normal life, so if you need help finding him- which you do, since he's a difficult to reach person- I'd be willing to lend a hand."


"Umm... what the hell just happened? Did he just recall the fire? Isn't that, you know, impossible?"

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"Arrin, get out of here!" Kelas shouted. Once the flames had gone down, Kelas was up the stairs in a flash. She grabbed her packs and, more importantly, weapons, but looking back, the stairs were no longer a viable option... the window looked out over the roof of the stable. Well enough. She slid down the drainpipe to the ground, vaulted the fence into the corral and began tacking the horses. "I don't know what the hell that was, but am I right in identifying this bit as the bit where we run away?" she asked the group at large as she saddled and bridled each of the horses in no particular order. The others had all run outside, blinking in the sunlight and coughing.

Arrin was still too shocked to speak. What-- and who were those-- and how did he-- Mutely he stood with the group, waiting for instructions.

OOC: Because it's not a proper chapter if we don't catch fire!

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With Proxima's flames slowly starting to spread across the floor of the inn, the air throughout became heavily clogged with the smoke to the point where no one could stand up to their full height without immersing their head in the bellowing smoke. Esphyr had already risen up from the sound of battle long ago, but now there was a much greater threat. If she did nothing, the inn would most certainly burn down. Thinking quickly, she rushed behind the counter and grabbed several bottles, avoiding those clearly filled with booze, before taking the bucket which held water for serving the guests. With both in hand, she lowered her head down below the flames and rushed up towards the source of the fire.

Thankfully, despite having been set by a crimson wielder, the flames were still small. Most likely to the magical nature and fact that it had been, essentially, a flash flame and not a sustained blast, the flame was still small. Most likely, the smoke came from the room where the ruffians had burst forth from; as it smelled heavily of plant matter and made Esphyr very woozy to sniff. She dumped the water bucket over the largest part of the fire, extinguishing it before it could grow, before heading into their room and using the bottles to extinguish the rest.

"Bad fire! No fire today! No fire today! No-- Whoa... I feel... like I might float away." she moaned out loudly before stumbling out from the room. The room was horribly fire-damaged and likely beyond repair, but the rest of the inn was saved.


A vein on Katie's head bulged visibly at the further request for a sandwich. The man had just set fire to the inn after all! Fire that... had burned off all the writing pages she had just refreshed. She couldn't write to tell the man off at all. Still... he had done that to try and save them; right? Well, it was stupid, arrogant, and shouldn't have happened, but still... Katie gave a sigh before reaching into the basket she had somehow managed to take along with her as she had left originally; most likely holding it in the same hand that she had grabbed iso with originally. She pulled out the sandwich she had ment for herself and offered it to him; wishing she could have grumbled under her breath. She would need to teach this man self control at the least.

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A few townspeople were gathering around to see what was happening, and a man walked up to Irina to ask her about it.

Man: Whoa! What's happening in there?

Irina: There was a ... small fire ... :unsure:

Man: :blink::lol: hahaah! Hahahahahahahaahh!

Irina: What's so funny?! Someone could've gotten hurt! :o

Man: Oh lighten up, Lass! When you live in a boring town like this, a little disaster is welcome every once in awhile, besides, that innkeeper is louse. I can't wait to see the look on his face :P

Irina felt that it was time to ignore the man. Iso instantly woke up at the smell of the sandwich and sat up on the saddle to eat it.

Iso: Um ... by the way ....

He normally wouldn't outright give something away, but since he was in a group, he no longer needed to keep track of what was going on. He held the sandwich in one hand, and took out an old diary with the other. He casually offered it to Katie.

Iso: I've only used half of the pages. I kept that so if I ever saw Irina again, my memory problems wouldn't keep me from sharing everything that I experienced. Since we're together now, you can use the rest. And yes ... there is a writing tool in there somewhere. Well it's nothing more than a stick of lead, but it's all I have.

He then quickly took a bite of the sandwich.

Irina: Is it good?

Iso: :blink: ... ... ... she's the chef now. If anyone says otherwise ... well you saw the inn :P

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"I think we should at least all see how good it is before we make any decisions. Let me try one of those..." Tina took a sandwich and started to eat it, swallowed, and said, "Yeah, ignore what I just said. I totally agree now."

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Katie's hand quickly slid over the top of the basket, warding off any further hands. Flipping the diary open to the first page she could get, she pulled out the writing utensil.

02/12/23 Dear Diary. Today was, sadly, quite an uneventful day. The only thing of note is that it started to sLUNCH! NOT BREAKFAST!

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"Do we or do we not have to skip town?" Kelas inquired, already on Amari. Damn, and I wanted to go get another saddle today, too... she added mentally. "It seems that nobody's hurt and there isn't anyone currently after our heads, but we should work out what action to take anyway."

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Morgan walked over to Isotov with an irritated look on her face.

"And once again, I overestimate the intelligence of mages. You think being a fire mage, you would have a basic grasp of what catches on fire, but apparently not."

Morgan pointed to the picnic bakset "Wood. Catches on fire very easily." She pointed to a waterskin "Water, on the other hand, does not catch on fire very easily. Understand? If you need an explanation of whether something catches on fire or not, any one of us should be able to tell you. And by any one of us, I don't mean Helios."

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