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SF Gym Leader Challenge


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Basic Battle Guideline

Gym Leaders

- 3 Pokemon maximum if the Gym is a Single (S) Gym.

- 4 Pokemon maximum if the Gym is a Double (D) Gym.

- May not use any Uber Pokemon.

- May use one Legendary Pokemon only.

- May use Pokemon with two types (like Ground/Rock, etc.).

- May choose whether their gym is a Single (S) or Double (D) gym.

- May use any Pokemon not of their Gym's typing providing it has been of the Gym's type in a previous evolution. Examples, Rock Gym using Steelix (Ground/Steel) because of Onix (Rock/Ground), Ground Gym using Tyranitar (Dark/Rock) because of Larvitar (Ground/Rock) and Flying Gym using Scizor (Bug/Steel) because of Scyther (Bug/Flying).

- May run no more than two Gyms at any one time (either: 2 Real, 1 Real & 1 Shoddy, or 2 Shoddy).

- May also enforce any clauses that they see fit in addition to these rulings. (Species Claus, etc.)

Gym Challengers

- 3 Pokemon maximum for Single Gym Challenges.

- 4 Pokemon maximum for Double Gym Challenges.

- May challenge with a team consisting of "standard" Pokemon (Nothing Legendary or Uber).

Banned Items

- Items that affect accuracy, critical hit, flinching, and items which allow first move. Work it out yourself.

Banned Moves

- Moves that affect accuracy, evasion and OHKO moves.

Shoddy-Specific Rules

- As there is no option for Double Battles, each team must compromise of 3 Lv1 Pokemon alongside the 3 Pokemon being used.

- You may use no other Pokemon than 3 Level 1 Magikarpand your 3 Main Pokemon team.

- When Magikarp is Roared or Whirlwinded etc. into play, Roar or Whirlwind must be used again until one of the three opponent's Main Team are drawn out.

- You may not use any other Pokemon than your three Main Pokemon. Treat the Magikarp like they don't exist. Meaning they can not be first into battle for strategical choosing of Pokemon when it is KO'd etc.

Gyms and their Gym Leaders

alp1zl.png -

v63sap.png - Kai-Sama (S)

t0213d.png- AstraLunaSol (S)

2rrbera.png - Lightning (S)

2eojm8i.png -

2yy9yti.png -

3447edi.png -

nvqjhi.png - EmeraldFox (S)

f9jocg.png - NotSal (S)

ily73r.png - Enjolras (S)

ztufs7.png - mikethefc (S)

2lxxcow.png - EmeraldFox (S)

6p5h1e.png - Ninji (S)

v7w8ly.png - Ether (S)

546dfr.png -

8vryns.png -

v771ph.png - Raven (S)

There will eventually be a category for Gym Victories, as well as Gym Champions, once things get rolling.

So first thing's first: We need dedicated individuals to put themselves forward to take the position of Gym Leader of one of the types listed above. I've already taken Water.

Shoddy Gyms and their Gym Leaders

alp1zl.png - Enjolras (S) OPEN

v63sap.png - Lightning (S)

t0213d.png - ZXValaRevan (S)

2rrbera.png - Speedwagon (S)

2eojm8i.png - Hikarusa (S)

2yy9yti.png - King Russell (S)

3447edi.png - Proto (S)

nvqjhi.png - Ninji (S)

f9jocg.png -

ily73r.png -

ztufs7.png - -Cynthia- (S)

2lxxcow.png - General Spoon (S) OPEN

6p5h1e.png - General Spoon (S) OPEN

v7w8ly.png - Ether (S)

546dfr.png - Dio (S)

8vryns.png - Dio (S)

v771ph.png - Raven (S)

Edited by Raven
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so is there a level limit for the pokemon?

Lv50 or 100, depending on what the Leader and Challenger agree upon before battling.

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The problem with these gym leader deals is that they're way too easy to beat. Say for example, your team of water types. Challengers would always just use electric/grass type attacks to deal with your entire team. Even if you find ways around that, it's definitely a huge disadvantage to be restricted to a single type.

But eh, why the hell not. Put me down for grass I guess.

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The problem with these gym leader deals is that they're way too easy to beat. Say for example, your team of water types. Challengers would always just use electric/grass type attacks to deal with your entire team. Even if you find ways around that, it's definitely a huge disadvantage to be restricted to a single type.

But eh, why the hell not. Put me down for grass I guess.

Indeed. But if a gym leader is confident enough in their training, they can be a threat to anyone who is unprepared. It also forces challengers to prepare and use many Pokemon if they plan on going for every gym.

I'll sign you up to Grass now. Thanks for joining in. Edit: And everyone else who has signed up. That's about half the places already.

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I could Rare Candy a bunch of Electric pokemon if EV training and all that isn't necessary.

I'll be EV training my Water types, I want to give challengers a run for their money, haha...

I presume people will be battling online, so battles are automatically Lv50 or Lv100.

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I could Rare Candy a bunch of Electric pokemon if EV training and all that isn't necessary. Also, would at least 1 Legendary be acceptable? Raikou in my case.

Yes, 1 Legendary is alright. Just no Ubers, and it's all good.

Put me down for Ghost.

And when do we have to be ready?

We'll discuss that once we're happy with the Gym Leaders.

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I'm intending to get platinum eventually (as in May/June).

If you allow it, I'd like steel please.

Edit: Fighting would be another option, if steel gets taken by someone else.

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Would've gone water but I got beaten to it so I'll go ice instead

EDIT:Apologies I meant to say as a reserve as you already have 8

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I'll put everyone else who is interested in as reserves for the time being. I know I said only 8 leaders, but if interest is this high, then I guess I can higher that number.

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Would Latias be fine in that case?

As long as he isn't holding that uhh... item which makes him Uber, then yeah.

Also I know I have 7 in the first post, I just haven't updated it. I'll do it immediately.

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As long as he isn't holding that uhh... item which makes him Uber, then yeah.

Also I know I have 7 in the first post, I just haven't updated it. I'll do it immediately.

Yeah Soul Dew, I know. Latias is a She btw. >_>

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You put me as a leader, even though I don't have a game right now...

You're more than welcome to put me back into reserve for someone else who actually has the game.

Then, once I get it...I'll work something out with you/the leader who replaced me.

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