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Lord of Azure Flame: Character Relations Chart

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It seems odd that Damian would sleep with someone that he only has a C with and ignores Aiya who he has a B with.

Anyway Alf:

Reika: Slightly interested in.

Charlotte: Likes

Eric: Likes

Damian: Dislikes

Esphyr: Respects

Dani: Likes

Chase: Dislikes

Aiya: Sort of dislikes

Rest: Either dislikes a bit or neutral

Pary: Hostile

Edited by Dark Sage
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So,he dislikes the guy who he argued with,but is neutral to Aiya,who broke his face and threatened to kill him?Maybe it's a principle thing,but shouldn't she be listed as dislike over Damian?

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Hmmm, I can actually see this being argued against, Aiya put Alf back in his place, assaulting a soldier regardless of the situation isn't really "good" behavior. However Damians actions/words were really arrogant and pompous, if I'd been online I would have carried it over into a stat battle XD Screw losing, it'd be fun

That's my interpretation of it, Alf should be grateful Aiya smashed his face in, otherwise Alf'd be penetrated.... by Gay... I mean Gae Borg

Edited by Kanami
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Sure, Character relations seemed like a decent place to take this, especially after Clockwork's first attempt to bring it up in regular chat had it overwhelmed by other issues and seemingly completely missed.

List of supports that could possibly have progressed. Post thoughts on them go go go







I am probably listing some that didn't do anything, and missing some that did. Post 'em.

Taking these in reverse order here.

Eric/Charlotte: The question was raised right about the ToD session if memory serves, and at the time I thought that too rushed, but it's been quite a while since then now, and there was some additional development during the kidnapping attempts and such, so I fully support it at this point, and I think I was the only one really holding up the show the first time, so that's an official C.

Irina/Aiya: While personally I found the events of the ToD session... implausible (not only is Aiya not the type to get jealous, but now she's bisexual and completely polyamorous?), as well as quite probably counter-productive to the relationship attempting to be developed, it was a significant amount of interaction, and added on to many attempted endeavors for contact that have been scattered throughout past chapters as well where one or the other parties failed to connect with fully, but which at least indicate the sort of long-term trend of a build in relations. Coupling in with this last hunting trip, and renegotiation of salary, I think it's really damn close if not there.

Chase/Morgan: As much as I'd like this to be ready, and able for approval, so that Rein doesn't keep asking about it every few days, all of the episodes have been incredibly short, inconsequential, and with little follow up. If Morgan's controller herself doesn't feel it's ready, then I don't think I need to add any more opinion on the matter. That said, with something more of note, I'd be willing to sign off, with a promise that there better be significant development before any discussion of B comes up.

Kelas/Arrin: C is for 'canoodle' and that's good enough for me.

Isotov/Kelas: They've been actually getting along really rather well lately. I think it started to accrue around the midnight battle with Reika's goons at TISME if I recall correctly, and seems like it's been being worked on regularly since then. I actually find myself with surprisingly few objections at the moment.

Damian/Esphyr: Personally, I still subscribe to the Support Pyramid line of reasoning, like I know I've mentioned a couple of times before. Even if it wasn't officially endorsed, and other people have some (valid) counterpoints, I still find it coloring my opinions on this (and other) matters. I really think there needs to be more branching out and interacting with other people. I can't really remember the last time Esphyr had any meaningful interactions with a non-Damian, non-Katie. Damian's issues were caused by Ether's recent pre-graduation induced disappearance for several chapters, and are disappearing as fast as Ether's activity level is increasing, so that's not really the issue. Then again, there's also the whole problems be


"New Characters" discussions:

Reika/Alferis: Seems far too hasty to render a decision, at this point, but it seems to be a goal, and with continued work, depending on how things develop I could support this in the future if things proceed well.

Cess/?: I don't see him making any active strides towards anyone in particular. Is this the case, or am I missing something obvious?

Dani/Chase: The very beginnings, but if Snike keeps it up, I don't think Rein can resist it forever.

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@Bal Um, nope he's not trying too well to support anyone. Morgan was an option in the begining, but it's leading to inferiority complex or something, so that's drifting.

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... I don't think I can keep stopping Dani/Chase can be either... but dammit if it gets in the way of Morgan/Chase totally awesome S support then I will have raeg

That being said, I think Morgan Chase isn't quiiiiite ready for a C either but it's very close.

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Yeah, Dani's acting as wrench, to an extent. I wonder if we might be able to provoke some sort of jealousy from Morgan...

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Yeah, Dani's acting as wrench, to an extent. I wonder if we might be able to provoke some sort of jealousy from Morgan...

Doesn't she have to have feelings for Chase first? Or at least feel some sort of bond?

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~reading down list, chuckling occasionally~

~reads Kelas/Arrin bit~

~chokes and spews imaginary drink over keyboard~

cough cough cough I'm okay! And those seem like pretty good assessments! Just... that bit... came out... a bit wrong...

I can't let you and Cynthia have a monopoly on 'terrible'.

[spoiler=In which I ruin the joke]It was really referencing the fact that you finally seemed to have the conversations between the two where Arrin talks about his teacher for instance, and Kelas starts to catch up. Which in turn had segued from the conversation in which Kelas tried to be a good parental figure and brought up her concerns regarding the relevant 'c' word, so...

(But you already fully know this, so why am I still explaining...)

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Irina: Interest (T and D)

Snike People: Interest (in finding out who they are)

Charlotte: See Snike people

Chase: Annoyance

Tessa: Interest

Damian: Curious (He wants to know more about the crimson weapons, he is Bertholds son)

Morgan: Curious (Why she is so cold)

Al: Disinterest

Esphyr: Curious (Why she flirts with Damian when Damian has Aiya, he doesnt understand the concept of cheating -_-)

Aiya: Curious (Why she doesnt know that Damian has been flirting with Esphyr

Just add the first word. Parenthesis are reasons

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I'm sure you're aware of the lack of sprites/affinities for new characters. Aiya's sprite should also be changed to WK.

At this point due to character influx, it's hard to tell what should be on there and what shouldn't. For example, Morgan/Irina have a mercenary contract and Morgan/Isotov have mutual dislike, but (arguably) less visible things like Tessa disliking Chase are still on there. Nitpicking which lines should exist and which shouldn't seems incredibly tedious though.

Mutual loathing isn't really an accurate description for Morgan/Reika any more, probably distrust rather than loathing.

Cess is missing.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Augh, knew I forgot someone... (We have too damn many characters now. Going to have to make the circle bigger again soon.)

I thought the mercenary contract had switched to Damian now...

Re Chase/Helios: I wasn't sure whether to keep the annoyance visible because of Helios' amnesia. He's snapped back to hating Chase that quickly? o_o Anyway, restoring.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Re Chase/Helios: I wasn't sure whether to keep the annoyance visible because of Helios' amnesia. He's snapped back to hating Chase that quickly? o_o Anyway, restoring.

Chase has called him out a couple of times. Its annoying.....

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But ... but his sprites all most ready and everything :( (bumped him up to get him out of the way since he's joining very soon and needs a deput, also bumped him up because the sprite will be rather quick and easy ... may even finish it tonight)

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