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Ether's Mafia game thread.


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"Sephiran...are you there?" Mist called into the man's spacious house,standing at the doorway.

"Yes,I am.Mist,please come in." Sephiran replied,wearing a flowing night-robe.

"Would you like some tea,Mist?" Sephiran asked her as they entered the living room,Mist looking around the room at the luscious drapery and high ceilings,before registering Sephiran's question,and replying quietly; "Oh!Yes please."

"Very well." Sephiran departed toward the kitchen,and returned shortly after with two cups of tea.

"So,Mist.What brings you here?" Sephiran asked her as she sat down.

"I'm just...I don't know what to do...with Ike gone,and now everyone else is dying..." Mist began to tear up,and Sephiran pulled her closer to him.

"It's alright Mist...let it all out."

Mist cried for about on hour or so,eventually pulling away from Sephiran,noticing she had stained his robe with her crying.

"Ah...I'm sorry Sephiran...I didn't think..."

"It's alright Mist,in fact,I have something for you."

"Oh,really?What is i-?"

She never finished her sentence,the stiletto in Sephiran's hand driven through her heart.

"The deed is done.The Gawain bloodline is finished..."


"Oh...what have I done!?"


3-13 Archer stalked Titania for the second time.She seemed more evasive than the time before.Perhaps she was aware of his presence this time.

The sound of a Dragonlord's mount,like before.He saw a figure come into his sight.

"I will not fall for that one again..." 3-13 Archer told himself,and snickering,aimed his arrow through the window of the nearby building,seeing two silhouettes.He knew he had Titania this time.


Sephiran looked at the pure girl,lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood.

"H-How could I have killed such an innocent girl...?"

"I'm a monster..." Sephiran said to himself,and grabbed the stiletto.

"I will end this no-!" The stiletto stopped inches from his heart,as the 3-13 Archer's arrow pierced his skull.

You could have heard the 3-13 Archer curse,had you been there.

Mist(Mikethfc),the Pure Spirit has been killed!

Sephiran(General Spoon),the Chancellor,has been killed!

Day phase Start!

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Yeah. We should have switched me with Raymond, got another kill to end it today :awesome:. But it doesn't matter. I'm almost disappointed Spoon fell for it, though :P. We have this now. Unless someone has made a very lucky fakeclaim.


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With more votes than remaining mafia on me already, I won't bother trying to hide it any longer; yes, I'm the Sniper, also known as the epic 3-13 Archer. :mellow:

Geez. I thought you guys would apply all kinds of epic reverse psychology and stuff, so I thought that simply aiming for the most basic and straightforward action, that being targeting Tables, would've worked. It didn't. I am disappoint.

There's no way for me to do anything about it, so, Ether, I'd like you to just speed up the Day Phase and outright lynch me if possible; I highly doubt that anyone's going to change their mind anyway.

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With more votes than remaining mafia on me already, I won't bother trying to hide it any longer; yes, I'm the Sniper, also known as the epic 3-13 Archer. :mellow:

Geez. I thought you guys would apply all kinds of epic reverse psychology and stuff, so I thought that simply aiming for the most basic and straightforward action, that being targeting Tables, would've worked. It didn't. I am disappoint.

But we DID use reverse psychology. In fact, we used DOUBLE reverse psychology. :)

And your not suspecting it is why the town is going to win this game. :)

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To be fair, even if he hit you or Lightning, we'd still be in a winning position, 3 town to 2 mafia. But 4 town to 2 mafia makes things even easier for us. We have a NL tomorrow... like that'd actually help ¬_¬

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I suppose.

3-13 Archer stood in front of the crowd.

"Yes...yes,I am a rebel..." He told the gathering townsfolk.

"Will you kill me?Do you have the guts?!" He yelled at them,and pulled out his bow.

"I can kill you all,even surrounded!Hahahahahehehehehe!YOU WILL NOT STOP ME!"

The bow was aimed at Titania's chest.

"You bitch...you may have evaded me twice...hahaha...but this time YOU WILL DIE!"

He released his arrow,the smirk on his face evident to all surrounding him.The arrow would surely pierce Titania's heart...


The bow broke in his hands.Given an opening,3-13 Archer was tackled to the ground,and as his head hit the stone,his skull flayed open.

He was dead.

3-13 Archer(Raymond), the sniper,was executed!

Night 5 begin!

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Hmm. That means it's down to Trompe and Champion Cynthia now. Trompe is Australian, and won't be on for another probably 12 hours while Cynthia hasn't been on in a week and a half. And since Trompe is far less likely to be mafia than not, this game's basically over if Cynthia won't show up to place a kill. :(

Too bad we'll still have to wait anyway.

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Question: Assuming Cynthia is mafia and does not place a kill: What would you do?

I agree. But two Mafia from the same faction claiming Wall? That would be a terrible breakdown of communication. Not to mention they have no role finding ability. And tomorrow we have to lynch correctly or lose (assuming a night kill happens). So we don't really have a choice but to go for the most likely suspect: Cynthia. Or we can no kill, but I fail to see the benefits.

Incidentally... the Rebels targetted me today and since the mafia can't vote to kill themselves, I'm 100%, guaranteed clear now :awesome:. It took long enough. And that also means Lightning is 100% clear since his innocence was based on Balcerzak dying. Fayt I'm sure is clear, otherwise the real Wyvern Rider is either Trompe (which makes no sense) or Cynthia (which also makes no sense). So that leaves just 2 people who aren't guaranteed townies. And one of those is likely mafia.

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He released his arrow,the smirk on his face evident to all surrounding him.The arrow would surely pierce Titania's heart...


The bow broke in his hands.Given an opening,3-13 Archer was tackled to the ground,and as his head hit the stone,his skull flayed open.

He was dead.

See, shit like this is why Shinon was forced to make Rolf cry about five times.

Anyways, yeah. Looks like this is town's game, then?

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Ludveck slept in his manor,stirring for the first time in days.

"Ugh...why are my followers not here?And why am I awake now?"

'It is simple.'


'You have shown sloth,and a lack of any passion or worth.You are also a notorious rebel...you shall die now.'

"What do you mean?!I will not die!I do not care who you are,you die!" Ludveck swung his tomahawk wildly,before the judge spell hit him,killing him instantly.

Ludveck(Champion Cynthia),the Rebel Leader has been Modkilled!The town wins!

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