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Lord of Azure ***** Chapter 4: The chapter in which no one dares to utter the F word


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Irina tried to hold Iso back, but even with his wound, he was able to muscle his way passed her! He rushed out in front of Helios and Mark!

Iso: You're so concerned with the fire that started at the inn? You wanted to find the person who did that? Well leave the breeze magician alone, because I'm standing right here, hero :angry:

Irina: Iso, no!

She grabbed him to haul him back, but he planted his feet in the ground as she tugged! She couldn't move him an inch!

Irina: Iso, stop! Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap! >_<

Kiev then walked over and watched.

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Kelas was shaking as she strode between the mages and the... thing on the wyvern. Amari followed, planting herself solidly behind her rider. "Beg pardon, but while Helios is a damn fool, he's a damn fool we sort of need at the moment," she stated. "But don't listen to the little sand-runner, I barely know what I'm on about, why don't you talk to the soldier some more, he knows what he's doing." She hoped her voice hadn't squeaked or anything... "We need you too," she whispered to Isotov. "I didn't drag you out of there just so you could offer yourself up to get killed."

Arrin was muttering under his breath, praying to every deity he knew of that Kelas wasn't about to get herself killed...

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Iso: So that was you? Hmpf ... nice tying <_<

He then pulled out Proxima and held it in his hands.

Iso: Don't worry, I have no intention of sacrificing myself. I can't rely on people like them to protect my sister. It has to be me. *cough* Urgh ... if you've got a plan, I'm listening -_-

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Chase made no move to defend the helpless mage: he wouldn't do so for him, and Percy would probably just knock him out of the way. Painfully. He did, however, grip his bow tightly with his left hand, and moved his right hand towards a concealed wolf-fang dagger strapped to his right thigh...

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Mark knew that Helios was conscious. He knew what Helios planned to do and he knew what would be left once he did so. He looked at the other wyverns and gripped his lance. Anytime now

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Daranau muttered to itself in interest: something was about to happen with the wind mage. Arrin sensed it, knew something was wrong. "Is he about to do what I think he is?" Arrin whispered to himself. "Get ready to run, I think something bad's about to happen," he told Tessa in an undertone.

"Haven't got a plan," Kelas muttered to Isotov. She felt Amari shudder and saw the big wyvern's eyes narrow: something was wrong, and the animals could tell. "Get on the horse, though, we might be running... something's up." She looked to the others. "Damian, Katie, weren't you talking to this good fellow?" she called: whatever was about to happen, she didn't want to be the center of attention when it did...

OOC: I assume Helios is planning some sort of spell. I suggest we pause shortly (and before the spell goes off), though, since Snowy intends this to be a fight...

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Mark looked at Isotov until he noticed him. Mark pointed at the other two wyvern slowly so that they didnt see. The Fire Mage seem to have gotten what Mark wanted him to do. If it was anyone who can disarm those other wyvern, it was him

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Helios and Chase were continuing to argue amongst themselves, and right in front of the hero, anger escalating, and clearly getting the better of their common sense. Tessa noticed Kelas moving in, most likely to stop things before they got any worse than they already are, though Tessa was sure that the first impression had already left Percy with a poor opinion. As she swept her gaze around further, she noticed that Arrin who was nearby, was like herself, remaining in the background of the situation.

Something about the young mage made her curious, and so she edged around closer to him. She wasn't sure if it was to protect him... probably not he seemed like he would be able hold his own. Or was it to grab him onto the horse and escape if things went south... also unlikely as outrunning the wyverns would be problematic at best. Or was it something else entirely she couldn't put her finger on? While Tessa was pondering this, she had stopped paying attention. That suddenly changed when Arrin had backed himself right into Trevor, and let out a small voice of surprise. Tessa raised her finger to her lips, but then smiled at him, before returning her attention to matters concerning Percy.

It was good that she did, because things had just taken a turn for the worse. The hero had announced his decision, restated his demand for surrender, yet the damned quarreling fools were completely ignoring him. Kelas's attempt to calm them down had had the opposite effect, and things even came to blows. Helios went down, and his attendant took him to his horse, but Percy was following, most likely intent on taking a prize or something. Now, at almost the worst possible time, the fire mage made a dramatic appearance, and seemed prepared to martyr himself to protect his sister, and as a side effect the rest of the party. Kelas once again tried to bring an insane mage to his senses, when suddenly Arrin looked up at her and warned her, "Get ready to run, I think something bad's about to happen."

Tessa started to shake her head, then sighed. There was something to be said for that. But... "Up," she said, and pointed to the space behind her. "If we're running away, you're going to come with me," she continued. "But if we're going to stay, then we all stay." She looked down at the mage with what she hoped was a serious and brave expression.

There was no way she was running away alone again. The once was enough. She would never suffer to repeat the same experience as the flight from the monastery. Not while she had anything to say about it.

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"Right. I've grown quite board of this droll verbal engagement. If you're not going to go about and kill each other and thusly make my job easier, then I will just have to work to bring you all down! Wyvern riders! ATTACK!" called out Percy, swinging his axe overhead before the wyverns swooped down; eager to kill the people whom had tried to set a town on fire in their insanity!

Wyvern Rider X3

HP: 5, STR 3, MAG: 0 SKL 3 SPD: 2 LCK: 2, DEF: 4 RES: 2

Weapon: Iron Axe

Skill: Tenacity: Unit can make saving rolls.

Percy X 1

HP: 10, STR: 5, MAG: 0 SKL: 4, SPD: 3, LCK 3, DEF: 4 RES: 3

Weapon: Iron Axe

Skills: Ranged Strike: Can counter all attacks including those made on allies.

Tenacity: Unit can make saving rolls.

Fire-retardant: Immune to fire spells

Back Row: Can't be fought until all allies are dead

Slow on his feet: Can counter other attacks made on other allies; but only deals 1/2 damage.

Immortal: Because I know that if I don't include this skill, one of you will kill him and make the situation worse for everyone.

Like lightning, Esphyr had her sword out. As the first of the wyverns swooped down to try and get at the party, Esphyr quickly dashed over to him; her blade sliding between the winged lizard and Kalas. With a skilled twist, Esphyr spun her sword about, cutting into the flesh of the giant monster. Her actions did not go unnoticed. With a cry, the rider swung his axe overhead, catching Esphyr in the shoulder and sending a spurt of blood into the air, but not before the mercenary girl wrenched her sword about in a full slash; gouging deep into the flank of the wyvern before Esphyr quickly backed off, getting a bit of room for a followup assault.

Esphyr attack roll: 3, 4, 2 3 damage dealt to wyvern 1 [12/15]

Wyvern attack roll 6, 1, 3 3 damage taken 6/9 HP

Percy: 1, 5, 6 Miss

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OOC: Snowy, stop giving them the Tenacity skill! They've got like a one in six shot of it succeeding! XD

Irina tightly gripped her lance. She couldn't decide whether or not to attack or stay back and protect her brother.

(She only has a total of 9 EXP ... I'm not sure what to do either -_-)

Kiev quickly put his head between Iso's legs and hauled him off the ground! Iso was thrown back onto Kiev's saddle!

Iso: What's he doing?!

Irina: You're right ... Kiev, get him back over to the packhorse. Then come back here!

Iso: Wait a second!

Kiev took off and Iso could only hang on tight!

Irina: Whew ^_^

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"Well, great. Now we're fighting against a Hero. Can things get any worse?" the traveler asked, as he dived to get out of the way. F;inching from his wound, he looked around for his sword, but couldn't find it amidst the fray.

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OOC: *glances at Percy's stats* ... FFFFFFFFFFFFF--

Chase ducked behind a tree for the moment. "Damn," he said, "this guy's not a total nimrod after all... I'll have to lay low for now. Still, I'll take a shot at him first!"

((This is my bow attack if that counts for anything))

Rolls: 5,4,3,1,5,2...

(5,4,3) Chase knocked an arrow and fired at Percy! His attack was succesful but Percy was prepared and countered (1,5,2). He managed to duck the thrown axe, which returned to his hand like a boomerang. "That's... weird, but I won't question it."

Percy has 26 HP now, Chase is still at 9.

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Helios quickly got up. His plan did not work after all. He ran toward the wyvern that attacked Esphyr with his tome out.

Helios vs Wyvern 1: Helios attacks with Elwind (4,6,1) Helios deals 7 damage

Wyvern 1 counterattacks: (2,1,6) Wyvern1 misses

Percy attacks (1,6,6) :blink: Percy misses

Combat phase over

Helios 9hp

Wyvern 1 5hp

Percy 30hp

Mark attacks Wyvern 1 one with his sword

Mark attacks (4,5,3) Markdeals 5 damage

Tenacity: (1) WTF!

Percy attacks: (3,4,6) Percy hits for 6 damage

EDIT: @ Rein you cant attack Percy till everyone else is defeated

Mark: 6/12hp

Helio: 9/9 hp

Percy: 30/30hp

Wyvern 1: dead

Wyvern 2: 15hp

Wyvern 3: 15hp

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Arrin decided to take Tessa up on her offer, climbing into the saddle. The ground was so far away... no time to think about that! Holding awkwardly onto the back of the saddle with one hand, he summoned Daranau, cursing himself for dropping the Thunder...

Arrin: (5,2,3) Hit! Arrin does 3 damage! Arrin takes 1 damage from Daranau!

Red-tinged lighting jumped from Daranau towards the furthest wyvern.

Wyvern rider: (5,1,1) Hit! Wyvern rider does 3 damage!

The wyvern's rider swung his axe wide, getting Arrin in the side. He gasped in pain.

Arrin: 2/6, Wyvern Rider A: 12/15

Kelas was on Amari in a flash. She saw Arrin fighting a wyvern rider. He wasn't doing well... "Like hell you're killing my brother!" she shouted, letting fly an arrow.

Kelas: (1,3,2) Hit! Kelas does 0 damage!

The arrow thudded harmlessly into the rider's saddle. Kelas snarled and loosed another arrow.

Kelas: (4,1,3) Hit! Kelas does 0 damage!

Again, her attack was useless. Kelas nocked another arrow, refusing to give up...

Kelas: 12/12, Wyvern Rider A: 12/15

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Wait, that's not right. You're doing at least 2 damage per hit there...

EDIT: Here's the stats again for future reference:

Wyvern Rider X3
HP: 5, STR 3, MAG: 0 SKL 3 SPD: 2 LCK: 2, DEF: 4 RES: 2
Weapon: Iron Axe
Skill: Tenacity: Unit can make saving rolls.

Percy X 1
HP: 10, STR: 5, MAG: 0 SKL: 4, SPD: 3, LCK 3, DEF: 4 RES: 3
-Weapon: Iron Axe
-Ranged Strike: Can counter all attacks including those made on allies. 
-Tenacity: Unit can make saving rolls.
-Fire-retardant: Immune to fire spells
-Back Row: Can't be fought until all allies are dead
-Slow on his feet: Can counter other attacks made on other allies; but only deals 1/2 damage.
-Immortal: Because I know that if I don't include this skill, one of you will kill him and make the situation worse for everyone.

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OOC: Since most of you aren't using the Invisible Castle dice roller anyway, I'm not going to bother linking to it. Retconned, I killed Wyvern 2 I guess.

Morgan attacked the Wyvern 2

(2, 5, 2)= 7 damage

The Wyvern rider was anagered by the bolt of darkness and struck back!

(2,6,6)= miss (thank goodness, it was going to be another max damage crit)

Percy threw a hand axe at Morgan in response

(6, 4, 2)= 9 damage

The hand axe nearly went right through Morgan, but once again a mysterious dark energy held her together (Mircale cactivated)

Morgan attacked the Wyvern rider again!

(1,6,1) 8 damage.

Morgan, ignoring the thick hide of the wyvern, blasted the wyvern rider into oblivion( Saving roll=2). Unfortunately, she was once again mortally wounded ( 1 HP)

Wyvern 2 dead.

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OOC: Awwww ... someone beat me to it.

@ Cynthia. I can see why you and Nady were for the inviso castle thing. No one else seems to get ko'ed like that ... except good old honest Phoenix <_<

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"Damn it all to hell!" As Damian had been about to jump the hero and give his skull a well deserved meeting with the dirt, he took off and backed away!

Esphyr had attacked a wyvern rider,and she had taken a hit.

"Hear my call,O'cursed lance.Come unto me and strike fear into the heart of my enemy,to rip out their hearts in a painful sorrow... Spear of Impaling Barbed Death,GAE-BORG!"

He charged at another rider,and swung his lance at him! Striking the rider swiftly with Gae Borg twice,and taking a glancing blow from Percy's hand axe,Damian retreated slightly. As the Wyvern was about to pursue,Aiya smashed his head open with the Steel blade! No amount of Tenacity would save the man now...

Combat Round Start!

Damian(1,5,5) 5 hit - 4 avo,hit! 10 Mt - 6 Def = 4x2 Damage!

Wyvern(2,6,3) 5 hit - 8 Avo,miss!

Percy(5,4,6) ... 9 Hit - 8 Avo,hit! 9 Mt - 3 Def = 6/2 Damage!

Damian(2,6,2) 6 Hit - 4 Avo,hit! 11 Mt - 6 Def = 5 Damage!


Wyvern 2(2/15)

Aiya(2,5,4)6 Hit - 4 Avo,hit! 11 mt - 6 def = 5 Damage!

Tenacity(4) Wyvern rider 2 is down!

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OOC: @Rein: Check again, you cant hit Percy until everyone else is dead

Wouldn't that not apply for ranged attacks? Whatever. Let's just pretend it was aimed at the one Kelas is fighting.

Current HP:

Percy: 14

Wyv 1: 8? or Killed by Damian

Wyv 2: Killed by Helios

Wyv 3: killed by Morgan

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OOC: W1: was killed by me

W2: was killed by Cynthia

W3 Dead

Whose getting first hit against Percy?

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