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Lord of Azure ***** Chapter 4: The chapter in which no one dares to utter the F word


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"The capital, then," Kelas agreed, shaking slightly as she contained a new wave of rage: how dare a man do that to his family?!. Arrin nodded, fervently glad that the argument had winded down.

Kelas walked around the packhorse, disentangling her saddle from Esphyr's feet and cinching it back into place. "You certainly were thorough," Kelas remarked as she looked over the prone mercenary. "Arrin, gimme a hand?"

They lifted Esphyr into the saddle, and Kelas tied her into place again. "Hopefully when she wakes up she'll be properly over the drugs," Arrin commented.

Kelas turned, looking over the whole group. "Any further talk before we move out?"

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Irina quickly ran over to Isotov who was standing about thirty feet away and tapped him on the shoulder.

Irina: I think it's time to go.

Iso: Good -_-

Irina: Are you going to be okay?

Iso: You're alive. That's all that matters -_-

Irina: :unsure: :D

She quickly hugged him and then they both went to grab Kiev.

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Kamilla looked over at Kelas and Irina getting ready to leave and shook her head in disbelief "Is he always like that?" she asked no one in particular, they'd barely considered the idea of going to the capital and the man was already ready to go. "Clearly not the brains of the group" she muttered as she looked over Katie's messages again,

"On one hand we can threaten one of the legendary heroes and demand he waiver our crimes, chances of this working" she paused looking at Katie's scar "is slim, and there's no evidence that he won't revoke the waiver the moment we return his daughter, more then anything though the idea of committing a crime to null another seems ludicrous.

"Or we can rely on this Headmaster of hers who is likely to hand us over"

Kamilla frowned, "There wouldn't happen to be a plan C would there?"

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Morgan shrugged "I'm open to suggestions, but nothing better immediately comes to mind. Perhaps someone will think of something on the road."

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Kamilla shook her head in disappointment, she had expected at least the shaman to think things through properly, it must be a mercenary thing, she told herself as she closed her eyes. They hadn't even decided on why or what they were to do at the capitol, did these people not understand that they had to get passed a wall of guards before even coming anywhere near their targets.

"If you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither" she said to herself, she paused and had to think about it, it wasn't the teachings of the church, so where had she heard it? Shrugging it off she watched everyone get ready to leave.

Wherever she had heard it, it definitely applied. Some of the group seemed intent on getting the crimson weapon, others like her seemed more concerned about clearing their name. As if doing one wasn't hard enough, these fools probably were thinking they'd do both. "Have you even decided what your priortizing?" she asked the group? Some turned to listen, others just simply ignored her "Your status as criminals or the crimson weapon, you don't seriously plan to get away with both?" she asked, hoping that someone had at least tried to plan out things.

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"I think we have an actual chance at them both if we see General Jackson. It's probably the best shot we have of being cleared as criminals. But I am interested in this Crimson Bow you're talking about. Still, we're gonna have to clear our names before we can do much about the Crimson Weapons."

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The arguing had been going on and off for a while now.Seeing Katie's note,Damian tried to speak,but was continually cut off.

As voices started to project anger again,he grew fed up.

"Everybody shut the F*** up!"

Damian spoke as an officer for the first time since he had joined the group,his voice thundering over the shouting.

Everyone looked at him silently.

Damian cleared his throat,and spoke.

"Katie is not the only one here with connections to Lord Harold.I know him almost as well as she does."

The inevitable question. "How?"

"As you know,my father was the original wielder of the Crimson Lance,and was very close to him.In fact,at a point,I spent more time in Elyisima than Halton.It has been a while,so long Katie and I did not recognize eachother,but I know Lord Harold well enough to reason with him."

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"Chill out!" Chase said, "We all wanna say something but everyone's trying to do so at the same time! Let's make a plan first, okay?"

"Oh, and Isokov? You owe me 100 gold. I know it was an accident, but that disguise was expensive, dammit."

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When Chase brought up mention of a disguise expense, Iso shot right back.

Iso: You wouldn't need any disguise if you weren't an outlaw ... furthermore, going around dressed as a woman is a sure way to cause trouble where we're going. Perhaps I'd consider buying you a jester's costume instead once we reach the capital ... see what else you can do to make a fool of yourself :]

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As the group slowly began to move, Kelas scanned the plains behind them. There was no sign of pursuit... yet. She removed the saddle blanket from her shoulders, throwing it back over Amari; where they were going, the disguise would be useless anyway.

Arrin was lost in thought. If the so-called hero was as corrupt as Katie had said, how was any of this going to work out? But she'd thought it would... he'd just have to trust her, and the others, for now.

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Shooting Isotov an angry look she muttered "We're all outlaws now, thanks to this idiocy" sighing, she wondered out aloud "I wonder if we'll all need disguises once we get closer to the capitol" looking around unless they ditched the wyvern and horses somewhere she couldn't see how it'd be any use.

Looking around, she still wasn't sure what they were heading towards, the capitol, sure. But some wanted to approach this from General Conrad Jacksons side, while others seem intent on making contact with the legendary Harold, she didn't know if anyone was considering the Mage acadamy's headmaster, but since many had stayed silent during the whole ordeal, it wouldn't surprise her if someone wanted to rely on the Headmaster either, Kamilla personally was preferring that option to any other.

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OOC: Fine,fine.No marraige,just acquaintances from a while back.Damian knew Harold better than Katie,and hadn't even recognized her until now. Better?

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"So this Jackson fellow has the ax huh" Helios said. "Since we know where he is all we need to know is where the dagger is". "I was the last one to see her". "She could be somewhere by that town". "Disguises huh". "We could just go to a place that sells cloths and act like nobles". "Lord Harold would more likely treat us more better this way".

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"Dammit, Isotov! You still owe me money! It's still you fault that the disguise burnt, silly or not!"

"Besides, pretending to be someone else is fun," Chase muttered to himself.

"Oh, and Helios, how do you know where he is? Oh, that's right, you don't. And let's assume Harold is smart enough to see through disguises and isn't a half-wit."

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"We'd attract more attention dressed as nobles," Arrin noted. "It would also be expensive. It might be better to have someone find out what they're describing our group as, and simply... not meet that description."

"Not to mention some of us'd likely fail at acting like nobles," Kelas muttered under her breath, "even though others of us do it already."

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OoC:*Looks for the Phoenix smilie*... found it.

:facepalm: "Your kidding right?" Kamilla asked the wind mage, "You want us to impersonate nobles?" Can't you people think of any ideas which won't lead to breaking the law and adding to the list of offenses already committed?"

"How about we just blow the capitol up with explosives while you're at it, I'm sure that he's more then willing to destroy an entire city" she said cocking her head towards Isotov

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"I am sure this Harold person does not know how we look" Helios said. "And since i am addressing him as Lord Harold he is a lord". "That means he has a castle". "Our best bet should be looking over there" He said pointing at a huge castle.

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"Remind me why you guys even brought him along? Eliyisma has, well, a lot of castles. Good luck trying to find people that way."

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Iso hung his head hearing his name so consistently, and Irina gripped Kiev's reins tightly trying to stay calm. They were staying out of it, but they still felt like they would get sucked in if they didn't stay humble.

Iso: -_-

Irina: >_<

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"Honestly do you ever use your brain". "I have the wind tome". "Maybe we should try getting Jackson on our side then speak with Lord Harold".

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"If you'd been listening, you'd remember that finding the General now would probably involve walking into a fight," Kelas sighed. "If we can get Harold to at least call off his dogs, and I'm trusting Katie's judgment on this, then getting to Jackson should then become much easier."

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Irina and Isotov seemed to be staying a small ways away from the group.Hoping to try to bring a small bit of peace to the party,Aiya walked over to Irina.

"Hey Irina.You said your Wyvern was named Kiev,right?"

Aiya recieved a nod from Irina.

"He looks well trained." Aiya continued, patting Kiev in a way that caused him to let out an affectionate growl.

"How did you-?" Irina was about to ask Aiya,but she had anticipated the question.

"I'm trained to ride and care for Wyverns,like you."

Isotov interrupted her,saying;

"Why don't you go back to loathing us,like the rest of this foolish group?"

"Because hating you won't change anything.Rejecting you for holding Proxima would be the truly foolish thing."

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:facepalm: "These people couldn't be the same group of heroes aiming to interrupt or even cease the return of the Demon King could they?"

"One's still high on drugs"

"It's probably those two to stay quiet before they cause anymore grief.

"Others seem to think pretending we're on a picnic will make things all better" she said looking at Aiya who had started playing with the wyvern.

"Others seem to have no idea what they're talking about" she said glancing at Helios.

The nomad, Healer and Shaman seemed to have be lost in thought, hopefully they were thinking up something useful, though judging by the actions of the former, that seemed unlikely.

And then there was the archer, who was apparently was a criminal even before this whole charade, and he's suggesting going to see the man that wants him behind bars?

"If this were a job, I'd put in my resignation right now" she muttered bitterly to herself,

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"We could do to pick up the pace," Kelas agreed: though they were walking, it was slowly and with much bickering. "We're on the road to the capital. Now that we know where we're headed, perhaps we can stop arguing and be quiet for a bit."

OOC: Perfect time for me to go study for my matrix exam... >_<

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