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Lord of Azure ***** Chapter 4: The chapter in which no one dares to utter the F word


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"Wait, so you're a criminal, that soldier over there's the son of Bethold, and she's Harold's daughter? I should have stayed in town today."

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"It is a surefire way of staying alive"? "I regret overestimating your intelligence". "If we are harboring a fugitive like you that automatically makes us criminal". "And with the fire that kid set we are screwed". "You just made it more worser for us".

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"Can't say that wouldn't have been a bad idea. Too late now, though," Chase said to the traveller.

"Intelligence? Don't even start with me. If you had a memory of more than a few seconds, you'd remember that Conrad wants me ALIVE. As in NOT KILLED. Please, learn to think," Chase said, glaring at the wind mage.

Why do I have to be stuck in a group where there's as many incompetent nimrods as there are capable people? Why?

Edited by Lightning
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Iso quickly untied himself from the packhorse and fell onto the ground hard! As he stood up, Irina and Kelas rushed over and helped him up.

Irina: Iso, what are you doing?

Iso: I'm ... on standby ....

Irina: Argh! Why not be on sitby?! For crying out loud, you're going to tear your wounds open!

Iso: Is that parade float actually going to execute us for this?

Irina: Err :unsure:

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Kamilla looked over at the man who'd gotten mixed into the whole ordeal "Probably wouldn't have done any good, I stayed in town today, and look where I am now" she said clearly irritated at the two who were arguing.

"You two do know there is a time to argue, and a time to not argue right? I'm pretty sure having a big fat wyvern glaring down at us counts for the latter" she said clearly not impressed.

Kamilla sighed and stepped forward, "Lord Percy, you've heard the rantings of this crazed bunch, and seeing as how I'm apparently one of them now, I would like your greatness to tell us what our fate is. Would you kill us all here, or take us as prisoners. I for one, am willing to testify against some of these.... people should you be willing to let us live" she stated boldly. She felt like emptying her stomach, and her body wouldn't stop shaking, but someone had to ask, and everyone else seemed more intent on making the situation worse.

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Bitch. She's going to rat us out. We could have killed her when we had the chance. "Now is not the time" he told the kid. He noticed Isotov get up. He closed his eyes. His mind was racing. This bastard is corrupt. He is not going to spare us.

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Morgan piped up "I also fail to see how you can hold us all accountable for the fire. Obviously, anyone would have left the inn after the state it was in for their own safety. If you do not know who the acual perpetrator is, there is no one to execute at this point in time. It's clearly unlawful to execute everyone who was staying in the inn at the time, so that is not a reasonable course of action."

"True, we did attack those soldiers, but that was in self-defense. We were not asked to surrender, we were simply attacked. I'm not sure how that attack was justified, unless you are somehow assuming that we are all responsible for the fire and instantly deserving of death, which I do not believe follows standard procedure for criminal cases."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Tessa had watched the massive wyvern slowly touch down. Battle was clearly not the immediate priority, it seemed. As the beast had lowered itself to the ground, the sunlight sparkled off of varied and assorted ornamentation adorning the saddle, harness, and other such trappings, as well as simply glaring off the sheer white of the scales. It was an almost blinding spectacle, and she was forced to avert her eyes.

No sooner had she done so, then a shrill voice had resounded from a man somewhere atop the drake, naming his demands: surrender, followed by summary execution. Suddenly there was a swarm and hubbub of voices from those admidst the group, each clamouring with their own version of events. Their own wyvern rider had denied any fires took place at all, a claim that was almost laughable in its unbelievability, seeing as how everyone's garments still had traces, if not streaks, of soot and ash. Not to mention, if there hadn't been a fire, then Tessa looked like she had spent far too much time in the sun. Their bandit had piped up with a similar, though slightly altered version of the story, before cooler heads prevailed and Damian actually stepped forward with a reasonable proposal, trying to draw on his apparent connection to another hero. Tessa didn't remember having hear of this before, so she was a little startled by the revelation. Her hopes that negotiations would be successful took a dive, when Percy replied with disinterest, and when Katie too tried to appeal, a lightly veiled threat.

Clearly grasping at straws, Chase revealed his own bounty, and Tessa cringed a little. Matters only continued to get worse as the former waitress, but really church secret agent, offered to testify against the group, and Morgan's cold voice of rationality didn't seem like it would have any affect on the hero at all. This whole affair seemed entirely demonstrative of the old adage "Too many chefs spoil the pot," and so she continued to just sit on the sidelines, and hope for the best, rather than to butt in, and only invariably make things just that much worse.

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"SHUTUP JUST SHUTUP" Helios yelled at the kid. "You want to get us killed dont you". "You are going to ruin us"! "You want to die dont you". "Let me do the pleasure then if you are so eager".

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"What the hell's wrong with you?! I'm trying to help in whatever way I can and you're flipping out! Keep acting like that and somebody will end up killing you!"

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"So you want him to know that we are planning something"?!? "You just ruined everything"! Helios had a major headache. He could feel his pulse growing weaker too but he didnt care. His vision was blurring. "Listen what did i tell you last time". "You want us to get killed dont you". "Just answer the damn question". Helios knew that this his body wont let him hold up but he had to

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OOC: If you had then you would have wrote you whispered. Fatal mistake since now he knows

"He heard us you idiot". Helios was getting lightheaded. He was not supposed to overexert himself like this but he would not be stared down by a little brat who knew nothing.

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OOC: I post hoping people use common sense. He's not going to just say "yeah we're making a plan" out loud like that.

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This, a hero? Kelas thought in disgust. His only possible effective attack could be to ram people, with that bulk... Her attention turned to Chase and Helios: they were arguing about the situation, and either might put the group's precarious situation over the edge. She strode over to them. "Please excuse these two, they're both quite mad," she said loudly to whoever was listening as she grabbed each by the collar and held them apart. "Hush, both of you," she hissed. With each the mage and the archer held at arm's length, Kelas continued to watch the proceedings, keeping her own mouth shut.

Arrin was still staring. This wasn't going well. The so-called hero appeared to be quite mad with ego, though it would be unwise to assume that he'd grown incompetent... There was nothing Arrin could contribute, though, so he kept quiet.

edit for punctuation >_<

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Percy gave the entire group a wry look. "Congratulations. I am now convinced that you are all completely and totally insane. All except for her." he said, pointing to Morgan. "I would have normally classified her as being sane, except no sane person would have stooped to such a low level as to travel with such clear loonies except by force. Therefore, she must be so completely batshit crazy as to have come full circle. I will ask you to surrender one last time, then I will escort you to the nearest insane asylu- I mean... I will escort you guys to the nearest candy shop where all your dreams can come true! There's no need to keep the little waitress girl with you any more; I'll be more than glad to exchange my freedom for hers! Yeayea! I'll take you to the candy shop and introduce you to the nice nuns there!"

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Kelas' hand moved from Chase's collar to clamp over his mouth. "This 'hero' is obviously dafter than all of us put together, just play along for now," she hissed.

Arrin inched backward. This man was obviously deranged... Arrin continued to scoot away from the man until he collided with something-- Tessa's horse. He suppressed a yelp of surprise, and continued to watch, looking at the others' faces for some sort of cue.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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"Touch me one more time and i will have your head" Helios hissed at the nomad as he broke away. Helios was relived that they werent going to die but couldnt help thinking how stupid this man was. He didnt deserve the title "Hero". Then all of the sudden anger surged through him but he didnt know where it was coming from. Then he grew mysteriously calm. He wanted to kill this man. He decided to play along for now

OOC: Just the disease kicking in. If anyone wants i'll explain it in feedback

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"Is that so" Helios said coldly. His voice a mixture of evil and coldness. "I insist you do so......". He took out his tome. "If you want to die".

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"Now is not the time," Kelas hissed, and rapped Helios on the head with the steel hilt of her belt knife. The mage reeled and stumbled, though was not quite knocked unconscious. Hopefully that should dissuade him... what had gotten into him? He usually seemed rather a fool, but not enough to turn a private quarrel into a fight in the middle of negotiations...

OOC: Yeah, now is not the time for PVP. We're supposed to be dealing with Percy right now, and if Helios randomly goes nuts, our slim chances get slimmer.

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Helios broke away again. This time he was about to cast a spell when........BONK. Mark hit Helios with the back of his sword. Helios slumped over. "Next time let me take care of it" Mark said to the nomad with a fake smile. Brat. He picked up Helios and brought him over to his horse. "Guess you are the only normal one he said to Arrin". "Keep that Sanity please".

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"Good. Keep this up and I won't have to do anything at all to arrest you. You'll be too busy fighting yourselves and knocking yourselves out for me to do anything." said Percy before he gave his Wyvern a command. Suddenly, the massive pile of gaudy cloth that was wyvern and rider started to move towards the downed Helios, clearly intending to capture the mage.

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