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Favorite Classes!


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Simple question, but I think it's a cool question too. :3

I like Reavers best! I think they look really cool with the spiky armor and such, plus they use axes and Boyd is the best one ever. <3 Not to mention I LOVE Colossus! Ike's Vanguard class rocks hard too though. That armor he gets is just ridiculous. ._. Oh, and of course, I love Aether too. :P

Gold/Silver Knights and Marksmen are pretty cool also. I like Sol and Deadeye a lot too. :3

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Heh. Boyd.

Out of curiosity, does your love for the aforementioned extend backwards to Warriors, Paladins and Snipers?

Me, I have a bit of a hard on for most of the axers. Hector, Dorcas, Ross, Garcia, Boyd (EDIT: Jill, Haar /EDIT EDIT2: Titania wtf /EDIT2) I think's the full list. Class-wise, Berzerkers.

Also Nephenee, since she's practically her own class (aran wut?)

EDIT3: Oh, I totally forgot she isn't. Foot lancer had been done one other time in my experience, and by the best hero in gaming history.


Edited by Integrity
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Huh? If you're asking me if you can say Warriors, Paladins, etc. then sure, why not? :P

Also, Ephraim is pretty damn cool, but Ike is number one to me and always. <3 He's one of only two main characters (the other being Hector) to use both swords and axes and that's while he's a Vanguard too. :3

Edited by Eternal Bond
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Anything math or economics related for the most part.

Wait, that's not what you meant?

Oh, fine. Female Swordmasters. And non-priest/bishop magic users.

And I strongly dislike paladins. Valkyrie/Troubadour is specifically NOT part of that group - I do like them.

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EB: I'ma do whatever I feel like, but thanks for your approval.

What I meant was, you said you like Reavers, Gold/Silver Knights, and Marksmen. Is it fair to assume you, therefore, like Warriors, Paladins, and Snipers? Or is it a special affinity for the RD T3s?

F'example: personally, I love Marksmen but never especially loved Snipers in any of the previous or Snipers in RD. Except Louise.

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I prefer Sages, Bishops, Mage Knights, Valkyries, and Pegasus Knights.

I can't stand fighters, warriors, pirates, berserkers, wyvern lords, dark magic users, and Great Knights.

Edited by Richter Lanford
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My favorites are Swordmasters, Berserkers, and Dracoknights.

My most hated class is Cavalier/Paladin*. I just never cared for the class or their characters until FE9/10 with Oscar, Titania, Kieran, and FE9!Astrid. Ironically, I had the most fun with them in FE10, the one where they were nerfed badly. Can't explain that one. :unsure:

*And since the majority of FE4 involved horseback units, it's hard to call it my favorite. :P

And I gotta show some love for foot lancers (Ephraim, Nephenee). I hope IS keeps them.

Edited by El Rey León
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I like Master Knights the most. Mage Fighter (F) is second. Both from fe4. Both are promoted classes, though, and both don't have a particularly good first tier class, unfortunately. Princess at least has staves, though, I suppose, so Master Knight (F) has a better unpromoted class than Master Knight (M) or Mage Fighter (F).

I just like the classes that combine magic and melee combat. Especially with healing thrown in as well. It's why I like Clerics and Favoured souls and swiftblades and Duskblades (though the last two lack healing abilities).

I also like fe4 Pegs. They actually get swords and lances before promotion. And the Falcon Knights in that game even get some staves.

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FE3 and GBA FE: Generals, Paladins, Sages, Bishops, and Hero

FE4: Duke Knights, Master Knights, Sniper, and Sages

FE5: Paladin, Duke Knights, Sniper, and Sages

FE10:Marshal,Archsage, Saint, Gold/Silver Knight, Marksman and Sentinel

Edited by Generic Officer
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favorite classes:

thiefs, myrmidons, soldiers and mages

least favorite classes:

armor knights, cavaliers and most lords

literal copy paste from my about me page.

for 2nd and 3rd tier I'd say they're all okay, but no real likes or dislikes~

yes, I'm a tier 1 fan whom really wants to have tier 3 reappear in the next titles :P

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Actually, on further reflection, I want to distinctly state my love for foot lancers. They might actually surpass Berzerkers and axe users in general on my list of awesome joy.

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Actually, on further reflection, I want to distinctly state my love for foot lancers. They might actually surpass Berzerkers and axe users in general on my list of awesome joy.

they should! (and they have might, lolz)

Edited by whase
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Sages, if only for the fact I love magic.

Oh and Blade Lord, because Sol Katti's critical is awesome.

Nomad troopers/rangers are getting suprisingly little love sad.gif

Actually, IRL there used to be "nomadic troopers." They were dangerous in battle. They could shoot while retreating, and after the enemy started to retreat they could ride after them and start hacking them up with swords. They rinsed and repeated the process.

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Actually, IRL there used to be "nomadic troopers." They were dangerous in battle. They could shoot while retreating, and after the enemy started to retreat they could ride after them and start hacking them up with swords. They rinsed and repeated the process.

Until somebody got fed up with this and built the Great Wall of China :(

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For me, I'd say I like most sword users, Swordmaster are the best for me.

For lancers I'd say Generals or Halberdiers.

For magicals I prefer Sages, they are perfect for attaking and healing with not many troubles.

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Warriors (they dance-fight on a GBA crit!) ,Halberdiers/Ephraim, Sages, Snipers, but most of all Heroes. Probably because Hero!Gerik dragged my like 11 remaining guys through FE8 and then killed Formortiis.

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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Having never played FE9 or 10 (Lack the console to do so) I can't say much about the third tier classes. I'm only basing my opinions off the games I have played, which is just 4, 6, 7, 8, and 11.

But out of everything else...

1. Myrmidon/Swordmaster- Especially FE4 and FE6. FE4 SMs have some of the best offensive caps (And Lakche hits all of them too! 27/30/30 FTW) in all the player-controlled classes right behind Sage, and FE6 SM's get a nice 30% Crit bonus. Yeah, Beserkers' et it too, but I prefer swordsmen and I got Dieck and the Pallies on Axes anyway. Plus, it's nice seeing 109 Crit on Rutger after A Clarine B Dieck + Wo Dao + Max SKL at level 10s. Even though they aren't as powerful in the other titles I've played, I still like speedy swordsmen. o3o Plus, all myrms I've used besides Guy comes out STR blessed and caps them even before 20/20 without RNG abuse. It's great. Prepromos don't count.

Also I like long haired men there's plenty of them in the Myrm class. Karel is sexy.

2. Mercenary/Hero - Gerik and Dieck says it all. Muscular-yet-attractive-looking men with oversized swords? Hell yes. They place almost as high as long-haired men on my list. But looks aside, as stated before, I like swordsmen. Usually my Heros end up being my S Axe unit (too lazy to train actual axemen not named Hector or FE11!Barst), but I still like the fact that they could beat up just about anything with a iron sword even without crits.

3. Paladins- Did I mention my favorite unit in the series is Seth? Love at first sight right there, first time playing FE8. Actually I started liking Paladins because of Final Fantasy 4, even though they're very different in this series. They're very versatile characters. Even if their stats suck they can still rescue. FE4 Female pallies can even use staves and heal. FE6 and 7 they have full control over the weapon triangle, and FE8 we have Seth. Enough said.

4. Lord Knight- Because Sigurd is sexy both in looks and capabilities. Celice isn't bad either, unit-wise, especially if Sigurd's silver sword reached over 50 kills.

In conclusion, I'm most biased towards attractive swordsmen.

As for dislikes, I tend to not use Fighters unless they're force deploy. Or Axe based units in general besides the aforementioned Hector and Barst (And the few in FE4). I'm not a particular fan of Archers/Snipers either (FE4 Exception). I prefer mobile archers like Nomad/Troopers and Rangers.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Peg Knight/Dragon Knight



Axe Knight/Great Knight

High Priest (FE4)





Divided by games. None of the classes in FE9 stood out for me. Favorite overall class is Axe Knight, if only for Brighton and Hicks.

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