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Funny, Stupid, Unknown and Interesting facts about FE10

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As for the extra weapons, there is an actual point of carrying a javelin on your back while running in with a lance. You get something out of it you wouldn't otherwise have. The only thing Altina gets out of it would be if she gets disarmed (drops Ragnell) she can draw Alondite rather than bend over to pick up Ragnell. That's it. I'm not sure that small benefit is worth the inconvenience of carrying around a massive sword.

In Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals, the legendary weapons have different stats. It could be the same case with the legendary weapons in this game. Maybe Ragnell and Alondite were much more powerful in the past and had differing stats, thus giving Altina a reason to have both swords on her.

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FE10 is the first game to display HP totals over 80.

(Doma's HP is invisible above 52, FE1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 don't have anyone with HP above 80, and in FE7 and 8, you see ?? HP for any value above 80.)

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In 3-P, NPC Ranulf always attacks the same enemy Swordmaster on the first turn (and ORKOs him)

the other (green) units tend to rally around their commander, sometimes even if there is an enemy in their range they will not attack and instead will continue to "protect" their commander (best seen on 3-E and sometimes 3-10) the hawks canto back to Tibarn after attacking an enemy

Edited by Killer Poleax
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Rhys,Leonardo,Edward,Meg,Astrid and Micaiah can cap Luck at 2nd tier. (Or at least the people with the best chance.) Edward and Rhys are "iffies". (But it's possible.)

Actually most characters can cap Luck at 2nd tier but they need a stat up in Luck for EVERY Level-Up.

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So, apparently, anorexic cows exist in Tellius.

Brom and Titania, despite being able to uses lances from the start in FE9, can no longer uses lances at the start in FE10 (though Brom can use them after promotion to Marshall).

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Brom and Titania, despite being able to uses lances from the start in FE9, can no longer uses lances at the start in FE10 (though Brom can use them after promotion to Marshall).

It's the same with Jill (although she gets them once she promotes to second tier).

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Although Nephenee holds her lance in her left hand and shield in right hand in her character portrait, in her battle animation she has them in the opposite hands. (Shield in left hand and lance in right .)

Edit: Silence has two effects. One (being the obvious) prevents an enemy unit to use magic and the other being preventing the same unit to engage in conversations.

(In other words the unit affected by Silence will not be able to use magic and will not be able to have conversation.(Ex: Support Conversations.)

(Don't know if this has been said but...)

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Well, it does make sense that a silenced unit can't talk. However, Sleep doesn't prevent the afflicted from engaging in conversation (in 3-13 I put Ike to sleep and he still had his special conversation with Micaiah). I guess this is because you can sleep talk?

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This is actually not true. If one of the other laguz doesn't reveal the SM, Ranulf cannot attack him.

Yeah, but doesn't Ranulf move last during the Other Phase? I'm pretty sure that one of the laguz will always reveal him.

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No, he doesn't. He moves somewhere in the middle. If the other laguz fail to combine for KOs on the nearest enemies, Ranulf will not be able to attack the SM. I have had this happen to me before on 1 of my maybe 10 attempts on 3-P.

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Naesala can kill Lekain, but his blood pact can still be destroyed. =0

Isn't that because it wasn't Naesala who created the pact, but the former King Kilvas?

Besides, you never see Naesala tear the blood pact apart. He says that "Kilvas and Daein are finally free", but maybe he gave parchment to Nealuchi after the fight or something...

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When Nailah's Glare skill hits an enemy, the enemy's defense rises. How do I know?

Volug had 33 Atk. Person being attacked had 12 DEF. 33-12=21 damage. However, the combat screen displayed 10 damage.

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A character can only have one status effect at a time. This means that you can be saved from a horrible effect like sleep by one that's mildly irritating, like silence. This happened to me on 4-F-1; Ike got sleep-staffed, then Lekain ended the enemy turn with the AOE silence effect, and Ike could move again on my turn.

Tibarn is left-handed, and his unshifted critical looks remarkably like a Falcon Punch.

Volug's unshifted avoid can be higher than Tibarn's shifted avoid, thanks to broken Earth supports.

As far as the dual wielding Altina goes, I could've sworn she had both swords in hand during that one scene she's visible. It seems like the other was in a reverse grip.

The character of Ike was based on Hector, the most popular FE lord in the US at the time.

As a realistic sword design, Ragnell/Alondite would be a nightmare to wield. Too blade-heavy to actually use.

If you position a flying unit over an unactivated hole tile in the bridge chapter, normal units can walk through the flyer-occupied space without triggering the hole trap.

Meg has got to be the only unattractive girl in the Fire Emblem series, unless you count Niime.

Ena can cap all her stats with nothing but bonus experience.

Kurthnaga MUST have Seraph Robe(s) to cap HP. He doesn't have enough levels otherwise.

Caineghis can cap every stat with four BEXP levels, but he needs two Ashera Icons and the Talisman to do so.

Mist was apparently supposed to deal magical damage with Florete.

Renning could use Amiti, if Elincia wasn't a selfish brat and let the bloody thing leave her inventory.

Nailah and Tibarn have a battle conversation in one of the later Part Three chapters that sounds like a naughty fanfic.

If (somehow) a Rogue manages to cap LCK in the second tier, they lose five points of it when they promote due to lower caps.

Oliver is the only playable character with his own battle theme that isn't a laguz royal.

Nailah is the only laguz royal NOT to have a unique battle theme.

Zelgius' distinctive sword in the cutscenes and character art is suspiciously absent from his fight with Ranulf.

Ranulf is heterochromatic.

Despite Nasir's description of dragon-tribe battle rage, none of the recruitable dragons are driven mad during the final chapter.

With a Brave Sword, Adept, +4 speed advantage, and Astra, it is possible for a Trueblade to have 40 attacks in one round. (2*2*2*5)

With careful use of Reyson, shoving, and long-range magic tomes, it is possible to beat 3-8 (the castle-defense level with Lombroso, if I got the number wrong) in one turn, while still obtaining the Energy Drop.

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I've also heard that Haar is Hebrew for mountain.

If you have the battle animations on and land a critical with your first blow (and it doesn't kill the enemy), the screen remains darkened until the battle is finished. Had it happen to me with Meg.

EDIT: The castle defense chapter with Lombroso is 3-5, not 3-8. Sorry to be picky.

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