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Funny, Stupid, Unknown and Interesting facts about FE10

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Don't know if these were mentioned but...

Despite being a Saint,Oliver has the lowest Res growth of the magical units (that can ACTUALLY LEVEL UP (20 by the way) but is tied for the highest Str growth for magical units. (Tormod 55 Str growth.)

Even though Ike is way bigger than Tormod they share the same Str growth. (55)

With that being said,Sothe has a higher Str growth that Ike. (60(But I think it's pointless due to the 28 Str cap for Whisperers.)

Edit:Grammar Fail. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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I'm assuming that the "shameful" bit was the fact that she didn't know what the word means. At least, that was my guess. I don't think she was stating that the word "heterochromatic" was something shameful.

Yeah, i have a decent vocabulary and that word was unknown to me so thats why its shameful. I guess its a perfectly cromulent word though! :lol:

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A character can only have one status effect at a time. This means that you can be saved from a horrible effect like sleep by one that's mildly irritating, like silence. This happened to me on 4-F-1; Ike got sleep-staffed, then Lekain ended the enemy turn with the AOE silence effect, and Ike could move again on my turn.

Tibarn is left-handed, and his unshifted critical looks remarkably like a Falcon Punch.

Volug's unshifted avoid can be higher than Tibarn's shifted avoid, thanks to broken Earth supports.

As far as the dual wielding Altina goes, I could've sworn she had both swords in hand during that one scene she's visible. It seems like the other was in a reverse grip.

The character of Ike was based on Hector, the most popular FE lord in the US at the time.

As a realistic sword design, Ragnell/Alondite would be a nightmare to wield. Too blade-heavy to actually use.

If you position a flying unit over an unactivated hole tile in the bridge chapter, normal units can walk through the flyer-occupied space without triggering the hole trap.

Meg has got to be the only unattractive girl in the Fire Emblem series, unless you count Niime.

Ena can cap all her stats with nothing but bonus experience.

Kurthnaga MUST have Seraph Robe(s) to cap HP. He doesn't have enough levels otherwise.

Caineghis can cap every stat with four BEXP levels, but he needs two Ashera Icons and the Talisman to do so.

Mist was apparently supposed to deal magical damage with Florete.

Renning could use Amiti, if Elincia wasn't a selfish brat and let the bloody thing leave her inventory.

Nailah and Tibarn have a battle conversation in one of the later Part Three chapters that sounds like a naughty fanfic.

If (somehow) a Rogue manages to cap LCK in the second tier, they lose five points of it when they promote due to lower caps.

Oliver is the only playable character with his own battle theme that isn't a laguz royal.

Nailah is the only laguz royal NOT to have a unique battle theme.

Zelgius' distinctive sword in the cutscenes and character art is suspiciously absent from his fight with Ranulf.

Ranulf is heterochromatic.

Despite Nasir's description of dragon-tribe battle rage, none of the recruitable dragons are driven mad during the final chapter.

With a Brave Sword, Adept, +4 speed advantage, and Astra, it is possible for a Trueblade to have 40 attacks in one round. (2*2*2*5)

With careful use of Reyson, shoving, and long-range magic tomes, it is possible to beat 3-8 (the castle-defense level with Lombroso, if I got the number wrong) in one turn, while still obtaining the Energy Drop.

I tried searching for it but couldn't find it anywhere. Anyone know where to look it up?

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Nailah: ...I must confess, I've wanted this since I first laid eyes on you. I can hardly hold myself back right now.

Tibarn: Lady, the feeling is mutual. Why do you think I winged my way over here? It looks to me like we can have a nice, private time right here. No interruptions. Just you and me.

Nailah: Hawk King Tibarn. I think that a few more scars on your face will complete that rugged look you're going for.

Tibarn: For a beautiful woman like you, I'll gladly offer my head. Of course you'll have to bring me down to the ground first.

Nailah: Challenge accepted. I think you'll regret it once I add your feathers to my necklace, though. Oh, and let's not tell Rafiel about this, agreed? He wouldn't understand these urges of ours.

I assume it's this. It appears in Part 3 Endgame.

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I heard if you kill Rafiel Nailah moves. So theorically you could make it happen. Put tibarn there then run away. And kill Rafiel with Meteor or Bolting. Or some otherthing.

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Give Zihark the Tornado Tome and recruit him. x3 damage is dead Rafiel.

Except Rafiel doesn't fly. I don't think he's actually specially vulnerable to any of the three anima types of magic. I'd think birdfoe would work on him, but probably not anything else. And you can't get birdfoe that early.

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I haven't actually tried it. I know that (at least Vika) the bird laguz are the only ones vurnable to the magic even when not transformed.

I figured even with Base stats Soren would reach 53 Mt with the tornado tome. That would become 33 if it's not super effective.

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This is Rafiel we're talking about. Even the weakest siege tome user in the game could dispatch him. Unless you try to use unpromoted Ilyana or something equally stupid, he will go down to a siege tome.

And yes, Nailah will move if you kill Rafiel, I've done it before.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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Transfered bond supports don't stack with default bonds, but if they did, Elincia and Geoffrey would be the only characters who could have a bond of 15.

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I haven't actually tried it. I know that (at least Vika) the bird laguz are the only ones vurnable to the magic even when not transformed.

I figured even with Base stats Soren would reach 53 Mt with the tornado tome. That would become 33 if it's not super effective.

You can kill him pretty easily. I was just saying it won't be "effective damage". The bird laguz still fly even when not transformed. It's flight that makes them vulnerable to wind and bows. (Of course, transformed black dragons and wyvern riders screw with that in this game since they aren't vulnerable to wind/bows but they can fly)

Now, since the info on the site says "All Wind magic (except Wind Tail) is effective against Pegasus Knights and Bird Laguz" it's actually possible that Rafiel is vulnerable when transformed (and maybe even when not), but I rather doubt it. That part may need to be changed if someone could go and check some of that stuff. It should just be the act of flying that makes them vulnerable. In the status screen, some characters have a feather icon. Pegs and most bird laguz should have it, but wyverns and transformed black dragons probably don't. I'd check but I can't right now. For being bird laguz, there is a separate "bird" icon that appears while they are transformed. Rafiel should have that bird icon and thus be vulnerable to bird foe when transformed. And since Rafiel doesn't fly he shouldn't have the feather, and it should be the feather that triggers "effective damage" from wind and bows.

It's like in fe9. The laguzslaying weapons did extra damage only when birds were transformed (I think), but when not transformed wind and bows would still do extra. Oh, and birdfoe should work similarly in fe10. Extra damage when transformed but not when untransformed. However you can't test this without hacking since only feral ones are present when you have birdfoe.

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You can kill him pretty easily. I was just saying it won't be "effective damage". The bird laguz still fly even when not transformed. It's flight that makes them vulnerable to wind and bows. (Of course, transformed black dragons and wyvern riders screw with that in this game since they aren't vulnerable to wind/bows but they can fly)

Now, since the info on the site says "All Wind magic (except Wind Tail) is effective against Pegasus Knights and Bird Laguz" it's actually possible that Rafiel is vulnerable when transformed (and maybe even when not), but I rather doubt it. That part may need to be changed if someone could go and check some of that stuff. It should just be the act of flying that makes them vulnerable. In the status screen, some characters have a feather icon. Pegs and most bird laguz should have it, but wyverns and transformed black dragons probably don't. I'd check but I can't right now. For being bird laguz, there is a separate "bird" icon that appears while they are transformed. Rafiel should have that bird icon and thus be vulnerable to bird foe when transformed. And since Rafiel doesn't fly he shouldn't have the feather, and it should be the feather that triggers "effective damage" from wind and bows.

It's like in fe9. The laguzslaying weapons did extra damage only when birds were transformed (I think), but when not transformed wind and bows would still do extra. Oh, and birdfoe should work similarly in fe10. Extra damage when transformed but not when untransformed. However you can't test this without hacking since only feral ones are present when you have birdfoe.

Actually, in Path of Radiance, untransformed birds don't count as flying for the purposes of bonus damage. For example, Reyson can take a Ballista hit when untransformed, but not when transformed.

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Actually, in Path of Radiance, untransformed birds don't count as flying for the purposes of bonus damage. For example, Reyson can take a Ballista hit when untransformed, but not when transformed.

I think they lacked the feather when not transformed. But yeah, I think you are right about that now that you mention it. I'm not sure either way on PoR, but then it's been even longer since I played that compared to RD.

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There are 263 tiles in 4-E-5. There are up to 30 units at the start and 235 reinforcements, so on turn 99 enemy phase, when the last 3 spirits appear, only 1 will be able to appear if there have been no deaths.

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There are 263 tiles in 4-E-5. There are up to 30 units at the start and 235 reinforcements, so on turn 99 enemy phase, when the last 3 spirits appear, only 1 will be able to appear if there have been no deaths.

sounds like fun. Somebody should make a video of that. Need a lot of high res units, I'd assume. Nasir could rescue Ike or something. Then just keep distance from Ashera. Don't know how much damage you'd take and if you could heal it. A couple of characters can get Imbue and some can get Renewal, but beyond that Ashera will do a lot of damage over 99 turns and you only have so much room for staves in the inventories of units. At least some characters can recover hp just from equipping staves.

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It shouldn't be too hard. Have lots of staff users with heals and mends, and put them in pairs so that they could heal each other. Also put the units into a block to minimize the amount of spaces where the spirits could attack your units. I wouldn't recommend rescuing Ike since that would give another space to the enemy, so maybe just give him Stillness. With all of his health, he shouldn't have trouble surviving Ashera's attacks, and he can get healed by Micaiah since she won't be taking much damage herself. Finally, Rafiel can constantly Recover the people surrounding him, and he can have imbue to heal from Ashera's physical AoE.

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I'm thinking that they were talking about the max amount of BEXP, though if that was the case, it was poorly phrased (or Google Translate sucks). Also, I'm guessing that that limit doesn't apply in 4-5 since there are already nearly 50 enemies, and reinforcements come quickly. If it doesn't apply in 4-5, I don't see why it would apply in 4-E-5.

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