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Funny, Stupid, Unknown and Interesting facts about FE10

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Meg has got to be the only unattractive girl in the Fire Emblem series, unless you count Niime.

Dorothy from FE6 is supposed to be unattractive.

With a Brave Sword, Adept, +4 speed advantage, and Astra, it is possible for a Trueblade to have 40 attacks in one round. (2*2*2*5)

I think it was confirmed that Astra (and other masteries) cannot proc on the second hit of Adept, which limits attacks to 20.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Now for a REAL fact:

Laura has the lowest starting Spd of all the playable characters, but she has an incredibly high Spd growth (70%).

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I don't know if this has been said, but...

Male Swordmasters are the only class that can SS a weapon while in 2nd tier. Strangely, female SM's can only reach S Swords, while their male counterparts can get to SS...

(I think it was a programming mistake, most likely.)

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Don't know if this has already been mentioned, but if Lucia manages to promote to Trueblade in 2-2, her hair will be shortened despite the fact that it hasn't happened in the story yet.

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You never get to fight with the 5 DB members by themselves. Sothe is missing until Laura joins.

The game box says "Mild Language" at the behind of the box. Moldy onions! Those ESRB dastards!

Edited by alfredo094
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The game box says "Mild Language" at the behind of the box. Moldy onions! Those ESRB datards!

Here's a small example as to what the box meant:

[spoiler=Some guy]Damn you, ghost! If you had just stayed dead, I could have done whatever I wanted to Daein!

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I don't know if this has been said, but...

Male Swordmasters are the only class that can SS a weapon while in 2nd tier. Strangely, female SM's can only reach S Swords, while their male counterparts can get to SS...

(I think it was a programming mistake, most likely.)

This is probably to accommodate for the two potential Dawn Brigade Trueblades, who might not have the time to get from S to SS in third tier considering they'll promote later than Mia...not like this is actually a problem in the game due to the large amount of Arm Scrolls and WEXP weapons give in general, but hey.

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The staff that made Radiant Dawn, did not like Fiona or Jill.

*This is not an actual fact*

Edited by SlayerX
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You never get to fight with the 5 DB members by themselves. Sothe is missing until Laura joins.

In Chapter 1-4 you could choose to deploy only Micaiah,Sothe,Edward,Leonardo,and Nolan and have everyone else sit out. And technically Laura and Aran do become members of the Dawn Brigade.

Titania and Oscar should also get a movement penalty in 3-13 when they arrive as reinforcements (and Mist if she has been promoted to Valkyrie).

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Meg has got to be the only unattractive girl in the Fire Emblem series, unless you count Niime.

Dorothy is actually uglier. I think Meg is the only overweight girl in an FE game. (shes really not that ugly. Shes kinda cute actually.)

Ranulf is heterochromatic.

??? I know its shameful but i dont know what that means.

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??? I know its shameful but i dont know what that means.

Best guess is his eyes. If it's not that, I don't know what the person is talking about.

Ranulf has different coloured eyes.

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hahaha, no, it refers to the fact that Ranulf's eyes are different colours, something that's relatively common amongst cats iirc.

I'm assuming that the "shameful" bit was the fact that she didn't know what the word means. At least, that was my guess. I don't think she was stating that the word "heterochromatic" was something shameful.

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Well, it's a pretty obscure word and imo there's no shame in not knowing it, so I didn't interpret it that way.

It's certainly possible, I suppose.

It's just that I would go with

"It's something shameful" rather than "It's shameful". (well, "its", but that was wrong so I fixed it for what I'd say)

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A character can only have one status effect at a time. This means that you can be saved from a horrible effect like sleep by one that's mildly irritating, like silence. This happened to me on 4-F-1; Ike got sleep-staffed, then Lekain ended the enemy turn with the AOE silence effect, and Ike could move again on my turn.

Tibarn is left-handed, and his unshifted critical looks remarkably like a Falcon Punch.

Volug's unshifted avoid can be higher than Tibarn's shifted avoid, thanks to broken Earth supports.

As far as the dual wielding Altina goes, I could've sworn she had both swords in hand during that one scene she's visible. It seems like the other was in a reverse grip.

The character of Ike was based on Hector, the most popular FE lord in the US at the time.

As a realistic sword design, Ragnell/Alondite would be a nightmare to wield. Too blade-heavy to actually use.

If you position a flying unit over an unactivated hole tile in the bridge chapter, normal units can walk through the flyer-occupied space without triggering the hole trap.

Meg has got to be the only unattractive girl in the Fire Emblem series, unless you count Niime.

Ena can cap all her stats with nothing but bonus experience.

Kurthnaga MUST have Seraph Robe(s) to cap HP. He doesn't have enough levels otherwise.

Caineghis can cap every stat with four BEXP levels, but he needs two Ashera Icons and the Talisman to do so.

Mist was apparently supposed to deal magical damage with Florete.

Renning could use Amiti, if Elincia wasn't a selfish brat and let the bloody thing leave her inventory.

Nailah and Tibarn have a battle conversation in one of the later Part Three chapters that sounds like a naughty fanfic.

If (somehow) a Rogue manages to cap LCK in the second tier, they lose five points of it when they promote due to lower caps.

Oliver is the only playable character with his own battle theme that isn't a laguz royal.

Nailah is the only laguz royal NOT to have a unique battle theme.

Zelgius' distinctive sword in the cutscenes and character art is suspiciously absent from his fight with Ranulf.

Ranulf is heterochromatic.

Despite Nasir's description of dragon-tribe battle rage, none of the recruitable dragons are driven mad during the final chapter.

With a Brave Sword, Adept, +4 speed advantage, and Astra, it is possible for a Trueblade to have 40 attacks in one round. (2*2*2*5)

With careful use of Reyson, shoving, and long-range magic tomes, it is possible to beat 3-8 (the castle-defense level with Lombroso, if I got the number wrong) in one turn, while still obtaining the Energy Drop.

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Don't know if this has already been mentioned, but if Lucia manages to promote to Trueblade in 2-2, her hair will be shortened despite the fact that it hasn't happened in the story yet.

This has been mentioned elsewhere, but in the Japanese version, it was mandatory to use a Master Crown to class-change. Since no master crowns would have shown up until later in the game, it was impossible for Lucia to reach tier 3 before that point in the story. Hence, IS decided that a long-haired Lucia sprite was unnecessary, and so it automatically uses the short-haired one for her TB pic.

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