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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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Hearing Morgan calm down Kamilla cleared her throat and opened the door, "Breakfast is ready if you two want it", Kamilla said looking at Damian and Morgan, "and while I don't mean to boss anyone around, we might want to head out soon if you plan to get to the capitol before sundown"

(Edit: ended speech marks halfway through the sentence XD)

Edited by Nadesico
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"That sounds like a fine plan." Morgan said, regaining her usual composure.

"Just for clarification, if we should knock this General Jackson person out, do not just leave him unconscious then not tell the rest of us about for several days." she said with a glare at Helios.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Hearing Kamilia speak,Damian's stomach growled loudly.

Flushing slightly,he spoke.

"Oh yeah...I haven't eaten since Lunch yesterday...I think I'll take you up on that."

He was about to turn to follow Kamilia now that the issue had been absolved for now,until he heard Chase.

"You knocked a castle down?" He looked at the hunter in disbelief.

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"They're quieting down... still, I hardly trust them to not kill anything," Kelas sighed. "Maybe they finally knocked Helios out, and we'll leave here in peace?" she asked hopefully. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't eaten, but she ignored it.

"Maybe... Hey, did you get breakfast?" Arrin asked.

"Not yet, but I'll do without if it means going back in there," Kelas grumbled. "Actually. Hang on." She dug in a saddlebag, producing some jerky. "There we go. You want any?" she asked Arrin and Isotov.

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"Hey you mentioned something about a cave" Mark told the archer. "You mind showing me"? "It might give me something more productive to do".

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"Well, it's more that I knocked down a pillar vital to the castle's structure so the rest collapsed. Kinda screwed up there, to be honest."

"Show you the cave? That'd be rather difficult to do since it's pretty out of the way. And it'd take around an hour to get there."

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"I can't tell you all the details just yet, but there's an entire network of tunnels beneath Eliyisma that open at a few places on the surface. It's awesome for transportation, too."

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"Thats how you managed to stay alive huh"? "Sounds cool". "The Colbat Caves". "It has a ring to it". "I might have heard it before". "I really dont know". "So what did you do that pissed off Jackson"?

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(Apologies but I don't want to hear about how Mark and Chase have found eachothers G-spot so I'm stealing Damian and Morgan)

As Kamilla walked down the stairs she could hear the quiet steps of the shaman, and steady steps of the soldier behind her, these two were probably the leaders of the group, the one which held official rank, and the other, the brains behind the group. She frowned, That wasn't a fair comment, this group clearly have a brain, not one they listened to at least anyway.

She asked the pair to wait outside as she walked into the kitchen sighing when she saw the sink still as empty as she'd left it. Ignoring the sink for now, she swiftly filled two plates up and walked outside and placed them on the table, before bowing her head and heading outside to collect the plates she taken outside earlier.

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Iso looked at the jerky for a moment. He was still a bit apprehensive, especially after what had happened the previous night, but Kelas didn't have much to gain by poisoning him and her own brother. He quickly deemed his own suspicion as an overreaction and smiled.

Iso: Sure. Katie isn't anywhere in sight, but I'm sure I'll be fine ^_^

Irina and Aiya quickly took to the sky and flew away over the nearby buildings! The two wyverns were extremely fast, even at low altitude!

Irina: Nothing like a morning flight! :lol:

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'It's been a while,I wonder if I can still do this?' Aiya thought to herself,but decided to try it,Ulfhrahn would make sure nothing happened to her.

And with that,the Wyvern began flipping in the air at her command,and broke into an agile figure eight before levelling out.

"Whoo!" Aiya yelled out,adrenaline pumping like it always did when she flew.

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Irina: Hey, not bad! You just outclassed Ivan with that move! The last time he tried that, we were helping him out of a tree! :lol:

Not far away from the two wyvern riders, a company of soldiers were slowly making their way through the forest. The riders hadn't been noticed yet, but when Irina looked down and spotted them, she nearly panicked!

Irina: *gasp* :o Oh crap-

She gently pulled back on Kiev's reins making him slow down! When Aiya saw the soldiers, she did the same! They both flew low over the trees to stay hidden, and the wyverns glided to stay silent.

Irina: Who are those guys? :unsure:

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Arrin looked up in surprise at the wild flight of the wyverns. "Whoa!"

"Show-offs," Kelas grumbled, though she wasn't really complaining. Suddenly, the wyverns dropped out of sight. "Wait. They were there a second ago. Where'd they go?"

OOC: Oh boy, here we go.

edited for detail

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Irina: If that's the case, then we'd better warn the others right now.

The wyverns banked hard and made their way back to the in, their forms hidden by the thick layout of trees.

Iso watched as they headed back in their general direction. Needless to say, he was a tad confused.

Iso: I assumed that morning flights were longer than that :/

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Kamilla grabbed the plates that had been sitting where she'd left them and shook her head, was taking the dishes too hard a task for these people? She picked up the dishes and started heading back to the inn, when she saw the two wyverns approaching. Planning to give them a piece of her mind she waited for them to land, planning on giving them a lecture about choirs. The same ones she'd given the orphans back at the church.

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Helios went outside. He had no need to be inside. He had a good insight on everyone now. "Its just like back in school" He muttered to himself in his Garra like voice. "Children everywhere". He noticed the flying rats in the air. "Playing around huh". "Pathetic children".

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"There are armed soldiers approaching,tell the others!" Aiya told those on the ground in a distressed voice,before landing and running inside to grab her belongings.

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As the two wyverns landed, Kamilla was waiting for them. Irina clearly heard what Helios had said and gawked! Iso looked over to him and shook his head in disgust.

Iso: Even the wyvern riders, noble? I might have to strangle you a bit sooner than I expected <_<

Irina: Oh darn it! Not now!

Aiya: There are Elyisimian troops headed this way RIGHT NOW.

Irina: Yeah! Can't this wait?! >_<

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Kelas' face was grim. "Arrin, start saddling," she said as she blanketed and bridled Amari.

"I... don't know how," Arrin replied worriedly as Kelas moved on to the next available horse.

"Fine. Run inside, get your tomes. Bring me my bow. Get the packs if you can," Kelas ordered. Arrin nodded and ran inside the inn. Kelas continued to work: Amari and Trevor were tacked, and now she was trying to reason with Mark's irritable gelding... "You ready to go?" she asked Isotov.


Arrin passed Tessa on the stairs. "There are soldiers coming," he warned her breathlessly, and continued to run for the room.

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Kamilla shook her head in disbelief "That's two days in a row my morning have been ruined" she said as she hurried back into the inn, Damian had seen Aiya and seemed to already be acting, "Soldiers heading this way" she said quickly to Morgan before she hurried into the kitchen and deposited the plates, She could see the others who had been outside running back to their rooms to collect their belongings, She couldn't see Kelas and Tessa anywhere, but the former was most likely heading to the stables first.

Not having any personal belongings she headed to the entrance wondering who else was ready to leave.

"We better be preparing an escape and not a full frontal assault" she muttered to herself, they'd already killed enough soldiers without adding more casualties to their list of crimes.

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Damian had heard news of the approaching men as Aiya passed him,and quickly went towards the exit,needing only to grab his armour and suit up.

He heard Kamilia mutter on his way out,and replied;

"I do not plan on killing today if I can avoid it,so we are definitely not going for a full frontal assault,atleast not while I have any say in it."


Aiya strapped on her chestplate and gauntlets hastily,and attached the Steel Blade in its position.

Fully ready,she hurried back towards the exit of the inn.

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"What? Soldiers? Again? Dammit. I'll get my stuff, since invariably we won't be coming back..." Chase cursed, and he gathered his belongings. He quickly polished his knife and jumped out the room window, landing with a thud. "That... was painful," he muttered. "Probably should've considered I was on the second floor... whatever."

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