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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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Kamilla looked at Mark , sighed then turned away "Get out of my sight" she said with more then a hint of irritation. "Take my apologies for thinking you were decent with you."

Kamilla shook her head, she knew she wasn't the friendliest of people, nor was she a saint, but did the goddess have to put her through such a horrid trial? She could feel a migraine establishing itself just thinking about what would happen in the future.

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Well i can tell myself i tried. Mark exited the kitchen and went to get his horse. Then he heard aurguing coming from the room Damian was in. Finally something more exciting to do. He bust the door open. He saw Morgan and Chase surrounding Helios and Damian with his lance. Then Mark remembered his earlier encounter with Helios. He drew his sword. "What happened" He asked Chase.

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"Helios may be possessed. Or a traitor, I am not exactly sure which at this point. Considering he had a book of curses, he's either cursing someone, which would explain some things, or is cursed himself."

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"He almost killed me this morning" Mark said. "I wouldnt be surprised".


Helios overheard the shaman. Then he got angry. "To think someone as smart as you would accuse me of cursing people when-". He snatched the book out of her hands. "-This book is about lifting curses". "How dare you".

Edited by Kai-Sama
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"Yeah, like we have time to read every tome we come across. It probably states, you know, how one would get the curse in the first place so it could be correctly identified... meaning you might be able to figure out how to use the curse inconspicuously. Unfortunately for you, I'm in this room, and I'm not an idiot. Morgan is right. You might betray us, and if you do, just know that you'd soon have a colorful collection of stab, arrow, and various other kinds of wounds." Chase said harshly to the wind mage.

"And unless you'll be kind enough to knock him out," Chase said, glancing at Mark, "you're not helping and it would be better if you leave. Now."

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Kamilla could hear arguing from upstairs, she was sure the entire inn could hear them, perhaps even the whole village, she couldn't work out what they were saying but she was certain it wasn't another group member starting a fight with someone else.

She grabbed two plates and filled them with pancakes, egg, half a tomato and what looked like a sausage. She was about to leave the kitchen when she remembered something backtracked and grabbed the container of onion powder she'd made. "Who'd have thought" she said to herself amused. As she headed outside she noticed Aiya and Irina sitting talking about something. She hesitated but walked over and placed the two plates infront of them, bowing her head slightly to Aiya out of habit, "You weren't at dinner last night, probably for the better but you probably should eat something before we start moving again"

Kamilla then looked at Irina, hesitated then placed the container of Onion Powder beside her plate. "I still hate you, whatever you do, it doesn't change the fact you robbed that border town, but I suppose money is everything these days, Wouldn't recommend eating with your brother, Was it? Around though"

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OOC: There are no exclamation points, caps, or mention of yelling. Why do you always assume arguing= yelling at top of lungs? I might as well assume that you're also screaming at Irina because you said something unpleasant.

"If you are simply removing curses, then why sneak out to get this book? Why attempt to remove it without informing anyone else? If you are simply solving a problem, I see no need for such secrecy."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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OOC: For future reference and in case anyone forgot and has the wrong image in their head, Kiev is a thick tan color. Just mentioning that because it's not a common color in FE, but is somewhat common in this particular FE universe.

OOC2 after EDIT: :facepalm:

When Kamilla suddenly snapped at Irina, the two girls flinched and looked up at her. After she placed down the plates, The two wyverns started staring.

Irina: Hate is a ... really strong word, Kamilla :mellow:

Kiev immediately knew that there was barely enough on the plate for Irina herself, so he ignored the plate and went back to examining this massive new wyvern. Normally the adolescent wyvern would fly everywhere unaccompanied by others, but he had a feeling that he would be seeing much more of this black hided one.

Irina: That's such a beautiful wyvern, Aiya. He's almost as big as Victor ... scary, but beautiful :)

What do you think of wyverns, Kamilla?

She was asking hoping to get Kamilla's mind off of Iso and the money.

Hearing all the commotion, Iso followed the noisy voices to their source. Helios was surrounded and under accusation by the group. To vindicate himself, and take a shot back at them, he had snatched a book from Morgan and claimed that it was a book on lifting curses. Iso stood there for a moment.

Iso: ... ... ... :huh: (I'd better get out of here before they try to drag me into this. Best to simply leave the wind mage for the wolves -_- )

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Helios opened up the book and threw it at the archer. "Maybe this would help you use your brain a bit" Helios hissed. "And your not a threat, i can easily wipe the floor with you". He turned to Morgan. "Why would i do anything in secrecy if this book doesnt have anything that i need". "I spent that whole night reading it and it is just as useless as the archer".


"I would with pleasure but i dont think it would be wise" Mark replied to the archer.

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Chase caught the book and threw it on Helios's bed. "Easily wipe the floor with me? No. Not when you have a knife at your neck," Chase said, and he dashed up to him and did just that. "Am I not much of a threat now, you traitorous bastard? If you were any less important I wouldn't even bother threatening you and I'd stab you right now. I'm tempted to do so as it is. You're in no condition to argue with anyone, and until you give us all a good explanation I'm keeping this knife right where it it."

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"Is that so" Helios said. He looked at the knife. It was beautiful. What was it doing in his possession. Lucky for him this kid was a scrub. Helios bumped his elbow into the kids making him drop his knife. Helios quickly caught it and moved back a bit. The kid fell. "That was irrational" Helios said. He looked at the knife. "What are you doing with someone like him". "Im assuming your going to get up and fling arrows at me"? Helios shrugged. "I dont see any point of keeping this a secret". "I was trying to find a cure for the curses that weapons contain". "If you dont know yet the weapons bring misfortune into its wielders lives".

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OOC: Helios makes Chase drop his knife by bumping into his elbow, then caught it in midair? That's quite the ninja move.

"Let's calm down everyone." Morgan said. "Helios may not be traitor, so let's avoid the use of lethal force for now. Of course, your removing of the curse story might become more plausible with some details. What are you cursed with? How? As your companions, it is your responsibiity to tell us such things."

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"Calm down Helios." Damian said with an annoyed tone.

"We were simply wondering about a book that is clearly suspicious,even if there was nothing in it.If you have nothing to hide,then just sit down and say that,don't hiss and make threats,it only makes you more suspicious."


"Oh yeah...by the time I got out of the baths all of the food was gone." Aiya looked down at the plate hungrily and began to eat the breakfast.

"It's really good." She commented absentmindedly,watching Ulfhrahn and Kiev investigate eachother.

"Yeah.He can be scary at times...before I began riding him,I was accidentally locked in the stables with him...alone with a Bull over 40 feet long,and I had nowhere I could run.I thought I was dead that day,but then he let me on his back and busted the door down so I could make it back to my dorm for the night." Aiya said to Irina,reminiscing.

She could nearly feel the impact of Irina's jaw hitting the ground.

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OOC:Sorry for the double post,but new developments and all.

Helios had disarmed Chase.He knew he had to act now.

Swinging the lance in an arc,the knife flew from Helios hand and into the wall,and catching him with the butt of the lance,Damian flung Helios to the floor.

"Calm the hell down,Helios." Damian now had the tip of the lance aimed at Helios' chest.

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Chase punched Helios in the face as quickly as he could and pried the knife out of his hand. "Never touch the knife again. Ever."

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Kamilla hesitated, clearly aware of Irina's intention to change the topic, "Hate is a strong word, but in these past few years, while it has gotten better, do you know how many people come begging the church for help each day? Unable to afford to feed their own children, even themselves, perhaps greedy money grabbing bandits took everything they had? From what I see, you're doing exactly that.

She sighed heavily (Nyahaha I sigh in every post!) "Wyverns..... there are some churches in the reform that preach Wyverns are actually mutated demons, created by the demon lord and therefore evil." She glanced at Kiev and then at Ulf..(screw the spelling) "But the wyverns I've seen seem to differ in personality as much as humans do therefore I don't have a strong opinion of them, I'll judge each wyvern individually, the same way I do humans"

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OOC: That wasnt necessary Ether and the event already unfolded, Rein. How do you pry out a knife that isnt in his hands?

Edited by Kai-Sama
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OOC: Yeah but you totally god-modded and never gave it back. No way in hell is Helios better at using a knife than Chase.

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