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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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OOC: You two better knock it off or I'll hire Nady to burn the knife down! :angry::lol:

Irina: Oi ... everybody think's Victor is evil. He might actually be a demon ... but Kiev is nice, and from what I can tell, Ulfy here has had so much love from humans that he's trustworthy.

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"Ah, you're up," Kelas said as Arrin came outside. "Feeling any better?"

Arrin nodded. "What did I do, anyway? I don't remember falling asleep."

"Passed out at the table. Scared the hell out of all of us, because Kamilla'd been playacting a poisoner." Kelas looked toward the inn's door. She could hear raised voices. Isotov came out the door, looking like he was avoiding whatever was going on inside. "What's the matter in there?" Kelas called to him.

OOC: I *think* Isotov just left the building to get away from the commotion? Someone Phoenix, please correct me quickly if he didn't.

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Damian pulled the lance back so Helios could stand,but kept it raised so he could strike if necessary.

"Very well.And as a general reminder,brandishing knives all over the place is liable to get you thrown on the floor,as I just demonstrated,no matter who you are." Damian said,clearly to Helios and Chase,but it also could serve as a general warning,couldn't it?


"Yes,Ulfhrahn is completely harmless unless I want him to harm you." Aiya petted Ulfhrahn affectionately and gave him a sausage to eat.

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"it's more like the fact that we think you're lying. It seems likely to everyone here, but you're just being stubborn. Ugh."

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"To remove a curse, yes. You still haven't given us any more details on this curse, who has it, why you want to remove it, why you did not share this information with us earlier."

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"You want to fix up a curse,or figure out how to,right?" Damian attempted to confirm.He lowered the lance.

"Alright,let's be civil here.Helios,can you tell us a bit more about this curse of yours?" Damian asked.

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"'We' is everyone in this room except you. There's a pretty good chance that you're not telling the truth. Oh, and by the way, never touch that knife again. Ever. You could have all of my possessions except that. Hypothetically speaking, since I'm not giving you my stuff."

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"Ulfhrahn? peculiar name" Kamilla said more to herself then the two, looking up at the second floor she frowned, it had gotten quiet, and she was starting to wonder if they'd all killed eachother. She was surprised at how the two wyvern riders hadn't commented, chances were Isotov was involved, and judging by Damians absence he was too.

She bowed her head again "I've still got work to do in the kitchen" she commented as she turned to leave, "When you've finished, it'd be great if you could bring the plates to the kitchen" and with that she hurried off.

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Tessa had finished up her morning rituals. She had looked at her dusty clothes a little disappointedly. There was clearly no time nor place for washing them, as they were surely going to be on the road again, but it had been about a week or so and she felt it was almost a disservice to put a clean body into dirty garments. Sighing softly, however, with no other alternative, the course was clear. Once dressed she prepared to leave the baths, when a sudden rumble from her stomach caught her attention. Acquiring food was clearly to be the next course of action it seemed.

With that goal in mind she left the baths. On her way out, she thought she saw Esphyr coming her way. Residual guilt still plagued her a little, but she did her best to steel herself for any reproach as they passed each other, though she couldn't bring herself look the other woman in the eyes.

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"I'm willing to hear you out.It can't hurt to tell us,and hiding it because you think we will reject it does no good." Damian responded to Helios.

"As the wielder of the Gae-Borg,I have a small knowledge of curses.It may not prove any use,but we never know."

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Helios sighed. "Okay you got me". "I cant hide it anymore". "Choose to believe me or not, i speak the truth". "I am really the prince of the nation of Tora which was conquered by followers of the Lord Of Azure Flame". "I was only 17 that time". "I found shelter with a mercenary group". "The leader was an assassin that taught me how to use a knife to defend my self". "My skills were a little shaky but was worthwhile". "One year later i found out that the tome Hellsety was still at the capital". "I had to get it back". "It was in a vault that could only be opened by the crest of Tora which was in my possession at the time". "We raided the castle and eventually the book fell into the my hands but at a cost". "The group i was with were either captured or killed". "I escaped but barely". "I was fatally wounded". "Over time i healed and i roamed the lands as the wind mage, Helios". "Then i heard that the son of the the person who wielded the Gae Borg was in town". "I found out that there were others as well". "I knew if we all came together, we would be able to defeat the demon king". "I was focused on revenge back then, and i still am". "Then i was attacked by the wielder of the knifes". "I only recently found out that it might be the reason that i am growing weaker". "That is why i have the book".

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Kelas seemed to have hit the nail on the head ... hard.

Iso: Yeah, I could have swore the outlaw took a shot at him before I got out here. It's ... probably best if we all wait out here. If I'm outside, the inn won't burn down. If they're inside, we won't draw too much attention to ourselves ... at least ... that's my hope anyway -_-

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"The wielder of Calamity was in Darien?" Damian was bewildered.

"The thief girl!how could i have been so blind as to not recognize the daggers...?"

"Still,if the daggers have caused this,then Gae-Borg's curse may be helpful afterall." Damian said,turning to his belongings and pulling out a journal.

"This contains the researchers notes on Gae-Borg's curse.Morgan,you would likely be the best at deciphering a way to cure it." He said,handing the shamaness the journal.

"Coincidentally,you wanted to know more of the weapons,but I never found the time to show it to you,I'm sure you will find it an interesting read."

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"Good thinking for a crazy demonic arsonist" Kamilla commented as she rudely brushed passed Kelas, "I snapped a long time ago, namely around the point where this bundle of joy of a group attacked the town guards, and if that didn't do it beating up Percy confirmed I can't expect any decency from any of you." Having said what she wanted she resumed heading back to the kitchen.

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"I dont think a cure is necessary" Helios said. "The tome lives to torment me". "It wont let me die of a little curse until we finish the demon king". "I would have done my job by that time".

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OOC: Reika gave Helios Crimson cancer?

"Aiya and I actually captured her, but she escaped and attacked me. Were you not told of this?"

"I am not familiar with the Crimson weapons having any long term effects, but it's possible. I shall take a look at this journal."

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OOC:For Morgan,someone who desperately wants to know more about the weapons,wouldn't this be like a sacred tome or something to her?It contains the most extensive research ever done on the Crimson Weapons.I know Morgan isn't very projective,but I figured i'd get more than that.

"I was told that a thief had attacked you and Aiya,but not that she was the wielder of Calamity." Damian sat down,rather shaken.

"But Calamity wasn't found to have any lasting affects...we might have missed something...but..." Damian took a deep breath,and rubbed his temples.

'Things are definitely getting...interesting...'

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"Miraculously i managed to defeat her" Helios said. "I have a feeling she is still alive". "However we still have our priorities". "We must find this Jackson fellow".

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OOC: She could just study the real thing if she were that interested.

Morgan's eyes widened in disbelief. "You defeated her...and then just let her go? What is wrong with you? We spend all of our time in mortal peril, trying to reunite the weapons...and you leave one just sitting there! Worse yet, you don't tell us about this until now! Are you intentionally trying to sabotage us, or are you the biggest idiot in existence? Explain yourself!"

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