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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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"Do you think that i could capture her in the state she left me" Helios said. "It was a miracle i survived".

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"I have an idea on how to get to the capital safely, actually. It won't please everyone, and it's a bit overwhelming to grasp all at once, but it's quick. And it'll work."

"And I might be missing something, but when did anyone here meet the Crimson Knife wielder? And the Crimson Bow wielder, too?"

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"Yes, because it's so difficult to capture someone who in unconscious." Morgan said bitterly in a sarcastic tone. "Even if you were incapable of carrying her yourself, the rest of us were all in Darien as well! Why haven't you revealed this until now? You ignorant, arrogant fool. You may have doomed us all by being SO INCREDIBLY STUPID!"

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"They're probably not following us. Would've noticed if the same person was following us, but... I dunno, you could be right. Just wondering, anybody ever heard of the Cobalt Caves?"

OOC: Just thought I should say that the answer is "no". Nobody else in the group knows about them. Zero percent chance. Zip. Zero. Nada. Goose eggs.

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"Morgan." Damian laid his hand on the Shamaness' shoulder gently.

"What's done is done,yelling at him about it now only divides us,and we don't need any more tension with how things are going as of late."

"I do agree that he should have told us as quickly as possible,but he didn't,and we can't go back in time to help him capture her or to coax it out of him sooner." Damian was now attempting to calm Morgan down with light contact,relaxing motions on her shoulders.

"That girl was persistent.She will reappear eventually,and we will just have to capture her then."

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"Which was by Darien you insufferable moron! You obviously knew where it was, considering you found it. You could have told us, and we could have looked for her unconscious body! You could have dragged her back to camp, you could have carried her back as well, she was not that big. But no, you chose the absolute worst course of action!"

She snapped at Damian "No, she wasn't! She ran away from us. I had to steal Kelas' horse, chase her down and nearly get myself killed just to capture her!"

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"I was couldnt even think during that time" Helios shot back. "I doubt you would have been able to carry her back if you were in my situation". "And if you almost got killed think of how injured i was".


Mark looked at the duo arguing. "Let them argue a bit" He told Chase

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Kamilla peeked her head through the open door, Morgan's shouting had made her worried enough to check what was going on, and from the looks of things the wind mage had done something wrong. She opened her mouth to interject, but Morgan had let out another volley of fury at Helios, frowning, she figured now wasn't the best time, and she quietly tried to sneak away before they accused her of spying.

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"You couldn't *think*. That has to be the worst excuse I've ever heard. You obviously had the presence of mind to return to camp, but not to tell us about the Crimson Weapon wielder you left unconscious. Were you dropped on your head as a child?"

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"I suppose you're right.She may never reappear for all we know." Damian now held Morgan more firmly,looking her in the eye.

"But when Helios came out of that town,he was nearly dead,and he isn't very bulky.It's not a terrible stretch to assume he didn't have the strength to carry her,and was likely thinking more of survival than anything."

"Yeah,he probably could have found a way,but it didn't happen.And besides,that girl seemed to hate us with a passion,we would likely be in an even worse spot than ever had we actually captured her.These weapons have a tendency to come together,even after separation,don't neglect the possibility that we will cross paths with her again."

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At this point, the shouting could be heard from outside. Irina sighed and stood up. Kiev wawlked over to her and she patted him on the head. Then she turned to Aiya.

Irina: Let's not waste the whole morning listening to them argue. Let's listen to the wind rushing by from the air instead. Whaddya say, Aiya? ^_^

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Kelas rolled her eyes. "Shrew," she commented at Kamilla's retreating back. "I think we could have left her behind without problems... ah well, maybe we'll ditch her here. So Helios has finally gone off his rocker? High-strung idiot like that, I'm not surprised..."

The argument from inside was escalating. It sounded like Morgan was a main participant now... "Yeah, definitely not going anywhere near that," Kelas agreed.

"Are you sure we shouldn't do anything?" Arrin queried.

"Go in if you want. I won't going near that thieving witch in a rage for love or money," Kelas replied. "Actually, don't. Stay here. It sounds like they're serious." She looked to the inn, then back to Isotov. "You reckon they're gonna get us run out of town?"

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OOC: I foundz one

"The girl also mentioned that she hated Halton soldiers and would do anything to get rid of them" Helios said. "She said they were corrupt". "That is a definite sign we will be seeing more of her".

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"That still doesn't explain how he failed to tell any of us this until now."

"Still though, I suppose you are right in the sense that this complete idiocy cannot be reversed. I suppsoe it will something to ponder on when the rivers run red with blood due to that girl, followed by the swarms of demons that will overrun everything. This curse is not nearly punishment enough, but I suppose it will have to do. I will examine this journal anyway, as we may become afflicted by this in the future."

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Iso hung his head, just praying that he wouldn't take the blame if they were indeed "run out of town".

Iso: I don't want to think about it -_-

We have enough problems to worry about.

Irina smiled and quickly hopped onto Kiev's saddle. She didn't want her wyvern to get slowed down too much, so she left her travel packs on the ground near the stables/corral.

Irina: Don't go too fast, Aiya. I don't want to get left behind like when I fly with my uncle :D

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"Yes.it is unfortunate that he kept it from us,but it cannot be changed now." Damian said,relieved that Morgan seemed to be starting to lose some of her anger,at the least,and was just being her usual cynical self.

"Well,are we not drawn together to prevent that very occurrence?I'd like to think that even with a few holes in our arsenal,we could atleast hold the Lord of Azure Flame back long enough for those we have not yet encountered to see the error in their ways."

"Now then.If anyone else is withholding anything at all,it would be best to say it immediately,so we can avoid quarrels like this in the future." Damian told those who were within earshot.


"Alright,I guess you'll need to slow down a little bit,Ulfhrahn." Aiya said to him,petting the back of his neck as they took off.

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"... So, basically the knife-wielder is out to kill half of you guys, and will probably attack the rest of us because we're on your side? Great, that's another maniac out to kill us I didn't know about. Wonderful."

Hearing Damian, he said, "Alright, fine... I suppose I would've have to explained myself sooner or later. I'm wanted for a couple of reasons. The first is thievery. I think everyone figured that out by now. The other is twofold- collateral damage and the indirect harm of several hundred people. I don't wanna get into the details, but think part of a small castle collapsing. Rubble would hit people, and it would be expensive to fix. That's all I have to say for myself as of now."

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