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Choral Mafia II


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I will send all role PMs now, and remember:

There will be post restrictions/verbal tics, though by no means will every character have one. They won't be too hard to follow, however they must be followed.

Roleplaying/ revealing your character's name or personality is entirely optional (but is definitely allowed and absolutely wonderful :D). If you completely oppose roleplaying, you do not have to go through with it. I will admit that posting in character makes the game a lot more fun to read, though that's just my perspective~

Roleclaiming will be allowed, though ANY MEANS OF REVEALING YOUR ROLE PMs ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED, and sending other players your role PMs/ pestering them for theirs is also not allowed. You will make the goddess of music very unhappy if you break this rule.

If for some reason you are modkilled, it will be announced that you are modkilled. Otherwise, if someone dies, it's all in the game.

Roles will be revealed when you die, but any roles in the game will be unknown to players until then. There may or may not be role-finding roles this game.

You may not vote for yourself

Certain characters may have specific ties to other characters, and there may be certain events during the day/night that could or could not have an effect on the game.

If you die, it's the one post allowed rule again; make your last words awesome

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! <3


A red-haired girl stood outside of the dorm, mortified and completely immobilized with fright. She attempted to sidle closer to the entrance, maybe to listen to what Morgan was saying, however his voice was inaudible from her distance. She heard footsteps coming from another direction—her right, maybe—and found it in herself to flee to another side of the corner. A figure quickly approached, revealing itself to be another one of the choristers; the girl examined the other singer as closely as she could in the dim candelight before she could almost confirm it. Suddenly, the realization struck her as there was the sound of someone falling to the marble floor right as Hannah sprinted into the room…

Ten agonizingly long minutes passed before she found the courage to enter the dorm, completely devastated at the aftermath of what she knew now had been Morgan’s execution—Silvia lie in Hannah’s arms, bleeding and close to death. The single candle lit in the small space dimmed and eventually burned out as Hannah wept over her dying friend, who weakly dried one of her tears with one hand before she smiled and her life finally escaped her. She shook as Hannah stood and embraced her in a hug, her body shuddering violently with sobs. She knew not what to do, or what to say. It all could have been avoided if only her pace had been faster…


Five months later, this girl stood outside in the gardens one day, contemplating with other members of the new ‘Silver Rebellion’ on the next plan of action—more shady activity has been suspected amongst other members of the Bronze. The whole Bronze House has been divided now; some have joined the ranks of the Silver Rebellion to end the corruption once and for all. Grand Master Elira’s actions were the work of a higher puppet master, they all decided. It could have been someone outside of the choirside—someone outside of the Land of Music.

“Whoever it was will be brought to justice,” The girl announced with the rest of the choristers cheering behind her. She looked down and silently muttered under her breath,

“And I will never be too late… ever again. Even if it costs me my life…”


This game is starting on a day phase. DAY ONE START! All role PMs are sent.

Player List:



General Spoon



Lux Aeterna

I Eat Tables

Fayt Zelpher










The Dragonslayer

Trompe le Monde








Raymond (Blas), SILVER Tracker; murdered night one

Ulki (Meredith), SILVER Arrogant Townsperson; murdered night one

Ether (Quintcy), BAND Poisoner; executed day two

Nightmare (Angel), GOLD Matchmaker, murdered night two

Lightning (Travis), BRONZE Rolefinder, strangled with his own sash night two

Lux Aeterna (Lorena), SILVER Forager, committed suicide day three

Rhythm (Lindsay), SILVER Soprano, killed by friendly fire night three

Queen_Parvati (April), SILVER Bus Driver, executed day four

Fayt Zelpher (Ashley), SILVER Church Singer, murdered night four

Pride (Jeffrey), OUTSIDER Serial Killer, executed day five

The Dragonslayer (Bailey), SILVER Beloved Princess, modkilled day five

General Spoon (Sami), SILVER Jack-of-all-Trades, murdered night five

Hikarusa (Aril), SILVER Chef, murdered night five

JB-25 (Istrell), BRONZE Grand Master, spared day six

Trompe le Monde (Kyle), SILVER Spite Bomb, duel to the death night six

Snike (Joe), BAND Secret Voter, duel to the death night six

Dracohon (Regina), BRONZE Hooker, backstabbed day seven

Spike (Abbie), SILVER Manipulated Voter, murdered night seven

Revealed Roles:

Tracker: This player may track one person a night. They will find out who that person targeted that night.

Arrogant Townsperson: This player annoys the other singers and is automatically lynched when vote count reaches five.

Poisoner: This player is given five poisons—they do not know what these poisons do. One is randomly selected from the list each night, and this player can choose whom to give it to.

Inventor: This player is given six inventions—they do not know what these inventions do. They may choose one invention from the list each night, and can choose whom to target the device at. Each invention can be used only once.

Rolefinder: This player may ‘stalk’ one person at night to find his/her role. The result will be posted up on the thread, though they will not know whom the rolefinder is.

Matchmaker: This player has the once-only option to choose two players in the night; those players will then become Lovers.

Lovers: If one Lover is killed, the other will automatically commit suicide.

Church Singer: This person prays every odd-numbered night, and is thus protected from all killing actions in those nights.

Forager: You can send any trusted person at night a letter explaining your suspicions; you can only send one every other night, and your identity will never be revealed to them.

Soprano: This player may screech their high note at someone every night. That person’s vote will then be inaccurate during the day. No one will know about the inaccurate vote (unless it somehow affects a lynch, of course).

(Silver Singers: Town

Bronze Singers: Mafia)

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This is taken from the sign ups thread



General Spoon



Lux Aeterna

I Eat Tables

Fayt Zelpher







Robin Mask

King Russell



Trompe le Monde




The Eye of the Tigrex



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While the rest of the choir cheers to Hannah's courageous announcement, Blas' facial expression doesn't match the others'. She is absorbed in thought. Quite some time has passed since Sophie's death, but she silently still laments her, and while she tries hard not to show it, she is no longer the same girl as before.

Almost subconsciously, she adds: "Yeah... Let's put an end to this, once and for all."

Edited by Raymond
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Hey guys

Hika beat me to it but I also added the player list on the first post. I got all role PMs sent, so have fun~ You have 24 hours starting now.

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I'd love to write a roleplay post but maaaaaaaaaaan I don't do 'you love people'. I'll try again later.

For now though, I'd rather not just wait until Bal or Spoon gets on to start off the day like always.

I'm just gonna throw a vote on Weapons for now

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So, I just overheard this juicy bit of information that, like, I thought you should know, and like, I overheard a couple of birds talking and they, like they said that this Hikarusa fellow was secretly crushing on someone and like, it was really cute and all. So, like, I'm using the word like a lot and it's like, really fun.

But I should probably like, shut up now...

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I'd love to write a roleplay post but maaaaaaaaaaan I don't do 'you love people'. I'll try again later.

For now though, I'd rather not just wait until Bal or Spoon gets on to start off the day like always.

I'm just gonna throw a vote on Weapons for now

I forgot that you also complain about people a lot behind their backs

(I'm not kidding, trust me)

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So, I just overheard this juicy bit of information that, like, I thought you should know, and like, I overheard a couple of birds talking and they, like they said that this Hikarusa fellow was secretly crushing on someone and like, it was really cute and all. So, like, I'm using the word like a lot and it's like, really fun.

But I should probably like, shut up now...

Don't feel bad. I've heard that somebody got hit with a worse posting restriction than you. If he's lying to me, he rehearsed it pretty well.

Edited by General Spoon
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Don't feel bad. I've heard that somebody got hit with a worse posting restriction than you. If he's lying to me, he rehearsed it pretty well.

Actually, I just have to post a lot and gossip. Saying 'like' isn't part of it, but like, isn't it fun, to like, say like all the time?

Oh, and thanks for that juicy bit of information. I'll make sure to track it down. :P

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Actually, I just have to post a lot and gossip. Saying 'like' isn't part of it, but like, isn't it fun, to like, say like all the time?

Oh, and thanks for that juicy bit of information. I'll make sure to track it down. :P

No need to track it down. You'll understand what I mean when he posts.

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As the announcement for the hunt of the New Bronze Singers was made, everyone except a certain few cheered. One of those few was Travis... who was asleep in a nearby classroom until he was woken up by a rather loud noise.

"Woah, so what happened, man? Am I totally hallucinating again, or do I hear a loud noise? Is it free ice cream day or something? I kinda like ice cream. My favorite is vanilla. It's sweet, and, like, pure... You know?" Travis asked, only to realize there was nobody else in the classroom. "Hey, there's nobody here... That's kinda weird... huh. Can't remember today's schedule being changed, except that meeting at 12:00." He glanced at the clock, which displayed the time as 12:30. "Late again, huh... maybe I should go ask someone what I missed. Yeah." So he did just that. "Hey, uh, sorry, forgot your name, I just woke up... any idea what's happening?"

"Yeah, Hannah announced that they're going to be breaking up shady activity in the Bronze again," the other kid replied.

"Oh... that's good, I guess... Kinda disappointed, though, I thought it was free ice cream day or something. I kinda like ice cream. My favorite is vanilla. it's sweet, and, like, pure... You know?" Travis said.

"You're kinda weird..." the younger kid said.

"No, I'm Travis, man. There's a difference between being weird and Travis. I'd go into the details, but I'm kinda tired still... Guess it's back to napping."

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Yo voto por


El que no entendio es un idiota.

(I vote for dracohon. that who did not understand is an idiot.)

Also, My name is

wait let me look it up....


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"Hold up, hold up, hold up!" Helle barged up to the podium. While she didn't blame the red-haired singer's heart, she had some serious misgivings about the suggested course of action. If fact, the rumors had already whipped up several of the other member's of the choir into a bit of a frenzy, and a lynch mob was forming.

"Now is not the time for rash, impulsive actions. As you all know, each and every one of us deeply regrets the tragedy that befall some months ago. But there is no concrete evidence that anything like that will ever happen again, or that if it will, that it is going to happen soon. If in fact there are outside powers at work that stirred up the Bronze, and were responsible for Elira's break with sanity, then yes, it's possible the killings will begin again. However until that happens there is no convincing evidence and we should stay our hands, as the chances of spilling innocent blood are too great, and would weigh deeply and heavily upon us all."

Pausing here for breath she added with finality what was an unmistakable threat. "But, believe you me... If these rumors are true, and if one of my precious students is so much as even threatened by some unruly faction, I will personally lead the hunt to root out each and every last one of the bastards, and give them Helle!"

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"Woah, so like, Mr. Helle's pretty whacko right now, huh?" Travis mused. "I had this theory, where he had an either really bad or really embarrassing childhood that involves something about a bicycle crash and a piece of chalk, so now he's paranoid for life... I forget the rest, but it was pretty funny."

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"I don't have much to add right now," Alicia announced from outside the ring of people talking, "but I think you should choose someone... someone you suspect. I can't say who it should be but if you make a mistake... I'm not afraid. I can help."

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I probably missed it, but are PMs allowed?

I was going to make them not allowed, but it seems Spoon is already PM'ing people. >_> So, I suppose I'll allow them again.

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Quintcy looked upon the commotion that was gathering.

"The Bronze may be acting up again...?" He questioned the air,not asking anyone in particular.

"Only three survived Elira's fiasco...if someone was leading her,who will manage to survive this time around?Is everyone doomed?" Quintcy said,realizing he had said it aloud.

"Ah,I'm sure we can figure out who they are,afterall,we have the survivors here,right?"

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I'm Nicholas

"Aye, so we are in danger again? I heard about the deaths that happened last time the bronze singers rebelled, and I am terribly sorry. I hope we can preserve more lives this time around. As this mess has only just started, there is no telling who we should get rid of. There is no evidence and things must be played at random. Of course I want to say that we shouldn't kill anyone, but what good would that do us? Its only a day lost to the bronze along with a life overnight. A sad ultimatum really. In hopes of being lucky, I am wanting Pride dead."

No, I'm not a pirate. Also, do people get lynched around here? That seems awfully old fashioned, can't we use a guillotine or something like that?

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