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OMG it's a tier list

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I just got an idea.

To make things go smoother, why don't we discuss individual tiers and their placements? We can start from Bottom, that will be really fun to sort out. Just so you have some material to go on, I'll make these suggestions:

Jarly should be right above Luminothe for the amount of trouble he caused. A lot of people already know him (specifically those who will be debating this), but he had an insufferable ego*, posts made of lies**, and terrible, terrible stories***, which he refused to accept constructive criticism for***, and also made contradictory statements****. Granted, he was hilariously dumb at times, but that doesn't make up for how pathetically dumb he was.

Tatsumaki to go above Jarly; I don't think I need to explain why, but just in case, his trolling is stupid and unfunny (and not even abrasive), he posted terrible pictures of mutilated animals and such and was just a terrible person overall.

master of aura to go below OliverXRenning. I think these topics speak for themselves.

*An example of Jarly's insufferable ego is that he had nothing special going on for him, and yet made claims such as "I pwn your faces" or something of the sort (I can't remember the exact quote). He also claimed that these were merely "jokes" but I'm sure he was lying out of panic. There's also how he thought of himself as a professional writer, so much so that he made a forum for writing once (which didn't go off well) and...yeah, see *** for more details.

**Which is our other subject: his lies. He kept lying all over the place, like the aforementioned lie about jokes. Other things included claims of being able to defeat members several times stronger and/or older than himself with seemingly superhuman speed ("I'll hit you before you can move, bitch" or something like that). And his most infamous lie was the one where he claimed to have never heard of Pokemon. Which is impossible, because even I have heard of Pokemon, and I live in the Middle East! He apparently lived in Mexico, so...yeah. Unless he lived in a cave his whole life or something. He did say he had a very sheltered life, but that really can be chalked up to another of his lies.

***Shuuda knows these stories very well. It also doesn't help that he never completed any of his stories; he just kept scrapping them early on and starting another story. All of them were similar and utterly boring, though. So much for being a professional writer.

****He would first state that he only wants constructive criticism for his stories, but then when Shuuda gave him just that, he lashed out with force and fury, and then said he only made a feedback topic to get praise. When Shuuda would tell him that why he wants only praise and how it contradicts his previous words, he said he actually didn't want anything at all, neither criticism nor praise. At least he didn't stray from those words, as his later stories had no feedback topics.

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This can only end bad.

I nominate Smash for at least top of bottom tier, because that dude was at least funny when he wasn't trolling. He can't leave Bottom since he's, y'know, dead to us, but top of Bottom at least.

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Smash_Fanatic definitely deserves to be higher than Inui for being a good sport. No matter how much we made fun of him he took it like a man, while Inui whined and bitched until new rules were created just for him, and then he also openly complained about rules that were in place instead of doing something about them like making a ticket. I'd also say Smash was a better debater.

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Smash_Fanatic definitely deserves to be higher than Inui for being a good sport. No matter how much we made fun of him he took it like a man, while Inui whined and bitched until new rules were created just for him, and then he also openly complained about rules that were in place instead of doing something about them like making a ticket. I'd also say Smash was a better debater.

Agreed. What new rules were put in place? I left right about then.

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Agreed. What new rules were put in place? I left right about then.

We're not allowed to refer to him as Horio or Two Years Tennis Experience or anything similar (like the time I got warned for saying he had Two Months Forest Experience).

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We're not allowed to refer to him as Horio or Two Years Tennis Experience or anything similar (like the time I got warned for saying he had Two Months Forest Experience).

Oh. Thats stupid. :/

Thanks for telling me.

Edited by Bryan
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Oh right, I thought about him earlier today. Thanks for reminding me. We need to straighten out the other placements too, though, so I want to see what you guys think of my suggestions.

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I'm going to ride the high of having participated in democracy and say I have nothing more to say about the bottom tier.

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Oh right, I thought about him earlier today. Thanks for reminding me. We need to straighten out the other placements too, though, so I want to see what you guys think of my suggestions.

Why is Raven so low? He's always nice to newbs and everyone.

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Why is Ether all the way down in Low tier? He's a nice guy, perhaps not the greatest debater but not terrible, he's not arrogant like some tend to be, and he contributes in small ways. He might not have a lot of positives to take him very high due to mostly being a cruiser, but he's definitely better than Low tier.

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