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OMG it's a tier list

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Then I'm arguing you up the tier list for being naughty.


Is my MS avatar really that bad? I'll change it if it bothers that many people, I like the way the avatars look.

It doesn't actually bother me. However, I was just saying it looks stupid to go along with what other people were saying.

I like being a sheep as long as it's for fun. I don't want to be eaten by wolves though, so sometimes I take off my wool and turn into a wolf as well.

The key to happiness is probably to be yourself and enjoy yourself as you are. If you don't fit in here as yourself, you might wanna go elsewhere but I think you fit in just fine here.


Edited by SeverIan
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Is my MS avatar really that bad? I'll change it if it bothers that many people, I like the way the avatars look.

Do what you want and not what other people care about. But this whole arguing yourself/trying really hard to impress people in order to get up thing is getting rather old by now. It's just funny how you take this tier-list so seriously.

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Do what you want and not what other people care about. But this whole arguing yourself/trying really hard to impress people in order to get up thing is getting rather old by now. It's just funny how you take this tier-list so seriously.

1. I was just wondering WTH I was below kai. It's insulting. :/

2.Other people have said things about it before.

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1. I was just wondering WTH I was below kai. It's insulting. :/

You were going to argue Luminothe above Lower-Mid. Including me. THAT'S insulting.

Anyways, Kai's definitely going low, but not getting his own tier.

Edited by Furetchen Arrowroot
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IMO it's pretty impossible to tell whether people are being serious here. I think a lot of the people who are whining are having fun with it. Whining is fun.

Unless you haven't adapted yet, of course it isn't.

I agree with Bryan on the Luminoteh thing.

Luminothe is much, much better than jarly was. Heck, much better than most of bottom tier, actually. Not annoying, but rather amusing.

Smash still needs to go up.

Still need more proof to get Luminothe up, Night? I'm sure alot more people agree on this. Or will some idiot come up and say "no luminothe stays because hes luminothe"?

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Still need more proof to get Luminothe up, Night? I'm sure alot more people agree on this. Or will some idiot come up and say "no luminothe stays because hes luminothe"?

No Luminothe stays because he's Luminothe.

Oh wait

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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Wait, are people allowed to argue themselves down?

In any case, I insist that I be placed in a tier below Speedwagon called the So Incredibly Stupid, Irritating, Untalented, And Bland That It Takes A Total Of Twenty Freaking Words To Describe His Fail! Tier.

Do it.

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Wait, are people allowed to argue themselves down?

In any case, I insist that I be placed in a tier below Speedwagon called the So Incredibly Stupid, Irritating, Untalented, And Bland That It Takes A Total Of Twenty Freaking Words To Describe His Fail! Tier.

Do it.

Looks like a good 20% of the people will be moved there.

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So Incredibly Stupid, Irritating, Untalented, And Bland That It Takes A Total Of Twenty Freaking Words To Describe His Fail! Tier.

You can be so bland you stand out?

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But isn't fail a talent? It's the only talent Luminothe possessed, that's for certain.

No, wait, Luminothe even failed at fail.

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But isn't fail a talent? It's the only talent Luminothe possessed, that's for certain.

No, wait, Luminothe even failed at fail.

Fail isn't a talent, it is a lack of talent.

And I am the most lacking of all forum members. That's how bland I am.

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Then you can go in one of two places;


-OTHER ROUTE; Somewhere in Lower Mid or Low.

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