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OMG it's a tier list

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ayanami, inui and soul lower

int and the colonel higher

i can't find rody (ilyana/fe3 player) but he should be around colonel's level

vykan has massive availability issues but we love him anyway

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So, TLS and Matt at mid? I guess they should be happy. Although there was probably a time both would have been higher, they are banned spammers. :D (Not debating, just observing.)


Wait, Raven at mid-tier? What the heck? Do I even have to go in detail why that's wrong?

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I think that's about how it works, yeah.

Giggle. You're funny.

Okay, let's start off with, dude's got seniority, like, out the shoes. He's one of the senior members around here, and not a total idiot like most of said seniors (though any of the total idiots are gone I guess). Sure, kind of a shallow reason, but putting him below guys who are barely human beings in your eyes? Haha, no.

Then there's, see, Shaun is generally an active and fun guy. He has a life, yeah, but he still contributes a lot more than some of the people up there. I think he should be near Fireman and Red Fox; he helps with SE about as much as them, right?

Next of all, how many topics of his are stickied? How many of those topics are serious/important topics? Right. Go count, deary. I'll wait.

In the meantime, I may as well add this: Shaun has proven time and time again to be a flexible guy. I don't mean to bring this up, as most of us either don't remember or have happily abandoned these times, but when FESS first came to Serenes Forest, he was among the few to not display utter xenophobia, and rarely even confronted some members who really bothered him. Why? He was trying to be hospitable.

He's a useful member, a good member, and above all else, a good person.

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Giggle. You're funny.

I'll be here all week.

Okay, let's start off with, dude's got seniority, like, out the shoes. He's one of the senior members around here, and not a total idiot like most of said seniors (though any of the total idiots are gone I guess). Sure, kind of a shallow reason, but putting him below guys who are barely human beings in your eyes? Haha, no.

If even you admit it's a shallow reason, you probably shouldn't have used it as a reason. Also, newer posters are supposed to be seen as barely human beings? That kind of surprises me, mostly because I view all of you as less than human. Robot bastards.

Then there's, see, Shaun is generally an active and fun guy. He has a life, yeah, but he still contributes a lot more than some of the people up there. I think he should be near Fireman and Red Fox; he helps with SE about as much as them, right?

Is that a question or a statement?

Next of all, how many topics of his are stickied? How many of those topics are serious/important topics? Right. Go count, deary. I'll wait.

Three. It took me forever to get that far, though, because that's a really big number. Two of those can't really be considered incredibly useful (unless someone's a stalker, maybe?), and exist on practically any social forum on the planet.

In the meantime, I may as well add this: Shaun has proven time and time again to be a flexible guy. I don't mean to bring this up, as most of us either don't remember or have happily abandoned these times, but when FESS first came to Serenes Forest, he was among the few to not display utter xenophobia, and rarely even confronted some members who really bothered him. Why? He was trying to be hospitable.

I think the whole FESS hate bit was only perpetuated by a few members. By and large, I don't remember any persecution of any forum members.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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If even you admit it's a shallow reason, you probably shouldn't have used it as a reason. Also, newer posters are supposed to be seen as barely human beings? That kind of surprises me, mostly because I view all of you as less than human. Robot bastards.

Not newer posters. Posters who are barely known at all...and there are a few of them above Shaun, there. Especially banned users, and inactive ones. In my opinion he should at least go up above Des.
Is that a question or a statement?
Little bit of both, actually. Based on listening to the people who work on it discuss is, I assume he does, but am not related to it in anyway, and so only really know what the other SE workers tell me.
Three. It took me forever to get that far, though, because that's a really big number. Two of those can't really be considered incredibly useful (unless someone's a stalker, maybe?), and exist on practically any social forum on the planet.

Mmm...okay, so I was wrong about his pinned topics, that's right. But what about his unpinned topics? How many of them are useful and contributive? At least more so than Matthew O'Connell--a spammer--, Cymbeline--a lurker--, Toa Lord Sothe--a spammer--and so on.

I think the whole FESS hate bit was only perpetuated by a few members. By and large, I don't remember any persecution of any forum members.

Hmm...well, Blacken. Sure, he ended up being banned, but before he could really do much, a lot of people were practically begging him to. Don't forget, there were a lot of things with elitism and xenophobia...Jyosua himself made quite a few topics on it.
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Giggle. You're funny.

Okay, let's start off with, dude's got seniority, like, out the shoes. He's one of the senior members around here, and not a total idiot like most of said seniors (though any of the total idiots are gone I guess). Sure, kind of a shallow reason, but putting him below guys who are barely human beings in your eyes? Haha, no.

Then there's, see, Shaun is generally an active and fun guy. He has a life, yeah, but he still contributes a lot more than some of the people up there. I think he should be near Fireman and Red Fox; he helps with SE about as much as them, right?

That I do

Three. It took me forever to get that far, though, because that's a really big number. Two of those can't really be considered incredibly useful (unless someone's a stalker, maybe?), and exist on practically any social forum on the planet.


I don't know about "useful", that's down to the individual and their own opinion of each stickied thread. But I can't deny that I attempt to do my part for this community.

Edited by Raven
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Not newer posters. Posters who are barely known at all...and there are a few of them above Shaun, there. Especially banned users, and inactive ones. In my opinion he should at least go up above Des.

Or Des should go down. >__>

Mmm...okay, so I was wrong about his pinned topics, that's right. But what about his unpinned topics? How many of them are useful and contributive?

I have absolutely no clue.

Hmm...well, Blacken. Sure, he ended up being banned, but before he could really do much, a lot of people were practically begging him to. Don't forget, there were a lot of things with elitism and xenophobia...Jyosua himself made quite a few topics on it.

Everyone hated Blacken because Blacken loved being hated by everyone here, and had an aggressive personality. He wasn't persecuted because he picked fights often, and others reacted expectedly. It couldn't have been something that he found utterly surprising.

That said, Blacken should be High Tier. :awesome:


That topic counts as three topics?

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Everyone hated Blacken because Blacken loved being hated by everyone here, and had an aggressive personality. He wasn't persecuted because he picked fights often, and others reacted expectedly. It couldn't have been something that he found utterly surprising.

That said, Blacken should be High Tier. :awesome:

That topic counts as three topics?

You aren't getting what I am saying: Blacken was mainly attacked before he did anything to deserve it, regardless of whether he liked it. Are you really going to deny how some people reacted to FESS's arrival?

...Also what kind of math are you using?

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Or Des should go down. >__>

I'm gonna have to second this. Even if their contributions were God Tier when they were around, users who were last active 2 Mar 2009, have what's known as "availability issues". Poor Laguz Emancipation Alliance, or whoever they were. Oh look, a fitting profile picture even.

Cymbeline and Desdemona down. They'd probably fit well with the other users I honestly can't recognize the names of, like The Great Auk and Masamune_wielder. I mean, maybe I'm missing something, because I only had three months overlap of time on the forums with these guys, but then when you consider another fifteen months without them...

That said, I also don't remember, or didn't pay attention to Raven's rage quit, but even so, I've still found him more useful than folks like MaSu and Adam.

Also, Florina up. Sense of humor and contributions in Spriting and the IRC definitely warrant her a place at least above Ayanami (failboat debating and fanboyism), Reinfleche (more of the same). I can easily see her as high as where Black Soldier is, perhaps even higher.

I'd also consider arguing either Ether up or Kintenbo down, but I'm not sure I can fully lay out justifications for that one.

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You aren't getting what I am saying: Blacken was mainly attacked before he did anything to deserve it, regardless of whether he liked it. Are you really going to deny how some people reacted to FESS's arrival?

Ayup. Everyone reacted badly to Blacken because Blacken had a reputation of being an asshole to people he didn't like. And he didn't like many people. People didn't chiefly harp on about him simply because his name started with "B", or something.

...Also what kind of math are you using?

Base Ten. That might be my problem.

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Wait, Raven at mid-tier? What the heck? Do I even have to go in detail why that's wrong?

He drunk rage-quit'd. I'd say he's in a pretty high position for what he did.

Besides, I'm mid-tier and that kinda surprised me at first, yet it doesn't really matter in the end.

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Lol. Here I was thinking people didn't give a shit.

Because I certainly don't.

And yes, Florina to go higher. Since I wanna be Huey, and all.

Edited by Raven
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Didn't notice the calculator. That's actually really neat.

Thanks. Hopefully people are making good use of it. It took a good while to sort out all the equations, lol.

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Wait a minute. Why is Destiny Hero at the top of Mid tier? Because the tiers aren't ordered yet? Well, drop him to the bottom of that tier, or to the next. Damn (unfunny) troll. And I was the mod who had to deal with him most of the time, too (I think by the time he was banned I'd warned him like 9 times). Don't see how he can be above people who have actually been useful, like Raven, leopoldstotch711, FE3 Player, and others in Mid.

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Bottom Tier:



Lyle Dayek




master of aura

Siegfried Glorie







Lolwut? Luminothe is easily above that guy, that guy left just because he was too weak, and other than that, he was more of a troll than Luminothe.

And there you have it! If the list is missing someone, blame Soul.


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