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What cant you stand?


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If not, I can't stand the default IP Board skin. It makes my eyes want to bleed to lessen the pain.

I agree with you. I really liked the old skin. Green is much more fitting.

In my opinion, it's never to late to add.

You both crazy.

The only things I can't stand are being interrupted, dealing with uncooperative people, and bad food.

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What I can't stand? Umm...

People who try to act cool, and epic fail while they do so.

People who aren't mentally retarded but still act like retards anyway.

My baby brother when I'm using the com/playing Wii/PS2.

Those people at hawker centres who speak Chinese so damn fast that I can't hear a word of what they want to say.

Annoying teachers.


I'll think of some more later.

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Stupid People

Ignorant People

When a simple plan goes awry

Change (though I have to deal with it as it is an inevitable part of life)

Music that make preteens all hot and bothered (Justin Beiber, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus)

People who can't take a joke



American English,

I knew you were Very British.

Edited by El Rey León
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Vegetarians. Seriously. :mellow:

come on, they aren't that bad.

well, except those that stop eating meat for 'ethical' reasons and expect you to follow them like a mindless sheep, and when you refuse they judge you like the worst of murderers.

i like my rib eye medium rare please

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come on, they aren't that bad.

well, except those that stop eating meat for 'ethical' reasons and expect you to follow them like a mindless sheep, and when you refuse they judge you like the worst of murderers.

i like my rib eye medium rare please

and you forget the fact plants are living beings as well. we humans have to kill if we want to eat, it's only natural.

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and you forget the fact plants are living beings as well. we humans have to kill if we want to eat, it's only natural.

*tiger kills deer and eats it*

Vegan: It's natural.

*man kills deer and eats it*


Don't get me started on vegans. ¬_¬

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I will now add bitchy people on my list of things I can't stand.

does that include yourself? cause that sounds like bitching to me

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I can't stand the current lack of the "Back to Top" button either.


I can't stand how people just want me to talk for no reason. At least give me something worthwhile to talk about!

Edited by Black Soldier
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I don't like it when people are perfectionists, mainly in school.

There are some people (usually just girls) that want their grades to be absolutely perfect and say "Ooooh noooooooo!!! I can't believe I got a 97%!!! I'm a failure!!! I'm going into depression!!!" And the only part I'm exaggerating is the depression part. But only slightly.

Mainstream, for the most part. Some good mainstream.


People that became soooo famous just because of Disney channel. Disney people just seem to get popular too easily and almost seems like an insult to those go through much work and effort to make good music or become good actors and become well known.

Although I don't like Jonas Brothers not only cause they only got famous through Disney, but I just don't really like them, or their music. So many girls make such huge deals about them... I don't see how they're "so talented" or "so cute."

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The thing with the "high-strung honors student perfectionist" mentality is, it's not really a fun mentality to have, either. A lot of people who have it are like that because it's been drilled into them to not settle for anything less than perfect. It's really stressful. My parents and some of my teachers tried to get me into that mindset and nearly succeeded for a while; the only reason that they didn't is that I've sort of got not caring as a defense mechanism, and stop taking the lectures to heart after a while. It's not like people with this mentality are trying to brag in some twisted way.

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The thing with the "high-strung honors student perfectionist" mentality is, it's not really a fun mentality to have, either. A lot of people who have it are like that because it's been drilled into them to not settle for anything less than perfect. It's really stressful. My parents and some of my teachers tried to get me into that mindset and nearly succeeded for a while; the only reason that they didn't is that I've sort of got not caring as a defense mechanism, and stop taking the lectures to heart after a while. It's not like people with this mentality are trying to brag in some twisted way.

it's even more sad when people are raised in that mindset, but just fail to meet up with expectations no matter how hard they try. this guy i know was like that, and he was a really depressing person. his moodswings are so horrible, most people actually are afraid he'll snap one of these days.

at least people who can keep up with the perfectionist thing have the satisfaction of achieving the perfection they desire. this guy didn't even have that.

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I can't stand how people just want me to talk for no reason. At least give me something worthwhile to talk about!

Absolutly this.

People that say you do things wrong when they themselves do those samethings wrong. :facepalm:

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Hvin 2 read txt talk lik dis.

It just absolutely pisses me off. >:

Hahahahahahaha agreed. Especially since I always accidentally read "lik" as "lick" and that can just give sentences a whole new meaning.

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I don't like it when people are perfectionists, mainly in school.

There are some people (usually just girls) that want their grades to be absolutely perfect and say "Ooooh noooooooo!!! I can't believe I got a 97%!!! I'm a failure!!! I'm going into depression!!!" And the only part I'm exaggerating is the depression part. But only slightly.


Wyzat? I mean, I do that pretty much. I consider anything less than 100% a personal failure. If you are capable of doing something, and you don't do it, then it is a failure. Now, I don't beat myself up or feel bad or get stressed out over it, but I don't understand why it's a problem to set high standards for yourself.

As for that, man, what's wrong with rap music? I admit, I don't listen to much, but it's not that bad.


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Learn2HomeKeyI can't stand how people just want me to talk for no reason. At least give me something worthwhile to talk about!

Absolutly this. People that say you do things wrong when they themselves do those samethings wrong. :facepalm:


Neighbor's dogs barking constantly.

People that blast their car radio to max volume.


Immature people

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I can't stand the current lack of the "Back to Top" button either.

It's annoying, because I keep clicking the "Multiquote" button. *headdesk*

Edited by Luke fon Fabre
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